Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A Possible 20 Million To Be Evacuated From Gulf Coast!!!

Over the past few days I have been hearing and reading from several different non-mainstream sources about a massive evacuation plan that is about to take place in the Gulf States.
Just today on talk radio, I listened in to a plan to move a potential 20 million people from this region due to not only the oil, but more importantly to the massive methane levels that are pouring out from the Gulf of Mexico oil spill region.
If you thought the economy in California and other borderline states was on the verge of a precipice, just imagine these states with millions of new displaced refugees.
The main stream news media as usual is no where to be found once again.

Examiner Bio Alert: Gulf Co mass evacuation plans confirmed, millions Am refugees
June 29, 3:02

AMHuman Rights Examiner
Deborah Dupre'

A mass evacuation plan for millions of Gulf Coast residents is confirmed. California is expected to take in a large number of Gulf states refugees.

"California Emergency Management Agency (CEMA) has been briefed by its counterpart agencies in the Gulf coast states that there are plans to conduct a mass evacuation of millions of Gulf coast residents due to the catastrophic environmental and public health effects of the BP oil disaster," reports Wayne Madsen.

"CEMA officials have been briefed on the planned evacuations by counterparts in the Louisiana Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness, the Alabama Emergency Management Agency, the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency, and the Florida Division of Emergency Management."

Gulf states’ emergency planners stressed "that they are dealing with a disaster of unprecedented proportions and that contingency plans are being constantly updated and revised on ways to deal with the transformation of the Gulf of Mexico into a deadly 'toxic soup' of oil and Corexit 9500 oil dispersants and the atmosphere into a dangerous mixture of hydrocarbon gases."

See the full report at Government insiders: Get ready for the Gulf “dead zone”, Wayne Madsen Report, June 23, 2010

Deborah Dupré, with post-graduate science and education degrees from U.S. and Australian universities, has been a human rights advocate and environmentalist for over 25 years in the U.S., Vanuatu and Australia. Support her work by subscribing to her articles (free). For a more just and peaceful world, see Dupré's Vaccine Liberty or Death book plus her Compassion Film Project DVDs.


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