Saturday, November 20, 2010

Political Correctness----The Ultimate Trojan Horse.

Political Correctness:
Today's Trojan Horse For Western Societies.

This morning it was announced that Obama had proclaimed and affirmed a new NATO missile defense shield for all NATO members states. In the new politcally correct terms of this new missile defense deal, there were all sorts of comprises that seems to have made the deal possible. Of those comprises (im sure there are more though), there were two that really caught my eye this morning.
First of all, Turkey who is a NATO member, mainly to serve as one of NATO's buffer states with the Islamic world, Russia and China, was allowed to have their way by having some of the language of the original text deleted.

Some of the original text called for Iran and Syria to be labeled as missile threats in the original agreement, but Turkey refused to sign on unless this text was taken out. So Obama, being a consumate politically correct politician of the age, along with the rest of western Europe, agreed.
Secondly, it will also allow for Russia, who is not a NATO member to also be included in agreement. Perhaps even China can be included too, since the philosophy of polictial correctness seeks to not exclude anything or anyone, but be inclusive of all. The only trouble with this false and deadly philosophy is that in so doing, you can not ever be part of the truth, for truth is all exclusive.
Just as a lock is all exclusive to only one key. Or a simple math formula, to only one answer, or the rules of grammar and punctuation are all exclusive in their forms to bring about a standard of operation, all truth, and those concepts that not only adorn it, but protect it, are all exclusive in nature.
Today's politically correct philosophy seeks to do away with these limits. They seek to not only drink water for maintaining of life and sustenance, but also drink the poison, in case the poison's feelings get hurt that it was omitted.
It is like getting rid of all walls, limits and boundaries and forgetting that these are the things that guard things from getting out, or getting in. You would not only let loose all animals from zoos, but all criminals from all prisons!
Seeing all of this reminds me of two things that have occurred in the past. One is the warning that was given by the Virgin Mary at Fatima back in 1917, that warned of Russia's contribution to the destruction of many nations and that this war would be the worst of all world wars.
The second reminds me of the appeasements that were made during the 1930's by the western nations when dealing with Hitler.
Or perhaps the powers that be, better known today as the Illuminati, want for this failure and destruction of the west at the hands of Russia and China, there by allowing for their ultimate objective, a one world atheistic and secular communist government. If this is the case, then it is no wonder why they are advising western leaders to openly embrace that which in the end will contribute to their downfall.
Only time will tell if this new version of the trojan horse trap is one thing or the other. Political correctness, I have always said, will be the cause of its own demise. As you look at today's headlines, you can decide for yourselves whether or not this is the case.

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