“When two people differ about good and evil, we soon hear this principle being brought into play. ‘Well he believes in sanctity of property because he’s a millionaire’—‘They believe in pacifism because they are cowards’—‘they approve of corporal punishment because he’s a sadist.’… Neither side doubts that if they were true, they would be decisive. No one in real life pays any attention to any moral judgment which can be shown to spring from a non-moral and non-rational cause. The Freudian and the Marxist attack traditional morality precisely on this ground—and with success. All men accept the principle. But of course what discredits particular moral judgments must equally discredit moral judgment as a whole.” P 331 C.S. Lewis book Miracles.
“When two people differ about good and evil, we soon hear this principle being brought into play. ‘Well he believes in sanctity of property because he’s a millionaire’—‘They believe in pacifism because they are cowards’—‘they approve of corporal punishment because he’s a sadist.’… Neither side doubts that if they were true, they would be decisive. No one in real life pays any attention to any moral judgment which can be shown to spring from a non-moral and non-rational cause. The Freudian and the Marxist attack traditional morality precisely on this ground—and with success. All men accept the principle. But of course what discredits particular moral judgments must equally discredit moral judgment as a whole.” P 331 C.S. Lewis book Miracles.
This quote from C.S. Lewis can very adequately describe how the Hegelian dialectical mode is used on a daily basis by the Illuminatus apparatus that currently run much of world affairs throughout the world. This mode of controlling and maneuvering both sides of an argument regardless of what the particular issue might be, and regardless of what country it may be has been around for centuries, and has always proven to be effective for them.
Truth is the one absolute that is always being undermined, suppressed, or ignored in this type of dialectic, in order to bring about a hidden, but pre-determined ‘all grand compromise. ‘ This is precisely why everything in society always seems to be going in one direction regardless of which political party is in control. Regardless of what the people of a nation really demand. Regardless of an appeal to common sense, and the moral law. Regardless of the cost and the pain, whether short or long term, everything seems to always flow in the direction of the all grand compromise where Truth is never really reached, and people are made to believe that conforming to the compromise, regardless that truth was never reached, is far better than living with the painful judgment of a black and white decision.
If you study carefully any major political issue, in any country that has a system of governance such is found in all Illuminati controlled countries (bicameral, parliamentary type systems), the two party system in these countries is what is always promoted as the ideal, or the best model. Some nations might have 3 major political systems, but the vast majority only have two. Why two one might ask? Why have the same two been around for so long, regardless of the country? Because two is the ideal number that fits in perfectly with the Hegelian dialectal mode of thesis, antithesis, and the all-grand predetermined comprising synthesis. The synthesis is the compromise that has been pre-planned and pre-determined before anyone ever even debated the issue, regardless of what the issue was.
We can insert any major issue into this dialectic and see, or predict what the all-grand compromise these secretive groups have in mind. For instance the following example: Currently in Congress, there is a committee listening to testimony and considering voting on holding U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress. The simple reason I use this as my example is because I believe this is not only a current on-going issue, but it is one in which always exemplifies this point well. If Congress does vote on and pass this contempt of Congress charge, it will have been the first time an Attorney General of the United States has ever been charged with this.
As the quote I started off with by C.S. Lewis demonstrates, people are always going to be arguing or debating over certain issues, and making certain assertions that certain people are pro this or against that, BECAUSE of some self-interest, so their assertions are tainted and therefore must be wrong. True Truth can never, and should never be reduced to such trivial assertions, accusations, or short sighted inferences. Objective truth, if it is the real objective, should always be pursued regardless of the contextual circumanstances it might have derived from, or is being discussed in. Political parties, religious affiliattions, and other examples of group identities should always be placed aside when attempting to reach objective truth, for truth's sake.
Truth is the one absolute that is always being undermined, suppressed, or ignored in this type of dialectic, in order to bring about a hidden, but pre-determined ‘all grand compromise. ‘ This is precisely why everything in society always seems to be going in one direction regardless of which political party is in control. Regardless of what the people of a nation really demand. Regardless of an appeal to common sense, and the moral law. Regardless of the cost and the pain, whether short or long term, everything seems to always flow in the direction of the all grand compromise where Truth is never really reached, and people are made to believe that conforming to the compromise, regardless that truth was never reached, is far better than living with the painful judgment of a black and white decision.
