It took the Visigoths a matter of hours to sack Rome back in 410 A.D. and it took Hitler 6 wks to accomplish the sacking of France back in W.W.II.
The truth is, as technology has vastly improved to become the fastest and most efficient for use by humanity for the good, so too will it be used by humanity for the bad.
Today it would take a nation such as China only a matter of hours to subdue and control completely not only a city, but a whole nation, perhaps even a whole continent through a potential EMP attack.
In the second chapter of my first book I make reference to a prophetic vision regarding the king of east. In this vision the king of the east comes ravenously hungry to devour the west, specifically the U.S.
The following article too makes reference to just how the Chinese are setting up the U.S. on a platter to feast on.
The moral demise of any nation always precedes the ultimate demise.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
U.S. media consumers, awash in TV sex, resemble the French before Hitler's blitzkrieg
By Lev Navrozov
(Lev Navrozov emigrated from the Soviet Union in 1972. His columns are today read in both English and Russian.)
"By 2016 [the narrative is a glance back from imaginary 2016 into the past], China had replaced the United States as the world's largest economic power."
It is easy to see how realistic this horrible prediction is. It has been well known that the population of China is 1.3 billion, exceeding the U.S. population (300 million) more than four times.
WWI and WWII opened the atmosphere of the Earth to air war, and aviation became a major branch of warfare.
Today (as a prelude to WWIII?) the space above the atmosphere and away into the Universe is the space of space warfare.
Here is in front of me a collection of photos of the Universe, whose "light from the Eagle nebula takes 7,000 years to reach us." We are used to a nocturnal sky as glittering stars against a dark background. The "skies" of the Universe look like metallurgical experiments. This is the Universe beyond our solar system. The age of the solar system is 13.7 billion years.
However, even the space of our solar system has not been militarized as yet. Here is a chance for China's space warfare to militarize the space of the solar system and thus dominate the armed forces of the Earth.
The force which moves space weapons is not created by aircraft propellers in the atmosphere but by the force that moves shells in artillery or that moves the rockets and satellites.
The battlefield for the space warfare is vast, if not infinite, and the owners of China feel that the development of space weapons and space appliances must go full speed ahead.
The space warfare will reveal the same strength and weakness of the two sides that the conventional warfare has demonstrated.
To begin with, the United States is headless. Different from the selection of the prime minister in Britain, the U.S. elections of the U.S. presidents have been unable to select in the last decade a competent president. It would be even more naïve to expect that the U.S. voters (and not Einstein, a fugitive from Germany) would suggest to the U.S. president in 1939 the development of nuclear weapons. And with nuclear weapons in Hitler's hands, he would have become the owner of the world.
Freedom in the United States and other free countries helped those most capable to take most important jobs and do them better than would anyone else.
On the other hand, the absence of freedom in the People's Republic of China leads to a situation in which every inhabitant tries to "get a job," any job, for having no job is an impossible freedom, death from starvation, or a crime.
With freedom, there develops a stratum passionately interested in "our victory" in the vast and monstrous space warfare. In the absence of freedom, the majority of population is indifferent to the results of space warfare, which a majority of the unfree population watch like storms of nature.
However, the solar system is not free from hard materials: look at our Earth. Space warfare vehicles may anchor at such hard inclusions and build there space fortresses, military space stations, and whatever else is necessary for space warfare.
Today such aspects of the space warfare may seem impossible. But did it seem possible at the beginning of the twentieth century to make the airspace above cities the battlefield for military aviation which would, also from above, choose the bombing targets on the ground as on a big map?
WWII prepared mankind for the twenty-first century space warfare. But in the United States, there has hardly been a single program in the media on the subject. Sex dominates the Western television of the twenty-first century as the pop novels dominated the reading of the twentieth century. Freedom is being used to switch away from today's reality and live as always.
In the democratic countries, an inhabitant was free to ignore the coming German blitzkrieg. Recall the free inhabitants of France before Hitler's invasion began. How can Hitler, that German clown who never rose to the rank above a soldier, dare to invade the country of Napoleon?
However, Hitler occupied the free France, with ten British military divisions inside France, in a matter of six weeks.
I am afraid that the attitude of most inhabitants of all free countries today resemble that of the free inhabitants of France before Hitler's war.
I watch Americans. Most of them do not even know what the phrase "China's space warfare" means. Women are preoccupied with their families. Or with their search for the "best men." Men are preoccupied with making more money. It's all Paris before Hitler's blitzkrieg.
Ask them who is Col. Larry M.Wortzel. None of those free New Yorkers has ever heard of him. He is an American military man, retired and writing about China's space warfare. His writings appear on the Internet. But will they pay attention to an American Colonel writing about China's space warfare? What, for heaven's sake, is "space warfare"?
