Wednesday, February 13, 2013


A view of the Tigris River
A view of the Tigris River

Sixth Bowl: Euphrates Dried Up

Revelation 16:12

12 Then the sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up, so that the way of the kings from the east might be prepared. 13

Tigris and Euphrates basins drying up, study shows
 Feb. 12, 2013
New research shows a substantial decrease in the volume of groundwater reserves in the Tigris and Euphrates river basins.

The New York Times published a report on Tuesday about the research carried out by NASA and the University of California, Irvine on the Middle Eastern river system.

“Scientists… found during a seven-year period beginning in 2003 that parts of Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran along the Tigris and Euphrates river basins lost 117 million acre feet (144 cubic kilometers) of total stored freshwater,” NASA and the University of California, Irvine said in a joint press release.
The researchers said about 60 percent of the loss is due to “pumping of groundwater from underground reservoirs.”

Jay Famiglietti, the principal investigator of the study and a hydrologist and professor at the University of California, Irvine, stated that the decline rate intensified especially after a drought in 2007.

“The rate was especially striking after the 2007 drought. Meanwhile, demand for freshwater continues to rise, and the region does not coordinate its water management because of different interpretations of international laws.”

Around 1.2 billion people are affected by water scarcity in the world.


Is China Mobilizing For A War With Japan?

We don't know if it merely a coincidence that a story has emerged discussing a Chinese mobilization in response to the ongoing territorial feud with Japan over the Diaoyu/Senkaku islands (and the proximal massive gas field) the very week that China celebrates its new year (and days after news that a Chinese warship was very close to firing on a Japanese destroyer).


  1. I was reading your article about the Black Pope. You said you had a dream about a Black Pope. Is there any other source that says there will be a black Pope in the future. You Mentioned Nostradamus but you didn't say if that is who said there would be a Black Pope. A friend of mine said he read a prophecy that said there would be a Polish Pope who was shot O the the city of the seven hills, Than a German Pope and Than a Black Pope. Do you know of this Prophecy by chance. I can be reached at

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