Tuesday, June 29, 2010

UPDATE--On Potential False Flag Attack!

To the following information I will only add the following: Today on a CNN report from Cape Town South Africa, Wolf Blitzer questions Bill Clinton on the Iranian nuclear bomb issue. Bill Clinton responds by saying something along the lines of how Iran, by continuing to work on their nuclear program, could eventually give or sell a nuclear device that could be carried in a suitcase. The following is a video of Clinton making this statement.
Again, the public is being set up!!! Bill Clinton, one of the biggest members of the secret society elites, is providing the mental framework for how and what people, according to them, should believe. This of course that Iran will be responsible for any potential dirty bomb.

Now three different factors have come together that indicate that a false flag event is in the near future for the United States – specifically, a nuclear attack on Washington, D.C. on July 4. Numerous hints by movies and TV, ominous government emergency drills and silent troop buildups near Iran all point to an impending catastrophe in our nation’s capitol that will send the United States into panic mode and thrust us into another war under false pretenses.

False Flags: Hidden in Hollywood?

As hard as it is for some to believe, there were many scenes in movies and TV shows from the 80’s and 90’s that hinted at a terror attack in New York on 9/11. Most were brief and vague, like a clock with the hands at 9 and 11, or an airplane flying past the Twin Towers… but there is at least one that is so blatantly obvious that it can’t be passed off as coincidence. Lone Gunmen was a spinoff of the X-Files TV series that lasted for one season in 2001, and in the pilot episode, a jet airliner is hijacked by remote control in a secret government plan to crash it into the Twin Towers, giving the Pentagon an excuse to invade some Middle East country. The following episode clip shows how the scenario plays out:

This is just one of dozens of examples of 9/11 foreshadowing that has appeared in the entertainment media, and many of them have been tabulated in a 30 – part online video series called “9/11 – Hidden in Hollywood”, which was banned by Youtube, but is available online at http://www.eclipptv.com/.

Since so much has been discovered by looking at the signs in Hollywood before 9/11, one would think that hidden messages for a future staged event can also be discovered and decoded. Well, in the last few years, over a dozen movies and TV shows have shared the following plots and keywords: WMD/nuclear attack; July 4; Washington, D.C. This includes:

Movies: Independence Day, X-Files: Fight the Future, War of the Worlds, Southland Tales, Live Free or Die Hard, Shutter Island, MacGruber, Jonah Hex TV Shows: X-Files, The Simpsons, X-Men, Lie to Me. Last year, the History Channel also created a documentary called Day after Disaster, which goes into detail about what kind of effect a nuclear bomb detonation would have on Washington, D.C.

Relevant scenes from these films and others are shown in the following video clips from the “9/11: Hidden in Hollywood” series:

9/11: Hidden in Hollywood: Part 26

9/11: Hidden in Hollywood: Part 30

9/11: Hidden in Hollywood: Part 31

9/11: Hidden in Hollywood: Part 32

9/11: Hidden in Hollywood: Part 33

“This is NOT a drill…”

Anyone who has done serious online research about 9/11 knows that there were several drills taking place on and before that fateful day that simulated the terrorist attacks. For example, USA Today reported that NORAD conducted drills in the two years prior to 9/11 that simulated hijacked airliners being used as weapons to crash into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. A full list of all of the known 9/11-style military drills that occurred before September 11 can be found here.

Unfortunately, most military drills are classified, and details usually aren’t known until long after the event, if at all… but we do know what FEMA has been up to lately. From May 17-18, 2010, FEMA held its annual National Level Exercise (NLE). This year’s scenario, as described in a bulletinon the agency’s website and in a publicly available FEMA document, includes:

-Two no-notice near simultaneous IND (improvised nuclear device) detonations

-Credible Threat to the NCR (National Capitol Region)

So, we have FEMA simulating a dirty nuke explosion in Washington, D.C. less than two months before Independence Day. But for some unknown reason, FEMA has been very quiet about this year’s event, going so far as to remove almost every reference to it from their website in April and asking a website that posted the NLE Overview document to take it down.

It’s also interesting to note that FEMA is mentioned in the video clip from X-Files: Fight the Future, in which a former government agent describes a scenario that allows the agency to take control of the United States “on a holiday”. Coincidence?

Based on information from articles appearing in UPI and the Glendale News-Press, it also appears that Los Angeles was the other target in the FEMA exercise. Could the movie Southland Tales be a foreshadowing of L.A.’s future?

“Who shall we blame this time?”

Over the last week, a number of Middle East news sources, including Ha’aretz, PressTVand Israel National News, have reported that an armada of U.S. and Israeli warships and aircraft carriers are headed for the Persian Gulf, most likely towards a showdown with Iran. In addition, the latest news updates from the Persian Gulf from Israel Todayand Gulf Daily Newsindicate that a very large contingent of U.S. ground forces has massed in neighboring Azerbaijan, and that Israel is massing warplanes in the Caucasus for an attack on Iran. However, you’ll be hard pressed to find any reports of this military escalation in American or British mainstream media. With all of the furor over the Gaza flotilla raid and sanctions on Iran, why aren’t Western news outlets reporting on this? If history is any guide, it’s because a crisis needed to justify war with Iran – an event like the 9/11 attacks – is still waiting in the wings. The difference here is that Iran has been accused of developing nuclear weapons, so a staged attack to be blamed on them would most likely be of the nuclear variety.

(For more information explaining why the media silence on U.S. troop movements near Iran is a sign of an impending false flag attack, read this article.)

The Stage is Set

There is an abundance of blog postings and alternative news articles detailing why the time is ripe for elements of our government to stage a major terrorist attack… but what has been so elusive are the details: what, where and when. Now, for the first time since 9/11, the secret forces in Hollywood, FEMA and the military are all sending the same message at the same time. The future may not be set in stone, but based on the hints and actions of the controllers behind the scenes, fireworks won’t be the only things going off in D.C. this Sunday.

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