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The world continues down paths that will ultimately lead it towards confrontation of the greatest military powers and their aresenals ever seen on the planet.

The following three articles all relate Putin's strong stance and defence of not only Russian interests, but of Russia's neighbors as well.
The first article is brief but very telling. In a speech to Russian air servicemen, he seems to imply what sounds like the wording for a preemptive attack in regards to the U.S. missile defese shield. He states that it will be necessary to implement 'the state defense orders on time, for if we do so, then there will be no particular threat to us.'
This sounds very much like he's telling the troops, in so many words, to be prepared for a preemptive strike, especially when he says, 'If we do so, then their will be no threat to us.'
As the U.S. and NATO carry on with their plans to strike Syria and Iran this summer, it sounds as if Russia is preparing for a very strong response to both.

Putin: Russia Ready to Respond to U.S. Missile Defense
Mikhail Fomichev 18:19 14/06/2012KORENOVSK (Krasnodar Territory),
June 14 (RIA Novosti)

Russia has every possibility to provide proper response to the projected deployment of a U.S. missile shield in Europe, though Moscow would like to see the U.S. plans revised, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday.

“We should look forward and give response [to these plans] in a timely manner,” Putin told servicemen at a Russian air base.

“Of course, our partners should better not do this [implement their missile shield plans] as this move would drive our response,”
he added.

The president stressed that regardless to the rhetoric western politicians use to describe the shield deployment plans, “this remains a part of the arms race.”

“We have every possibility to provide a proper response,” he said.

In liaison with this, Putin stressed the importance of timely implementation of state defense orders. “We must implement state defense orders strictly on time, with the necessary quality and at reasonable prices. If we do it, there will be no particular threat to us.”


Russia will confront any US-led attack on Syria: Analyst

Wed Jun 13, 2012 5:23PM GMT
19Interview with Dr. Webster Griffin Tarpley

"Obviously the presence of Putin is a deterrent. He will respond to an attack on Syria; no one knows how. I would also point out that this operation is fraught with peril for Obama. His White House now with this Ben Rhodes is being used to plan an operation which will lead inevitably to the massacre of large numbers of Christians. These Wahabists from Saudi Arabia that are going to be leading the charge with some kind of an internal coup are known to be sharpening their knives for the Alawites and for the Christians. I wonder how Obama thinks he is going to campaign for reelection on the basis of a bloody massacre of the Christians and others in Syria and call that some kind of ‘liberation’. So with all this, we are now on the verge of a great power confrontation.” Dr. Webster Tarpley

Israel is apparently laying the groundwork for a possible military attack on Syria by alleging that Damascus could be using chemical weapons against the Syrian people.
Tel Aviv has recently expressed concern about what it calls the use of chemical weapons in Syria. Israel says the weapons could fall into the wrong hands and that they may even be used by Syria to carry out an attack against Israeli forces.

The pretext is being used to justify a possible military assault on Syria even if it means triggering a broader conflict across the region.

Ayoob Kara, a senior member of the Israeli Likud Party led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, claimed in an interview with Israel Radio on June 9 that the Syrian government has used “chemical weapons against men, women, and children” during the past months of unrest in the country.

Press TV talks with Dr. Webster Griffin Tarpley, author and historian in Washington, to further shed light on the issue.

Below is an approximate transcript of the interview.

Press TV: In her press conference Monday, the spokesperson for the United States Department of State, Victoria Nuland, predicted that there would be at least three more new massacres in Syria. Nuland also knew the locations of these would-be massacres.

At the same time, an Israeli deputy minister, Ayoob Kara, has said Syria might use its chemical weapons against Israeli forces? What do you make of these comments? Are they the groundwork for a possible military attack?

Tarpley: They are very ominous and what we see now is that NATO is obviously planning these massacres. In the last couple of days, we have had both the unfortunate Mrs. Nuland as well as Anders Fogh Rasmussen, the Secretary General of NATO, comparing Syria to Bosnia with the obvious implication that NATO may do a unilateral, outside of the UN Security Council, bombing attack.

The response to that came quite quickly. Nezavizimaya Gazeta [a local newspaper] of Moscow writes that Putin has ordered preparations for two Russian divisions, a Parachute Division as well as an Infantry Division, plus Spetznaz Brigade of the Black Sea forces who have a base in Tartus, Syria, to prepare at any time the sovereign government of Syria could obviously invite these Russian forces to come in and this would not be a violation of anybody’s international law.