If you study carefully any major political issue, in any country that has a system of governance such is found in all Illuminati controlled countries (bicameral, parliamentary type systems), the two party system in these countries is what is always promoted as the ideal, or the best model. Some nations might have 3 major political systems, but the vast majority only have two. Why two one might ask? Why have the same two been around for so long, regardless of the country? Because two is the ideal number that fits in perfectly with the Hegelian dialectal mode of thesis, antithesis, and the all-grand predetermined comprising synthesis. The synthesis is the compromise that has been pre-planned and pre-determined before anyone ever even debated the issue, regardless of what the issue was.
We can insert any major issue into this dialectic and see, or predict what the all-grand compromise these secretive groups have in mind. For instance the following example: Currently in Congress, there is a committee listening to testimony and considering voting on holding U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress. The simple reason I use this as my example is because I believe this is not only a current on-going issue, but it is one in which always exemplifies this point well. If Congress does vote on and pass this contempt of Congress charge, it will have been the first time an Attorney General of the United States has ever been charged with this.
As the quote I started off with by C.S. Lewis demonstrates, people are always going to be arguing or debating over certain issues, and making certain assertions that certain people are pro this or against that, BECAUSE of some self-interest, so their assertions are tainted and therefore must be wrong. True Truth can never, and should never be reduced to such trivial assertions, accusations, or short sighted inferences. Objective truth, if it is the real objective, should always be pursued regardless of the contextual circumanstances it might have derived from, or is being discussed in. Political parties, religious affiliattions, and other examples of group identities should always be placed aside when attempting to reach objective truth, for truth's sake.
But the point I want to make here is the following: in a dialectical form of argument, the ultimate point is not the rock bottom truth, it is merely alluded to, to bring people’s claims, accusations, and tempers to the surface, but at all times is not meant as the ultimate purpose of objective. Only as the bait to get one side or the other to bite.
I see this very clearly demonstrated in the Eric Holder issue. The whole problem, or invented problem, the thesis, is that guns and other weapons were allowed to flow into Mexico to supposedly be tracked and traced to drug cartels in Mexico. The antithesis, or the backlash that is currently being played out in the drama that are these hearings, with the back and forth queries and accusations by the administration, the Republicans (Illuminati employ people like Limbaugh and Hannity to constantly keep fanning the flames of reds vs. blues, Republicans vs. Democrats, conservative vs. liberals, and make millions a year doing it) and the Democrats, is what is being flamed in order to pit one side against the other. This is done not so much to pit the members of congress against one another, but to use them as the instruments to pit and leverage the citizens that those members represent to further ensure that truth is never really uncovered. To ensure that, even if it is uncovered perhaps through an indirect or unwilling manner, it is always tainted with the charge of biased, political partisanship, and thrown out as a victim of the great drama that is being played. Because if people after all, are fooled into believing that truth is tainted or biased in any way, and not absolutely objective in nature, they will toss it out.
Like offering a stone dry, thirsty man a cool glass of water to drink from, but then another man stumbles along and claims that the water has been tainted or poisoned, in order to get the first man to reject it and then he can claim the water for himself. He then takes that glass of water and keeps it hidden in a safe place for later use.
These groups do the exact same thing when arguing any issue. Even if the truth is clearly visible, and presented, if told that it has been tainted by one party or another, we must toss it out. We must bury it. It is of no use to anyone. They take it, like that man from the example above, and place it in a safe and hidden place.
