Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Possible Future Events That Lead To Greater Conflict.

Just last night it was reported that the U.S. would be sending over the U.S.S. George Washington and accompanying vessels to begin naval war drills with the South Korean navy, which is sure to not only enrage the North Koreans, but more importantly the Chinese.

If we follow the sequence of events from August to Now, we begin to see a most curious picture of geo political and military events that have occurred over this time period.

Back in August of this year, the U.S. and South Korea also participated in a joint naval exercises and China warned of repercussions, as the Chinese have always viewed these territorial waters that surround South Korea as waters that belong in their sphere of influence.

Fast forward to November and we see the disabling of a ship that seems to have all the hallmark signs of having been the victim of an EMP blast by a possible Chinese sub. Eleven hours later, there was a missile launch 30 km off the coast of California. Some say it was a Chinese missile launch, while other experts say it was a U.S., the point is that it was no plane!

A few days later, an F-22 U.S. fighter plane, one of the most sophisticated in the U.S.’s arsenal, mysteriously goes down in Alaska. The pilot was never found, and it has been said that it was brought down by a laser weapon that is found on Chinese subs as well.

We now move to the Korean conflict that just erupted yesterday. It has been reported that the South Korean military has admitted being the culprit due to their live shelling in the region during a drill. The North immediately warned to cease the shelling, or they too would counter. The South refused and the North ensued firing into the populated island.

What all this points to is this: The U.S. and South Korean navies will begin their live war drills this Sunday. A few weeks ago, I was reading a post dated November 4th, 2010 (which can be found on Google) that cited Bible Code predictions that referred to attacks during the Thanksgiving holiday period. These attacks would be blamed on North Korea and an all out war would begin.

These attacks, which the powers that be (Illuminati) will be false flag events meant to be blamed on either Iran or North Korea. It will also be convenient having the U.S. and South Korean navies patrolling the region near North Korea, for when that false flag occurs, the attack on the North will be swift.

The error here of course will be the overlooking of the Chinese response and the fact that China in all prophecy will be the one power that triumphs above all else during this coming global conflagration. Also, in all prophecy, they are prophesied to come into North America and divide up the land.

Prophecy continues to unfold, and people today are mostly unwise and un knowing about what has been written in the past, but everything points to these events exactly because they are occurring as planned.

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