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"Mabus Will Soon Die...When The Comet Will Pass."

The following is an article from which describes a newly found comet that is currently visable to the naked eye. The reason I find this article and this event as so prophetic is the fact that Nostradamus in his Quatrains refers to what sounds like a very very devasting and horrific war beginning after the death of Mabus, his third and most evil anti-Christian figure.

In the past few months I have refered to this particular quatrain (Century2Q62) several times. What is interesting and potentially relevant about this quatrain is that if you take the name of his figure, MABUS, and spell it back wards, it is SUBAM; if you add an A, well, it's SUBAMA.

Also, back in January I provided information here on this blog regarding Vedic astrology and potential danger dates during and throughout this current year. June 15 is on that list as being a possible danger date. It is interesting to note how the article mentions that after this date the comet will appear less. In other words, leading up to June 15, is when there will be a greater chance to see a brighter comet and climax. Both literally and symbolically.

"Disaster" is a word derived from the Old French desastre meaning "from an ill-favored star." It used to describe "bearded stars" or comets as portends heralding the death of great leaders and kings, such as Julius Caesar, the fall of empires--such as the great comet of 1812 that signified to many Napoleon's "disastrous" decision to invade Russia later that year. The great 16th-century prophet Nostradamus believed the appearance of comets were stellar torches shining prescient light upon coming great changes in history. In particular, he believed a comet could portend the fall of a tyrant whose death would mark or even could trigger in some way the next world war.

A comet sighting in our times is key to identifying the third of three antichrists foreseen by the prophet. In each case, Nostradamus provided clues that reverberated in similar phrases in a number of quatrains scattered throughout his book of prophecies for the fleet sooth-sleuth-sayer to decant for debate and discussion. He introduced the first antichrist in bold letters in the opening quatrain poem of Century (volume) 8 of his book of prophecy as PAUNAYLORON. Le Peletier, chief among the 19th century's finest Nostradamus scholars, decoded in hindsight this anagram to mean Napaulon Roy (King Napoleon). In the 1920s, the German Nostradamian, Von Loog, identified with clever foresight the second antichrist--Hister--as none other than Adolf "Hitler." Though Napoleon's anagram only came up once, hints in the same prophecy identify character and life details unique to him as a leader of France. Nostradamus is more generous with his mention of "Hister." This code name for the second antichrist appears five times in the prophecies with numerous hints that it is Adolf Hitler. For instance, "Hister" is the ancient name for the River Danube. Hitler grew up in Linz, Austria, "on" the Danube.

Nostradamus' third antichrist called "Mabus" (Subam (a) backwards) is only mentioned once in the prophecies by code name in (Century) 2 Quatrain 62. An echo of that prophecy elaborating further details is indexed under 8 Q77. Some believes it qualifies Mabus as "the Third Antichrist." Whether Mabus is the Third Antichrist or his victim is a subject of hot debate among Nostradamians. In either case, both Mabus as Third Antichrist or as separate entities, do not see the disastrous end of the new world war. They are killed at the beginning.

Nostradamus predicts the war of the Third Antichrist will be the longest of the three. Napoleon's war, as Nostradamus accurately predicted in 7 Q13, lasted 14 years (1799--1814), followed by another famous time prediction in 10 Q90 for Napoleon's escape from exile on Elba in 1815 to lead France for a hundred days until his final defeat at Waterloo. Nostradamus did not tag a specific length to Hitler's war but he left powerful clues accurately framing the war in time. In his Epistle prophecies he earmarked the years "(19)37", "(19)41" and "(19)45" as the beginning, middle and end of the conflict. He was only slightly off on the beginning year--it was 1939--but 1941 did see the turning of the tide with the Second Antichrist's disastrous invasion of Russia, started on the same day of the 129 year anniversary of the First Antichrist's invasion, no less. Hitler's war did end in 1945.

Nostradamus gives two predictions for the length of the war of the Third Antichrist. In a passage written in 1558 about the three Antichrists in his Epistle to Henry II, he said the following:

"Finally the third [Antichrist] will cause an inundation of human blood, and one will not find Mars [the God of War] fasting for a long time… After that, the Antichrist will be the infernal prince again for the (third and) last time. All the Kingdoms of Christianity, and even those of the infidels [Muslims], will tremble for the space of twenty-five years…"

He wrote the Epistle dedicating a serialization of the final three Centuries (volumes 8, 9 and 10) of his book of prophecies to the king of France after setting down with his pen the following well-known prophecy giving what appears to be a longer timeline:

"The Third Antichrist very soon annihilated,
Twenty-seven years his bloody war will last"
8 Q77

The play of the two timelines, as we will soon see, could be another clue to exactly who Nostradamus intended to be "Mabus." He is either the Third Antichrist himself, or a key figure killed by the Third Antichrist. His death marks the beginning of the Third Antichrist's war.

