Thursday, June 7, 2012




Throughout history, from the Roman burning down the Great Library at Alexandria, to the Spanish Conquistadores destroying and burning most of the Aztec, Incan records and books of knowledge and history, to the Nazi and their burning of thousands if not millions of books in the past century. History is littered throughout with examples of just how important it is to preserve literature and texts, especially texts that give light to truth and knowledge. This is so because a literate and well founded society is one that is not so easily controlled and manipulated.
Hence the reason why throughout history, many have been those that have attempted to burn and destroy a people's records of past knowledge, history and thought, because by destroying these, you can then remold and re educate the masses into the mold that you have set for them.
Today is no different, and do not think the Illuminati have not taken this into consideration.
This is one of the reasons why there is such a push now, and in the past few years, for every thing to go paperless...Especially books!
From gadgets like the Kindles to the Nooks, to other similar type electronic formats for the new modern type books, they are doing the exact same thing that all past empires and dictatorships have down, except in modern times, they have found the ingenious methods of getting people to embrace the very things that will spell the end to actual, physical books.
The Illuminati are trying their best to get people to replace real books, by getting them to embrace these new, 'cool' gadgets. A gadget that once it gets wet, broken, or the batteries are gone that the end of the book!
People today are under the false illusion that because there is so much access to information through the web, that what has happened in the past can never happen again. But little do they realize that there is nothing new under the sun, and what has happened in the past will, and is currently happening again.
This is why currently there is all the talk about a coming Internet Shutdown. Once this occurs, there goes all the information that people have taken for granted for the past 18 years or so. Also, during and after the world war, many many important books and other texts will also be destroyed.
I am currently in the process of taking the most important posts I have posted on this blog in the past 2 and a half years and compiling them into a physical manuscript. I have posted almost 600 posts on here, and there is A LOT of important information that could serve to be very useful for future use. Everything from not just prophetic fulfillment, but also history that is not in your everyday textbooks. From philosophy, to Illuminati, from important medicinal plants found in nature, to important prayers that will serve to heal soul and body.
I plan to have this manuscript ready by hopefully mid summer. If anyone that views this blog has any interest or connection to publishing companies that might want to publish this manuscript please let me know.
Otherwise I will select the self publishing route once again, but will let you all know when the book is ready.
Once again thank you all who read and follow this blog for all your support and especially your prayers.
God bless.


In what is seen as a clear message to the west, specifically the U.S., The Russians (about 5 hours ago) have just successfuly tested an intercontinental ballistic missile.
Today, the west continued their war rhetoric in reference to Syria, and Russia has just sent their response about what they think of the west's attempts to begin a new war in the middle east.

Russia test fires AMD-piercing strategic missile
Published: 23 May, 2012, 15:11

The Russian military have successfully launched a top secret advanced intercontinental ballistic missile. It is designed to counter the American antimissile shield currently being deployed in several regions.
­The new weapon is an advanced version of the Topol-M and Yars missiles, already deployed by the Russian Strategic Missile Forces. The experiment was boosted off from the Plesetsk launch site in north-western Russia’s Arkhangelsk region on Wednesday. It delivered its test block to the Kura target range in Kamchatka Peninsula in the Far East.
The main purpose of the launch was to confirm feasibility of the design approaches incorporated into the missile, spokesman for the Forces Colonel Vadim Koval told journalists.
The successful test comes after a failed launch of the prototype on September 27, 2011. At the time the missile’s first-stage engine reportedly failed, which resulted in it dropping some 10 kilometers from the launch pad.
The medium-weight ICBM is “one of the military-technical measures, which Russia’s military-political leadership is taking in response to the deployment of a global antimissile defense system by the Americans,” says retired Col.-General Viktor Yesin.
The new missile may be ready for service “soon” and would boost Russia’s nuclear deterrence “in the uncertain situation”, the former head the Strategic Missile Forces’ General Staff told Interfax news agency.
According to military sources, the upgraded design behind the new weapon focused on its fuel formula. The solid propellant has been improved and allows for a faster boost, shortening the initial phase of the flight. During the boosting phase the missile is relatively slow and predictable, which makes it more vulnerable to anti-missiles.
Little detail about the new ICBM has been revealed. Unofficially dubbed Avangard, it is expected to have a MIRV-ed warhead with improved maneuvering and targeting capabilities of the vehicles. Some reports say that rather than having a traditional “bus” delivering each warhead to its target, designers chose to equip them with individual engines. This would allow active maneuvering on the descent phase.
Silo-based and mobile launcher-mounted versions of the missile are currently in development.

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