Tuesday, February 19, 2013



http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message2142398/pg1 [link to most recent online forum of people in California noticing all sorts of animals, from dogs, cats, horses, crows, eagles, etc. acting strange the past few days, not including the Dolphins that are by far more intelligent than all of the other animals combined.
As is always the case, major natural disasters are always preceded by the sudden and strange behaviour of many different kinds of animals. The past few days this appears to be happening throughout California.
If anybody from the west coast has any more peculiar animal stories they would like to share, please add them on the comments section.

Animals Spared in 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami

Indigenous Tribes Also Escaped Tsunami

Animals weren’t the only ones who sensed impending disaster. As Bob Simon reported for “60 Minutes” in 2005, “[T]here’s one group who live precisely where the tsunami hit hardest who suffered no casualties at all.” The Moken people, who live a nomadic lifestyle on the Andaman Sea, saw the signs in the sea.

“The water receded very fast and one wave, one small wave, came so they recognized that this is not ordinary,” Dr. Narumon Hinshiranan, an anthropologist who speaks the Moken language, told Simon.

The water wasn’t the only clue. The Moken also noticed that animals were acting strangely: Elephants headed for higher ground and dolphins swam for deeper waters. And the cicadas, “which are usually so loud, suddenly went silent.”

The Moken climbed to higher ground and were saved, while their villages were completely destroyed.

Earthquake Prediction

While animals rely on their keen senses, and indigenous tribes like the Moken rely on their intimate knowledge of their immediate environment, scientists continue to struggle to find a reliable earthquake prediction system.

NASA and U.K.-based scientists are working together to investigate the possibility of a satellite-based earthquake warning system that could detect electrical changes in the Earth’s atmosphere.

Other seismologists believe that ultrasensitive new instruments that measure changes in rock could allow them to detect earthquakes hours in advance.

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