The very fact that lives were lost, and are still being lost due to thousands of weapons that were allowed to flow freely into Mexico is lost in dialectical back and forth tense filled drama that the dialectic is meant to create and promote between the two parties. The two parties further strengthen this heated debate by charging one another with being partisan and voting strictly down party lines. The absolute truth, as always is hidden, suppressed, and ignored, because this was never the true intent of either party, because both are simply playing their roles in the dialectic that always heads or aims towards that all-grand encompassing compromise. [keep in mind that one hundred years ago the Illuminati forces were sending weapons into Mexico as well to Villa and other revolutionaries due to a possible threat to their Illuminati leaders in that country at that time. Once Villa had served his purpose, they went after him. Today is no different. The Calderon government has clamped down on the drug running cartels and these cartels are a huge source of income for the Illuminati cabal. Also, another reason they were sending weapons into Mexico, was to destabilize it in order to create their thesis through this dialectic. The Antithesis of course is beginning to come into view. They will begin to offer many incentives towards making reparations towards Mexico, and this will in the end pave the way towards the ‘all-grand compromise’ of their pre-planned synthesis…acceptance into a North American Union. The violence, instability and chaos that is being fueled and supported by plans such as this gun running program, like The Fast and the Furious, has always had the intention of creating these violent circumstances in Mexico. So that when the time comes to offer Mexico the synthesis, compromise, they will accept it and in return they will be promised a safer, more secure life, but in return they lose their sovereignty, but get to be a part of the new world order system of enslavement. There have been many captured narco heads in Mexico, and they all say the same thing… “We were given these weapons in order to overthrow the government, and keep the drug channels open to the U.S.” The compromise, of course never really discloses any real or true information or details (at least not willfully, and if some do come out, they are immediately discredited as biased or tainted), on the created storyline that is passed on to the bought out media, that then serves it on an all you can eat buffet to the lethargic, apathetic public. A public that only begins to care if their favorite TV shows are interupted or their favorite beer or softdrink runs out.
Truth can never be uncovered through this two party, two system dialectic, because as long as both system’s (again, regardless of the country) or party’s, or faction’s interests are controlled by those who create the dialectic, truth is always going to be the victim of these dialectics.
If truth was the ultimate objective in these proceedings, and if the ultimate and moral objective was to find truth, then the people sitting on these committees (in both congressional or parliamentary systems) would listen, attend and ultimately vote on not whether or not certain arguments or accusations are made against a member of their political faction or group, but on whether or not the facts lead to the truth. Do the facts objectively convict or exonerate the person regardless of political, religious or social association/standing.
This only proves that the dialectic is what is truly being adhered to and followed, not the chain of reason, guided by a moral code, towards truth.
This two party system always ensures that the ultimate truth, again, regardless of the issue being debated, is never revealed, but only compromised and suppressed. It also always ensures that the two parties that have maintained power for decades continue to do so by always playing one side off another. This is the genius of the Hegelian Dialectic, and is thus why it has been in use by these Illuminati secret society groups for centuries.
The system is always effective because it always works in two ways: it either appeals to people’s hubris (pride that attempts to elevate the individual) or it appeals to people’s fears, hates and prejudices. The first, pride, always leads to the latter in human beings. This system, one might say has been around since the days of Abraham, Moses and Jesus. One can even claim that it has been around since before humanity seeing how these two states are what led to the downfall of Lucifer and the other angels from the graces of Heaven.
Today is no different. I do not know all the different government parties in all the different nations of the world. But what I do know, is that if your country has two primary parties, and those two parties have been around a while, and you are always asking why nothing seems to really change when one or the other is in charge, then chances are almost certain that this dialectic is being fully employed to not only keep them in power, but also to keep you divided, keep truth suppressed, and keep working towards their master’s plans of a new world governance.
I see this very clearly demonstrated in the Eric Holder issue. The whole problem, or invented problem, the thesis, is that guns and other weapons were allowed to flow into Mexico to supposedly be tracked and traced to drug cartels in Mexico. The antithesis, or the backlash that is currently being played out in the drama that are these hearings, with the back and forth queries and accusations by the administration, the Republicans (Illuminati employ people like Limbaugh and Hannity to constantly keep fanning the flames of reds vs. blues, Republicans vs. Democrats, conservative vs. liberals, and make millions a year doing it) and the Democrats, is what is being flamed in order to pit one side against the other. This is done not so much to pit the members of congress against one another, but to use them as the instruments to pit and leverage the citizens that those members represent to further ensure that truth is never really uncovered. To ensure that, even if it is uncovered perhaps through an indirect or unwilling manner, it is always tainted with the charge of biased, political partisanship, and thrown out as a victim of the great drama that is being played. Because if people after all, are fooled into believing that truth is tainted or biased in any way, and not absolutely objective in nature, they will toss it out.
