Sunday, November 28, 2010

The U.S./China Shell Game Continues.

The Korean tensions continue to rise to the brink of all out war, but what most people don't really realize is that the real conflict here is between China and the U.S., N. Korea is just the pretext for their coming clash, as is Iran, for the coming U.S./Russia clash.
In 1999, Iraq, under Saddam Hussein decided to kick the Dollar out, and shortly there after ensued the attack on Iraq. Iraq, having been the first nation to do so since it was unofficially installed as the world reserve currency after WWII, became the official target of the U.S.
To kick the Dollar out of a nation's trade dealings, is essentially to help contribute to end the hegemonic dominance the U.S. has had on the world since the end of WWII. It means that countries will no longer need to hold reserves or buy American debt in the form of Treasuries, and therefor end the American way of life. For if a nation decides to not buy U.S. debt, or buy Dollars to keep in their central banks, means no more money to fund the Trillions upon Trillions of debt the U.S. has piled on in the last 60 years.
It means no more sending over precious raw materials and/or other commodities to the U.S. in exchange for Dollars and or Treasuries. Because countries would do so, and had been doing so for the past 60 years, in order to ensure they did have Dollars in order to buy 2/3 of all goods, including all oil and other commodities on the world market. So basically, no Dollars, no goods.
But last week, following Saddam Hussein's bold move 11 years ago, both Russia and China decided to do the same...Kick the Dollar out!!! But interestingly enough, it has been found absent in all American TV/Radio/Print news. Not one word has been said, other than in the alternative media sources.
The Chinese, a few months ago warned the U.S. not to go through with further Quantitative Easing, or more money printing from thin air, but Geitner and Bernanke went 'Full Speed Ahead' with the printing presses. So China, along with Russia decided to officially get rid of the Dollar, just as Hussein did in 99, and Iran did in 2006.
The problem here of course is that once the rest of the world catches on, at least in non-Illuminati nations, there is going to be a stampede towards the exits in trying to get rid of all Dollar/Treasury holdings, for no one will want to be left holding worthless debt ridden paper.
The current situation in North and South Korea is just the pretext or diversion from much deeper problems that both China and the U.S. are currently engaged in. China is no Iraq, and so therefore, the U.S. is taking a much different approach to them.
The same situation is happening in the middle east, with Israel and Iran. On one side you have the U.S. backing on the other the Chinese/Russian support.
China in September flew war drill exercises with the Turkish air force, and much of the nuclear missile technology that Iran possess has come straight from China.
The Chinese are doing the same thing that the enemies of Rome did back in the late 400's---they are stretching out and dividing the already stressed U.S. forces out. The war approaches, are you prepared???

Korean war tensions mount as South rejects talks amid threats from North
DEBKAfile Special Report
November 28, 2010, 1:33 PM (GMT+02:00)

North Korea threatened to inflict "a merciless military blow" if the naval war games the US and South Korea launched on the Yellow Sea border Sunday, Nov. 28 encroached on its waters. Hours later, for good measure, artillery fire echoed from the North Korean mainland on the island shelled last Tuesday - apparently from military practices. This added to the jitters in Seoul over the worst incident between the two Koreas in more than 50 years.

Overnight, too, Pyongyang deployed ground-to-ground and anti-air missiles on the border.

Later Sunday, South Korea rejected China's call for urgent Six-Power consultations in Beijing early next month (among North and South Korea, Japan, China, Russia and the US) to help resolve the escalating crisis on the Korean Peninsula. The time isn't right, said President Lee Myung-Bak, refusing to back down - almost certainly after consultations with Washington.

Lee has warned of possible "provocative actions" in the course of the four-day war games, in which 10 warships are taking part including the USS George Washington with 75 bomber-fighters aboard. The South Korean defense minister Kim Kwan-jinis urging a tough response to any attacks by the North - "We need to hit back multiple times as hard" - and street protesters in the South have demanded action in revenge for the four people killed when North Korea shelled the border island of Yeonpyeong last Tuesday, Nov. 23.

On paper, US-South Korean armed strength on the peninsula outguns North Korea's, especially with regard to high-tech weaponry. The 10,000 sailors, flight crews and Marines aboard the US carrier augment the 28,000 US troops permanently stationed on the peninsula, while South Korea can field 700,000 soldiers backed by more than three million reservists.
North Korea maintains more than a million troops in uniform – half of them women - and 8 million reservists.

It has emplaced 70,000 heavy guns in sites pointing straight at the South Korean capital of Seoul and close enough to flatten the city in hours.
debkafile's analysts stress that Washington and North Korea's neighbors cannot hope to change the way North Korean political and military leaders behave. It is not in the nature of these despots to adapt themselves to Western norms. And they have no compulsion to do so. After all, North Korea is no East Germany to disintegrate and be swallowed up by the South. Pyongyang is propped up by Beijing which will not allow the Democratic Republic of North Korea to fall.
Therefore, to confront North Korea, it will be necessary to first deal with China, which far from declining, is going from strength to strength, compared with the weakened states of Washington and Seoul.

Adm. Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint US Chiefs of Staff, offered the view Friday that Kim Jong-II's aggression is motivated by his ambitions to continue to develop nuclear weapons and attract attention as a world player rather than any power struggle in Pyongyang.

Big gun diplomacy is therefore in line with the North Korean dictatorship's mode of conduct and must therefore be expected to continue.
Its nuclear test of May 2009, the submarine torpedo which sunk the South Korean Cheonan on March 26 causing 46 deaths and the artillery attack on Yeonpyeong represent the tools and norms of Pyongyang's foreign policy, for which it enjoys Chinese support. In keeping with those norms, North Korea is bound to respond forcibly to the US-South Korean war game, unless held back by Beijing. Not knowing how or when this will happen is putting many world capitals on edge.

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