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Today's highlight news of the day is that of the Supreme Court's decision to uphold the Universal Healthcare law that was passed just last year.
Since early May, I have been posting on here the fact that insiders in the know were buy large put options in several sectors, one of which dealth with healthcare, and pharmaceuticals. I even mentioned several weeks ago (around 5 wks ago) that these puts were probably being place due to the Court's decision on upholding the Healthcare law.
Just as I have said before, one can know how events will unfold, whether political, geo political, or economic based on the basic formula the Illuminati use in promoting their New World Order plans, and the formula always leads you to the right answer. Whether it is in relation to Greek elections, Fed Reserve decisions, court decisions, whatever it is, the formula always gives you the answers.
The formula is as follows:
item A + item B= item C
where item A stands for one action or event regardless, you can substitute anything item.
same goes for item B.
Item C will always be the result. The result/Synthesis must always be in favor of the NWO, or one world government. The result will always favor the creation of a universal, one world, one religion, one economic system type of government.
If you look around the world, regardless of what country you live in, this is the formula that most countries use, in order to the usher in the Luciferian NWO government.
The fact that insiders were placing these unusual put option buys weeks ago, were doing so because they knew that the healthcare law would be upheld, and these individual healthcare related companies would and will eventually take a beating once it is fully enforced.
Put option trading is a major indicator on events that the Illuminati insiders know about weeks or months in advance, but the masses know very little, or nothing about.
It is also interesting to note how Chief Roberts, the justice appointed by George W. Bush, was the justice that sided with the decision to uphold the law.
This goes back the points made in the past. As a high ranking member of the Illuminati, there are no political, religious, or other type of affiliations that are strictly adhered to, there is only one agenda that needs to constantly be promoted...the one world government luciferian agenda. Once everything is seen through this dark filter, then the world suddenly makes a whole lot of sense, just as I had mentioned in another post regarding the Hegelian dialectic.
Take care and God bless. continue to pray for the world, for sinners, for the forgiveness of sins, and the conversion of sinners. And for me as well.


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