Sunday, June 3, 2012


The following two articles are from this weekend's news. The first article deals with Israeli, German made and supplied subs, being equipped with nuclear warheads and the second deals with news regarding Ahmadinejad's meeting not only Putin later this week, but keep in mind the context of the meeting.

It will be during a Shanghai Cooperation Organization meeting. The SCO, in their charter, is similar to NATO's charter. It is similar in that both have clearly stated that in the case of an attack on a member state, the other member states will come into help defend it.

Even though Iran is not an official member, only an observer, it is still believed (and prophecy states it) that Russia, China and the other member states would come to its defense.

Israel’s German Submarines Carry Nukes, says Der Spiegel
Israel’s has deployed missiles with nuclear warheads on three submarines purchased from Germany, Der Spiegel reports.
By Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu
First Publish: 6/3/2012, 1:11 PM

Israel’s has deployed missiles with nuclear warheads on three submarines purchased from Germany, Der Spiegel reported Sunday.

Three more of the Dolphin-class submarines are on order.

The magazine claims that Germany knows about Israel’s alleged nuclear weapons, despite formal denials. The Popeye missiles loaded on the subs reportedly can be launched using a hydraulic system that had previously been kept secret.

In reporting the response of Defense Minister Ehud Barak to the report, Der Spiegel wrote, “Barak told Spiegel that Germans should be ‘proud’ that they have secured the existence of the state of Israel ‘for many years.’”

Israel is assumed to have nuclear weapons but has maintained an official stance of “non-committal ambiguity.” But German officials told the magazine that that they assumed Israel would deploy nuclear weapons on the submarines.

Germany is subsidizing the sale of the submarines to Israel with a one-third contribution of neatly $170 million for each ship.

The sale of the sixth submarine was made on condition submitted by Chancellor Angela Merkel that Israel restrict development for Jews in Judea and Samaria and that it allow the completion of a sewage system in Hamas-controlled Gaza.

Putin to Hold Talks with Ahmadinejad
Topic: Iran's nuclear program
17:10 03/06/2012
MOSCOW, June 3 (RIA Novosti)

Russian President Vladimir Putin will next week meet with his Iranian counterpart Mahmoud Ahmadinejad prior to an international round of talks on Iran’s nuclear program in Moscow, a presidential aide said on Sunday.

The meeting will allow Putin to “feel the heat surrounding the Iranian problem and see how this issue is perceived in Tehran,” said Yuri Ushakov, a former ambassador to the United States who advises Putin on foreign policy.

Putin will meet with Ahmadinejad on the sidelines of the 12th Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit which will be held on June 6-7 in Beijing. Iran is an observer nation to the SCO. This meeting will be held before world powers gather in Moscow on June 18-19to discuss Iran’s nuclear program.

“We weren’t too happy with the results of the last round of talks, but we determined the mutual readiness to continue the discussion,” Ushakov said. At the Moscow meeting, Russia will “promote the thought that Iran’s right to develop peaceful energy under the oversight of the International Atomic Energy Agency should be approved.”

In Beijing, Putin will also meet with Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai, Ushakov said. Negotiations with Karzai will be “interesting and useful” for both Russia and Afghanistan, he added.

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