Like offering a stone dry, thirsty man a cool glass of water to drink from, but then another man stumbles along and claims that the water has been tainted or poisoned, in order to get the first man to reject it and then he can claim the water for himself. He then takes that glass of water and keeps it hidden in a safe place for later use.
These groups do the exact same thing when arguing any issue. Even if the truth is clearly visible, and presented, if told that it has been tainted by one party or another, we must toss it out. We must bury it. It is of no use to anyone. They take it, like that man from the example above, and place it in a safe and hidden place.
The very fact that lives were lost, and are still being lost due to thousands of weapons that were allowed to flow freely into Mexico is lost in dialectical back and forth tense filled drama that the dialectic is meant to create and promote between the two parties. The two parties further strengthen this heated debate by charging one another with being partisan and voting strictly down party lines. The absolute truth, as always is hidden, suppressed, and ignored, because this was never the true intent of either party, because both are simply playing their roles in the dialectic that always heads or aims towards that all-grand encompassing compromise. [keep in mind that one hundred years ago the Illuminati forces were sending weapons into Mexico as well to Villa and other revolutionaries due to a possible threat to their Illuminati leaders in that country at that time. Once Villa had served his purpose, they went after him. Today is no different. The Calderon government has clamped down on the drug running cartels and these cartels are a huge source of income for the Illuminati cabal. Also, another reason they were sending weapons into Mexico, was to destabilize it in order to create their thesis through this dialectic. The Antithesis of course is beginning to come into view. They will begin to offer many incentives towards making reparations towards Mexico, and this will in the end pave the way towards the ‘all-grand compromise’ of their pre-planned synthesis…acceptance into a North American Union. The violence, instability and chaos that is being fueled and supported by plans such as this gun running program, like The Fast and the Furious, has always had the intention of creating these violent circumstances in Mexico. So that when the time comes to offer Mexico the synthesis, compromise, they will accept it and in return they will be promised a safer, more secure life, but in return they lose their sovereignty, but get to be a part of the new world order system of enslavement. There have been many captured narco heads in Mexico, and they all say the same thing… “We were given these weapons in order to overthrow the government, and keep the drug channels open to the U.S.” The compromise, of course never really discloses any real or true information or details (at least not willfully, and if some do come out, they are immediately discredited as biased or tainted), on the created storyline that is passed on to the bought out media, that then serves it on an all you can eat buffet to the lethargic, apathetic public. A public that only begins to care if their favorite TV shows are interupted or their favorite beer or softdrink runs out.
Truth can never be uncovered through this two party, two system dialectic, because as long as both system’s (again, regardless of the country) or party’s, or faction’s interests are controlled by those who create the dialectic, truth is always going to be the victim of these dialectics.
If truth was the ultimate objective in these proceedings, and if the ultimate and moral objective was to find truth, then the people sitting on these committees (in both congressional or parliamentary systems) would listen, attend and ultimately vote on not whether or not certain arguments or accusations are made against a member of their political faction or group, but on whether or not the facts lead to the truth. Do the facts objectively convict or exonerate the person regardless of political, religious or social association/standing.
This only proves that the dialectic is what is truly being adhered to and followed, not the chain of reason, guided by a moral code, towards truth.
This two party system always ensures that the ultimate truth, again, regardless of the issue being debated, is never revealed, but only compromised and suppressed. It also always ensures that the two parties that have maintained power for decades continue to do so by always playing one side off another. This is the genius of the Hegelian Dialectic, and is thus why it has been in use by these Illuminati secret society groups for centuries.
The system is always effective because it always works in two ways: it either appeals to people’s hubris (pride that attempts to elevate the individual) or it appeals to people’s fears, hates and prejudices. The first, pride, always leads to the latter in human beings. This system, one might say has been around since the days of Abraham, Moses and Jesus. One can even claim that it has been around since before humanity seeing how these two states are what led to the downfall of Lucifer and the other angels from the graces of Heaven.
Today is no different. I do not know all the different government parties in all the different nations of the world. But what I do know, is that if your country has two primary parties, and those two parties have been around a while, and you are always asking why nothing seems to really change when one or the other is in charge, then chances are almost certain that this dialectic is being fully employed to not only keep them in power, but also to keep you divided, keep truth suppressed, and keep working towards their master’s plans of a new world governance.
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