Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Last Step Before War!

The following article is another example of the progressive steps that this country along with the EU is taking to ensure that there is a full, all out war with Iran. Let us recall, as the article states that an embargo on Iraq was also a precursor to that war, and even going back to pre-WWII, the U.S. had placed an embargo on Japan as well.
The last steps a nation, a powerful nation takes against another as a build up to a major conflict has always been the same formula. To impose embargoes that will either cut off energy, food, and or other vital resources.
These steps that are being rushed through Congress, (with very little media play if any) are meant to demonstrate the systematic process that the powers that be (Illuminati) take as a false demonstration to the world of how they have tried through the diplomatic and official channels to dissuade another country from doing what the powers that be don't want them doing.
But the end result for the Illuminati has always been the complete take over and establishment of their "Novus Ordem Seclorum," or New Secular Order in the target nation.
From World War I, to World War II, the recipe and follow through has always been the same one. "We must establish a non-religious secular order throughout the world!!!" Is what these elites proclaim. From the looks of it they are pretty close to achieving this. The only problem with their thesis is that it is not completely a secular order in its true nature, but rather a Satanic world order. In other words it is still religious but through Satan's religious order.
Through mankind's history, Satan has attempted many times to create this complete take over and dominance of the world to demonstrate to God that humanity along with his legions of fallen angles turned demons, don't need God, but rather can form their own fallen kingdom here on earth.
Through power, wealth, pride and ego centric temptations the devil has attempted to create this worldly secular/atheistic kingdom, but always lacked the manpower, and the technology to do so.
Today he has both.
Hence the reason why throughout all prophecy, God forewarns us of this darkened, cold and immoral world. In Jesus' own words throughout the Gospels, he clearly warns humanity of the signs of the times.
-Love would grow cold.
-Families would be divided.
-The fig tree would spring back to life after being cursed and dead.
-Homosexuality would be hailed and promoted Romans4.
-Good would be labeled as evil and evil would be heralded as good.
-etc. etc.
The time approaches for this great chastisement and Great it will BE!!! Humanity will beg for mercy and some will repent of their horrible sinful ways.

Congress Votes to Impose Embargo On Iran
June 25, 2010
--Congress has moved closer to war with Iran--
On June 9, the United Nations Security Council voted to impose a new round of sanctions on Iran.

“Congress on Thursday approved tough new unilateral sanctions aimed at squeezing Iran’s energy and banking sectors, which could also hurt companies from other countries doing business with Tehran,” Reuters reports. “The House of Representatives passed the bill 408-8 and sent it to President Barack Obama for signing into law. The Senate had approved it 99-0 earlier in the day.”

Congress has pushed for crippling sanctions against Iran for months. At the behest of Obama — in other words, at the behest of the elite — Congress held off until the U.N. Security Council and the European Union agreed on new multilateral sanctions. Congress, however, believes more punitive measures are still required in order to punish the Islamic state for its nuclear energy program. Iran is permitted under the NPT to develop nuclear energy but Congress, Obama, Israel and the Europeans insist the program is a cover for a nuclear weapons program.

“The U.N. sanctions, though a good first step, are quite tepid. And they are tepid because there are other members of the Security Council who want to keep doing that business with Iran. … The United States … has to pass these unilateral sanctions,” declared Democrat senator Barbara Mikulski.

The U.S. has infused the Gulf states with armaments and currently has an armada of warships patrolling Iran’s shores. “Iran’s rulers will sense that the conventional balance of power is tilting dramatically against them,” explains the Council on Foreign Relations.

In early June, Bilderberg sleuth Jim Tucker reported from Spain that a majority of Bilderberg members are now in favor of military air strikes on Iran. “An attack on Iran would provide a welcome distraction to the globalists’ failings in other areas and would also allow them to war profiteer,” Paul Joseph Watson reported the American Free Press journalist as saying.

Iran has admitted the globalist are gunning for them. “The Islamic Republic in Iran is facing ‘a sinister international conspiracy’ designed to ‘replace religious rule with secularism.’ The plot was allegedly hatched by a ’secret society of Freemasons’ known as the Bilderberg Group whose members include many of the Western world’s richest and most powerful businessmen and politicians,” Iranian journalist Amir Taheri wrote in 2008.

On June 9, the United Nations Security Council voted to impose a new round of sanctions on the country. Obama hailed the effort as “the toughest sanctions ever faced by the Iranian government.” The main thrust of the sanctions is against military purchases, trade and financial transactions carried out by the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, according to the New York Times.

Ron Paul stated in December of last year that sanctions are in essence a declaration of war. “It is designed to foment war by cutting off trade and diplomacy. Too many forget that the quagmire in Iraq began with an embargo. Sanctions are not diplomacy. They are a precursor to war and an embarrassment to a country that pays lip service to free trade,” Paul said. “If a foreign government attempted to isolate the U.S. economically, cut off our supply of gasoline, or starve us to death, would it cause Americans to admire that foreign entity? Or would we instead unite under the flag for the survival of our country?”

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