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As I write this, GOP candidate Rick Santorum has just won Oklahoma, N. Dakota, Tennessee, and on the verge of winning Ohio.

The reason I state that Santorum is a problem for the Illuminati is because it appears that Rick Santorum will probably win the majority of the midwest states, and probably most of the southern states that have yet to vote.

Areas of the country in which the people that live in them, for the most part are not only social conservatives, but are people that know there Bible, and and know there Bible prophecy.

They are people of the earth. Humble people. Farmers, ranchers, manual and field laborers. Good people that know what kind of prophetic times we live in. People that are not swayed by millions of dollars that Romney and his surrogates throw out at them.

The midwest, and the south, are exactly the areas where most people are not fooled Romney and his hollow Illuminati NWO, promises.

The areas where Romney has, and probably will do better are areas of the country where secular, selfish materialism has taken over. The east and west coasts of the land. Areas that due to extreme spending over the past decades has led to these areas not only financial demise, but a moral one as well.

Areas where people have no need or knowledge of God or His word, and His prophecies for today.

From Florida, to Nevada, these have all been states where the Tribe of Dan, candidate has won. It has also become quite clear to me that Ron Paul is in on the Illuminat plan as well. At first I was not too sure, but after studying this issue and praying upon it, it has been revealed to me by the Holy Spirit that Paul is another Illuminati surrogate employed to appease the conspiracy theorists out there.

It is a very clever move. This occurred to me after seeing Ron Paul spend millions of dollars attacking Santorum in Michigan last week. A state in which he was not even competing, but was running ads against him in Michigan in order to help out Romney.

Also, another reason Santorum (and Gingrich to a lesser extent) are thorns in the side of the Illuminati Kabal, is due to the fact that they both are Catholic.

As I have mentioned many times, for centuries the Luciferian Illuminati have always hated the Catholic faith. John F. Kennedy was a perfect example of what the Illuminati thought of the only Catholic president ever in the nation's history.

And now, after many years we have another one who appears is going to be winning the midwest and the south in the country.

We must all pray, for we are living in very prophetic, dangerous and evil times.

In Christ's name, your brother elijah.


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