Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Whatever You Do, I Can Do Better Than You!

The title of today's posting comes from that children's song, "Whatever you do, I can do better than you," or so it goes.
In the past few days, it seems that both the U.S. and China have been acting out the lyrics to this song on a global stage that seems to be becoming more and more public for all to see.
Whether it is the very apparent currency wars, the price of gold and other commodities, cyber and military war games, it is all coming to a head and a very public one.
I find it interesting that the U.S. and it's apparent missile show of force off of the coast of California the other day was meant for China and China alone, especially the fact that it was launched off of their western coast. Several missile experts have viewed the footage, and most seem to agree that it was a type of intercontinental ballistic type of missile.

Then, in an apparent counter show of force, China decides to surface one of their attack subs right in the belly of a U.S. naval drill.
I also find it interesting to see that when Asian markets open, gold and other precious commodities, especially those of special interest to China, seem to hit all time highs, but when the Comex markets open in the west, the price of these same metals always decline and seem to end on a down note.
As if the up and coming young rooster that China is first sends the message to the U.S. and the west by signalling to them that they can no longer manipulate the price of these commodities by allowing them to reach all time record highs, and then the old guard rooster that is not quiet ready to give up that throne, slaps the price back down and signals to the young up and comer, you are not yet ready to manipulate the markets, that's still our job.
Any way you want to view it, the wars, whether they be currency, financial, cyber and military, are all being put on full display for all to see.
The Pentagon came out and said today that it was most likely a condensation trail from a plane that made that object appear like a missile. I am surprised that they didn't say it was a weather balloon, or the planet Venus.
That just goes to show how much they think of the thinking, or perhaps, non-thinking public's opinion.
The final straw that will break the camel's back in regards to these two powers will be that of Iran and North Korea. That is when China will not only grin and show their teeth, but they will use them for the first time as well. It will not be pretty, but it is what has been prophesied.

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