Tuesday, February 12, 2013



If you are a regular follower or reader of this blog, then I suspect that you know by now the timeline that I have been referring to over the past 2 months or so. I have made mention not only of why I believe the timeline between now and Easter is crucial, but also how I arrived at my conclusions.
Several weeks ago, in mid December or so, I posted several postings with links to Russian news sources that believed NATO would take action against Syria and/or Iran before Easter.
I also posted another posting regarding the release of the new Wizard of Oz movie and described how the Illuminati have always used this movie to condition the masses to accept the reasons for and why a world war is necessary. The release of the original in 1939 preceded by just a few days the beginning of WWII. This time around it will be no different. The movie release date in the U.S. will be on March 8th.
In 2005, when I first began to research the Black Pople prophecies, and came to the realization that we were just one pope away from the 112th on St. Malachi's list, I suspected that pope Benedict would die due to old age. Two weeks before pope John Paul II passed away, I had already been conducting research on who the next pope would be. At that time I did not have a blog, or had not yet written any books. Most of the prophetic messages I received I conveyed only to close friends or relatives through email.
At that time, I sent out an email that I believe the next pope would be someone from the Benedictine order, or would have something to do with St. Benedict, due to St. Malachi's prophecies. Sure enough, within a few days, Ratzinger, the German cardinal, became pope and chose the name Benedict for his papacy.
I then began to conduct more research, especially after having had that dream where I saw a black pope, trying to figure out who the next pope would be.
In 2006 I thought perhaps it could be cardinal Arinze from Nigeria, but then in 2009, when I saw how the pope had appointed Peter Turkson to this important post within the Vatican, the office of Peace and Justice, with the Vatican's state department, I quickly began to conclude that this cardinal from Ghana could be the one.
In other postings on this blog I have also included the text from a U.N. speech he gave
I became a little suspicisous as to some of his objectives, and who was really behind this move.
In the mid 1800's, the Virgin Mary warned us that the devil himself would sit upon St. Peter's chair. (I have included all of this information in my book, 'Prophecy In The Making.') The Illuminati have, for the past 150 carefully been introducing these false shepherds into the fold. In the late 1880's, Albert Pike even highlighted some of these methods and tactics in his book, 'The Rights and Rituals of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.' The methods involved introducing young men into the seminaries. Then they would eventually rise through the ranks, eventually becoming bishops, then cardinals then eventually a pope.
This is the reason why the Virgin Mary's 3rd secret from Fatima, in which describes basically what St. Malachi and Nostradamus describe, was so vital that it be delivered in 1960, as she had originally ordered. Because she knew that by the 60's, the Illuminati/Freemasonic members of the clergy would be ready to attain higher more influential posts within the Vatican.
In the mid 1960's, Second Vatican Council was announced, and the Illuminati had made the first subtle, but necessary changes to further their plans of undermining and eventually destroying the Catholic Church from within.
For centuries they had tried to destroy it from without. From the times of the English and French Revolutions, through the Mexican and Spanish Revolutions and other revolutionary movements that they always seem to be behind, promoting and funding (Arab Spring today and the so called Cartel wars in Mexico where so many arms and money were funelled to the Zetas cartesl in order to put their man the new Mexican President into office, and in Syria, and countless other places.) They saw that every time they tried to destroy the Church through violent persecution, where they sacked church buildings and killed priests, the Church always seem to come back and grow with a vengeance due to the martyrdom of its members. This is when Albert Pike and other top Freemasonic Illuminati members decided on a different approach to destroy and undermine the Church's authority. It worked.
In the past 50-60 years, the Church's moral and doctrinal authority have been undermined and been eroded. The false teachings that so many priests in the west have been preaching, along with the sex abuse scandals have all done their part to destroy the Church's moral authority, more so than the age old techniques of sacking and burning church temples and killing priests and the faithful.
The devil and his followers had finally found the way to not only promote its agenda from within the Church, but also to destroy its authority in a secular atheistic western world.
The Illuminati knew that in order to fulfill their final mission for these false current pastors in the western rite of the Church, their new man had to be installed seeing how Benedict XVI wouldn't die of old age, they finally told him to give up the reigns for their new shepherd. I am a die hard Catholic, but having said that, I am also a person that realizes how the Church I love so much has been compromised from within.
Benedict will give up the seat of Peter on the 28th. Obama travels to Illuminati headquarters in the middle east (Israel) on the 20th of March. I would not be surprised if a major false flag occurs in February, prior to Benedict leaving the papacy, and then as Obama makes his trip to Israel, perhaps another false flag occurs as well. The false flags as always will have the intended objective of blaming the country (ies) that the Illuminati (NATO) members want to attack, but first need a major reason to do so.
Between now and Easter I suspect that maybe one or perhaps two false flags occur. One could even be in the Pacific, to blame either Japan or China, in order to them to attack one another. The stock markets will TANK causing billions of Dollars in losses. Gas and food prices will soar due to the Persian Gulf being shut down by Iran if they are attacked and then probably by summer is when I suspect the nuclear exchange will occur between Russia, Western Europe, and China and the U.S.
Let us constantly be prayer, and as always I encourage you all to pray the most Holy Rosary.

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