There is a feeling in New York that "The People's Republic of China" is just another foreign country friendly relations with which yield many commercial advantages.
The truth is, as technology has vastly improved to become the fastest and most efficient for use by humanity for the good, so too will it be used by humanity for the bad.
Today it would take a nation such as China only a matter of hours to subdue and control completely not only a city, but a whole nation, perhaps even a whole continent through a potential EMP attack.
In the second chapter of my first book I make reference to a prophetic vision regarding the king of east. In this vision the king of the east comes ravenously hungry to devour the west, specifically the U.S.
The following article too makes reference to just how the Chinese are setting up the U.S. on a platter to feast on.
The moral demise of any nation always precedes the ultimate demise.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
U.S. media consumers, awash in TV sex, resemble the French before Hitler's blitzkrieg
By Lev Navrozov
(Lev Navrozov emigrated from the Soviet Union in 1972. His columns are today read in both English and Russian.)
"By 2016 [the narrative is a glance back from imaginary 2016 into the past], China had replaced the United States as the world's largest economic power."
It is easy to see how realistic this horrible prediction is. It has been well known that the population of China is 1.3 billion, exceeding the U.S. population (300 million) more than four times.
WWI and WWII opened the atmosphere of the Earth to air war, and aviation became a major branch of warfare.
Today (as a prelude to WWIII?) the space above the atmosphere and away into the Universe is the space of space warfare.
Here is in front of me a collection of photos of the Universe, whose "light from the Eagle nebula takes 7,000 years to reach us." We are used to a nocturnal sky as glittering stars against a dark background. The "skies" of the Universe look like metallurgical experiments. This is the Universe beyond our solar system. The age of the solar system is 13.7 billion years.
However, even the space of our solar system has not been militarized as yet. Here is a chance for China's space warfare to militarize the space of the solar system and thus dominate the armed forces of the Earth.
The force which moves space weapons is not created by aircraft propellers in the atmosphere but by the force that moves shells in artillery or that moves the rockets and satellites.
The battlefield for the space warfare is vast, if not infinite, and the owners of China feel that the development of space weapons and space appliances must go full speed ahead.
The space warfare will reveal the same strength and weakness of the two sides that the conventional warfare has demonstrated.
To begin with, the United States is headless. Different from the selection of the prime minister in Britain, the U.S. elections of the U.S. presidents have been unable to select in the last decade a competent president. It would be even more naïve to expect that the U.S. voters (and not Einstein, a fugitive from Germany) would suggest to the U.S. president in 1939 the development of nuclear weapons. And with nuclear weapons in Hitler's hands, he would have become the owner of the world.
Freedom in the United States and other free countries helped those most capable to take most important jobs and do them better than would anyone else.
On the other hand, the absence of freedom in the People's Republic of China leads to a situation in which every inhabitant tries to "get a job," any job, for having no job is an impossible freedom, death from starvation, or a crime.
With freedom, there develops a stratum passionately interested in "our victory" in the vast and monstrous space warfare. In the absence of freedom, the majority of population is indifferent to the results of space warfare, which a majority of the unfree population watch like storms of nature.
However, the solar system is not free from hard materials: look at our Earth. Space warfare vehicles may anchor at such hard inclusions and build there space fortresses, military space stations, and whatever else is necessary for space warfare.
Today such aspects of the space warfare may seem impossible. But did it seem possible at the beginning of the twentieth century to make the airspace above cities the battlefield for military aviation which would, also from above, choose the bombing targets on the ground as on a big map?
WWII prepared mankind for the twenty-first century space warfare. But in the United States, there has hardly been a single program in the media on the subject. Sex dominates the Western television of the twenty-first century as the pop novels dominated the reading of the twentieth century. Freedom is being used to switch away from today's reality and live as always.
In the democratic countries, an inhabitant was free to ignore the coming German blitzkrieg. Recall the free inhabitants of France before Hitler's invasion began. How can Hitler, that German clown who never rose to the rank above a soldier, dare to invade the country of Napoleon?
However, Hitler occupied the free France, with ten British military divisions inside France, in a matter of six weeks.
I am afraid that the attitude of most inhabitants of all free countries today resemble that of the free inhabitants of France before Hitler's war.
I watch Americans. Most of them do not even know what the phrase "China's space warfare" means. Women are preoccupied with their families. Or with their search for the "best men." Men are preoccupied with making more money. It's all Paris before Hitler's blitzkrieg.
Ask them who is Col. Larry M.Wortzel. None of those free New Yorkers has ever heard of him. He is an American military man, retired and writing about China's space warfare. His writings appear on the Internet. But will they pay attention to an American Colonel writing about China's space warfare? What, for heaven's sake, is "space warfare"?
There is a feeling in New York that "The People's Republic of China" is just another foreign country friendly relations with which yield many commercial advantages.
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