Here is the complete Mabus prophecy in original French and translated into English:

"Mabus puis tost alors mourra, viendra,
De gens & bestes vne horrible defaite:
Puis tout à coup la vengeance on verra,
Cent, main, soif, faim, quand courra la comete."

"Mabus will soon die, then will come,
A horrible undoing of people and animals,
At once one will see vengeance,
One hundred hands [powers], thirst, famine, when the comet will pass."
2 Q62

Mabus soon dies when a comet will pass. What then follows is expressed in a Renaissance French euphemism: horrible defaite--in other words, the most terrible undoing imaginable, a destruction and mass killing that spares neither animals or people. Already the war in Iraq and rumors of war planned by the US and Israel against Iran has led to leaks suggesting that both have considered factoring in weapons of mass destruction powerful enough to bore into subterranean Iranian nuclear facilities. Israeli and US sources have already drawn up plans for hypothetical air strikes on Iranian nuclear installations with tactical nuclear weapons. Iran in turn has threatened to use any weapons it possesses in a counterstrike including regional ballistic missiles possibly tipped with chemical or biological weapons falling from the sky on US bases in Iraq, the Gulf States and Israeli cities.

New Comet a Stunner -- and Visible to Naked Eye
By Joe Rao
Published June 09, 2010

Skywatcher Michael Jäger of Stixendorf, Austria, took this photo of the newfound comet McNaught C/2009 R1 on June 6, 2010, while the comet was visible in the northeastern morning sky.

A recently discovered comet is surprising skywatchers by becoming brighter than predictions had first suggested and can now be seen with the unaided eye during the next few weeks.

Comet McNaught, officially catalogued as C/2009 R1, was discovered by Australian astronomer Robert McNaught last September using the using the 0.5-meter Uppsala Schmidt telescope and a CCD camera. It's the 51st comet that bears McNaught's name.

Although initially an extremely faint object, enough observations of the newfound comet were made to allow Brian Marsden of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory in Cambridge, Mass., to calculate an orbit.

Comet McNaught is expected to pass closest to the sun (perihelion) on July 2, at a distance of 37 million miles (60 million km). This sky map shows where to look in order to spot the comet in the morning sky.

The comet is visible now for people with dark skies away from urban and suburban lighting. By mid-June it may be an easy skywatching target for most people.

Comets brighten when the get nearer to the sun, because solar radiation boils icy particles and dust off the comet's nucleus. A cloud of material called a head, or coma, and sometimes a tail form. It's all illuminated by reflected sunlight.

This recently discovered comet, McNaught C/2009 R1, should not be confused with another dazzling comet to bear McNaught's name – C/2006 P1 McNaught – which also put on a show for skywatchers in 2007 that was so stunning, it earned the moniker "Great Comet of 2007." [Great Comet McNaught photos.]

Comet brightens rapidly

As comet McNaught approached the sun, amateur and professional astronomers worldwide watched with interest as it slowly increased in brightness.

When April began, the comet was estimated at magnitude +12. That's still about 250 times dimmer than the faintest star that one might see without any optical aid. But the comet started brightening more rapidly in the days and weeks that followed and it's now bright enough to be glimpsed with the naked eye in a dark clear sky.

The most recent "reliable" observation was made by Alexandre Amorim of Florianopolis,Brazil who saw the comet on June 6 using 10x50 binoculars and estimated the magnitude as +5.5. That's about as bright as the faintest star in the bowl of the Little Dipper (on this scale, smaller numbers represent brighter objects).

In the coming days, the comet is expected to continue to brighten as it gets closer to the sun.

When and where to see it

If you want to get a view of the comet, you'll have to get up early in the morning. Set your alarm clock for at least two hours before sunrise. For most people that will mean around 3:30 a.m. local time. The comet is currently moving through the constellation of Perseus, the Hero, which at that early hour will be low in the northeast part of the sky.

The comet will pass to the south of the second magnitude star, Mirfak around June 14. Both star and comet will be about 20-degrees above the northeast horizon (10-degrees is roughly equal to the width of your clenched fist held at arm's length; so the comet will be about "two fists" up from the horizon).

Don't expect anything spectacular just yet, however.

The comet should appear as a dim and diffuse, circular patch of light. Binoculars or a small telescope will help to bring it out better; you might even make out a faint greenish color.

From the head of the comet, a narrow tail of gas extends. John Bortle, a well known comet observer, likens McNaught's appearance as resembling an "apple on a stick."

