Sunday, November 7, 2010

A Many Thanks To All Those Who Read And Follow This Little Blog.

Prophet Elijah Praying

When I first began this blog, back in early January of this year, little did I realize it would have so many postings, much less any people interested in it.
I would just like to thank my brother in law (and brother in Christ) who planted the seed in my mind that later led me to begin this site and then it just kind of grew and began to have a personality of its own.
Always with the intention of alerting and preparing all those who either come into contact with me, or I with them. As a disciple of the Truth, it is always refreshing to come across letters and the words that those letters create, that not only appeal to the tactile senses, but more importantly to the spiritual ones as well.
It has been since 2005, that my journey to disseminate these hidden truths, that ironically enough seem to hide in plain site (through the media) has given me a life that perhaps isn't one with too many social links and connections, but is instead one that treats me more as a modern day John the Baptist. A life that runs contrary to the modern hustle and bustle that are our modern circuses, and instead is comforted by what seems to be a life in a desert, even though surrounded by what seems to be a modern oasis of distractions and entertainment.
I truly hope and pray that all those who have in some way or other come into contact with the information that I have provided has in some way served to alert, awaken, and/or prepare you not so much physically, but spiritually.
For as St. Paul reminds us through Galatians 6, that it is not so much a war in the material sense, but a spiritual one.
I would like to personally welcome all of the newest people that have decided to follow this particular site and say to you all thank you, for helping and supporting this little blog site.
May the good Lord bless, strengthen and protect you all, especially these dark times in which we live in.


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