In addition, I would call attention to the report from my friend [Tyagi Mesa] in Damascus that some time in the next week, perhaps Friday; we may be dealing with an attempted brainwashing of the world through the CIA and NATO. It is an operation reportedly being planned by Ben Rhodes. Ben Rhodes is a resident, mini gerbils, here in the Obama White House. He wrote Obama speeches, the Cairo speech, the West Point speech declaring war on Pakistan.

He is a demagogue and a propaganda technician and what is put together is an international operation with a couple of meetings that have gone on. They have got Nilesat and Arabsat apparently willing to play along with NATO.

They have had a first meeting in Doha; this was for basically reporting this coup to the world. That would be with the participation of Al-Arabiya, Aljazeera, BBC, CNN, Fox, France 24, Future TV and MTV. So that is the external part. For the inside, they have fake versions of Barada Future TV, MTV, Orient News, Kham and Syria Al-Ghad that would broadcast lying propaganda.

And in Doha and in Saudi Arabia, they have built sets, Hollywood sound stages in effect, that duplicate the presidential palace in Damascus as well as downtown Damascus, downtown Olimpo and downtown Homs. It reminds us of what they did last year with creating the Green Square of Tripoli, Libya, in Qatar. So this is a huge operation.

Press TV: Russia was largely on the defensive over the crisis in Syria. It vetoed the US-led motions at the UN Security Council. So basically do you think that it however has got the power to stop this from happening?

Tarpley: That is what we are now going to see. Obviously the presence of Putin is a deterrent. He will respond to an attack on Syria; no one knows how. I would also point out that this operation is fraught with peril for Obama.

His White House now with this Ben Rhodes is being used to plan an operation which will lead inevitably to the massacre of large numbers of Christians. Right, 20 percent of the population are Christians.

These Wahabists from Saudi Arabia that are going to be leading the charge with some kind of an internal coup are known to be sharpening their knives for the Alawites and for the Christians and at that point, of course you would expect the protest to come from the Vatican in Rome but the Obama White House has also covered that angle.

Cass Sunstein in the Obama White House is reported to be the mastermind of the so-called ‘Vatican Spring’, the attack on the Vatican to suppress the response of the Vatican. I wonder how Obama thinks he is going to campaign for reelection on the basis of a bloody massacre of the Christians and others in Syria and call that some kind of ‘liberation’.

So with all this, we are now on the verge of a great power confrontation.
Russia, China will resist US push for war on Syria: Analyst
Thu Jun 14, 2012 2:36PM GMT

This destabilization (in Syria) is not simply aimed at [Syrian] President [Bashar] Assad or even at Iran, but it's really to undermine the role that China and Russia have been playing as major powers in trying to maintain stability in the world.”

Bill Jones of the Executive Intelligence Review, Washington

Russia and China will not allow the United States to launch a military aggression against Syria and undermine peace and stability in the Middle East, an analyst says in an interview with Press TV.

“This destabilization is not simply aimed at [Syrian] President [Bashar] Assad or even at Iran, but it's really to undermine the role that China and Russia have been playing as major powers in trying to maintain stability in the world,” said Bill Jones of the Executive Intelligence Review, in Washington.

Russia “has probably been the prime force that has prevented a war in Syria,” Jones added.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stated categorically on Saturday that Moscow “will not sanction the use of force [against Syria] at the United Nations Security Council.”

Lavrov added that although the truce in Syria has been shaky, there is “no alternative” to the six-point peace plan presented by the UN-Arab League envoy to Syria, Kofi Annan.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has also clearly rejected the Western demands for the overthrow of al-Assad and called for action in “an accurate, balanced manner” in Syria.

“Why are we thinking that if we push the current [Syrian] leadership from power, then tomorrow general wellbeing will begin there,” Putin said during a joint press conference with French President Francois Hollande in Paris on June 1.

Jones said there is now “a tremendous push” by Western powers to move in the “direction to destabilize the Middle East and really to upset the positions taken by China and Russia.”

“It all began in Libya. There was an attempt to make a domino effect of this sort of thing to go from Libya to go to Syria in the light of what is the biggest financial crisis in the world; a lot of things are very, very unstable and they wanted to create a situation in which there was greater control,” he concluded.


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