"From the few rough magnitude estimates I have seen posted, it would appear that the comet is perhaps a magnitude brighter than had been anticipated, but whether this trend will continue is, as usual, anybody's guess," Bortle said.

Getting Lower ... and Harder to See

After June 15, Comet McNaught will rapidly slide lower toward the north-northeast horizon, passing very close to the brilliant star Capella in the constellation Auriga around June 22 and a few mornings later very near to the second magnitude star Menkalinan.

By then, McNaught will be visible – albeit with some difficulty – both in the evening sky for a short while just after sunset very low above the north-northwest horizon and in the morning sky just before sunrise very low above the north-northeast horizon.

Comets are very unpredictable, but some astronomers say Comet McNaught might reach magnitude +2 by the end of June. If so, it won't rival the brightest stars in the sky, but it should be easy to spot and readily identifiable as a comet.


  1. MABUS is simply the abbreviated pronunciation of the following political leaders:

    Oba"MA", "PU"tin, and "Si" Jing Ping of China. "Soon MABUS will die" simply means the triangular relationship between these leaders will soon end; probably not an actual person will die. Hence, I assume 2016~2017 will be the years for this to happen because that's when Obama complete his term as a President.

  2. Let me add before I post the Nostradamus solutions: The AntiChrist of Revelation is the Roman emperor called Nero. That's it. The Nostradamus solutions: Nostradamus' Mabus (Century 2:Quatrain 62) was born in the Ukraine or Russia associated with the Mius river. All you have to do is follow the pattern: 1st one (French rivers/towns) and 2nd one (German river) and 3rd one (Russian/Ukrainian river). They are all attached to a river system. However, the "Greater Arabia" quatrain, if true, would mean someone in Arabia/Middle East will take advantage of the situation. So, that's it. It is simple if you are for CIVIL SOCIETY you are the good guy but if you are Nationalistic or stuck on an ideology or a religious fanatic then you are a bad guy. It is very simple and straight forward using Thomas Hobbes' Leviathan with Nostradamus view. Nostradamus warned us of OLIVER CROMWELL (Century 8: Quatrain 76) this would unite both Thomas Hobbes' theme of civil society (against the Puritan extreme ideology) with Nostradamus. Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679), Nostradamus (1503-1566) and Oliver Cromwell (1599-1658) the dates mentioned fits with Century 8:Quatrain 76. Now, think of the U.S. elections??? If you are candidate and you say thing which leads to the destruction of civil society or hold on to religious dogma...guess are the bad guy. There are nuclear weapons and if we do not get it together and identify the bad guys and the bad beliefs and bad ideologies we are not going to make it. I do not think Nostradamus was a religious person he just hid his real belief so he could warn everybody through his quatrains. "Mabus" is of Russian origin and nothing associated with the Middle East. Saddam Hussein is mentioned separately in Century 8: Quatrain 70. Mabus is simply one person and the the one in Greater Arabia is another person. AntiChrist (Nostradamus simply followed a theme and there is no AntiChrist, the person is just another despot violating and destroying civil society) is mentioned separately (Century 8:Quatrain 77). I do not have to mention the Hitler and Napolean quatrains because they are separate individuals. Nevertheless, the theme is those for civil society and those against civil society. NOTE: Ray Mabus is neither "Mabus" nor the "AntiChrist". He may have Russian ancestry to carry the name which leads to the Mius river which runs through Ukraine and Russia. The Mabus of Nostradamus was born and raised by the Mius river probably involved with the movement of Igor Strelkov. I wanted this information to be NONSENSE but I read again Nostradamus evidence with history and made some identifications. The main thing that troubles me is the OLIVER CROMWELL identification (Century 8: Quatrain 76) because then the rest will have to be true.

  3. There IS NO ANTI-CHRIST even mentioned in the bible.
    Where you people come up with this nonsense

  4. In fact, Mabus (the comet) is the prison of the antichrist, he will be released from the comet when passing through the earth.

  5. mabus is lucas he is the devils ally as we dream we have visions and this the truth for those who stare in the void

  6. Okay..far fetched but maybe not...Didn't U.S. secretary Mabus transport the 'Ark of Gabriel'? The attack against Syria and WW111 will be started ( hypothetically ) by Ray Mabus. Was he also a (M) military (A)army (B)rat? Someone's kid incorporated into the military as a kid? This has haunted me. One hundred powers equal 50 states. U.S. vengeance lasting 27 years. War equals money..but at what cost. Didn't we also just witness a mass killing in las Vegas? Is Nibiru the comet? Or does it represent the Artist on stage who did not say a word to the crowd about a shooter? ( An I'll favored star?) It is a long shot maybe but I woke to this.


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