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Last night's GOP primary in the south, as covered through the mainstream press, was just another example of how the press and their Illuminati cronies cheer lead for their candidate. It was even interesting to see the Drudge Report's main headline at the closing of the voting in the southern states last night lead off the night with the headline, 'Romney Wins Mississippi.'

CNN's John King, if you noticed, was constantly saying Romney's name. He covers everything from how Romney can still win, if he's down, or he always has some surprise regarding votes that have yet to be officially counted, but yet when CNN reports them, it always has Romney winning.

It is no surprise that the Illuminati media paints the picture that they want you to perceive as Romney winning, or being a winner. It was quite surprising last night to see the tables turned on the media when Santoroum, who wasn't expected to win in both Alabama and Miss. win both contest.

This was because according to CNN's exit polling, it showed a majority of people (as usual) having voted for Romney. But at the end of the night, the charade could no longer be stretched out.

A few weeks ago, Matt Drudge was reporting the GOP contest in what seemed to be a bit more fair tone, but then all of a sudden, it took a noticeable turn and became biased towards favoring Mitt 'The Used Car Salesman' Romney.

I personally believe it was due to the fact that the Drudge Report has a very good following with a base of very strong conservative audience, hence the reason the Illuminati made a call to Drudge who has very large daily volume of hits on his site, to start casting Romney in a more positive light.

Also, it sis interesting to note how the large polling corporations such as AP, Rasmussen, MSNBC, and Gallup all constantly have positive polling results for the Romney campaign. Even last night, right up until the voting in last night's southern states, Rasmussen and AP had Romney polling results as him winning Miss. and virtually tying in Alabama.

These polling companies are very wealthy companies. It is no mystery as to how they play their part for the Illuminati candidate by purposely announcing false polling data that is biased towards the Romney group.

Seeing how Romney has the full fledged support of the Illuminati bankers, it is no surprise there is a never ending well of money to support the candidate. A lot of this money is spent on creating positive poll results, and in turn the Illuminati hope the polls can influence an election by creating a sense that one candidate has become the 'Most Electable' (to use their term), and thereby create the idea inside a voter that even though they do not like the candidate, he is the most electable, and thereby vote for him on that one condition alone.

The polling companies also play their part in creating this false illusion that it is a close or far apart race when it is convenient for them. For instance, beginning last summer, there were candidates that would be way ahead of the pack, and remain there for 2-3 weeks, and then all of a sudden the polls would have them crashing. They did this with every candidate, except one. Yet you guessed it, Mitt Romney. They did this purposefully so as to create this false illusion that he is the steady, stable candidate. One that is there for the full race.

It is amazing how people are taken by such simple schemes.

The one phrase you hear the media repeat over and over to describe Romney is 'He's the most Electable.' The media uses this phrase and reports on it by quoting the bought polling information. They say, 'According to the polls, people say that Romney is the most electable.' If he's the most electable, and their polling is correct and not biased, then he should have wrapped this thing up a long time ago. But the very fact that he hasn't, and can't seem to do it, even with the media's help, is a very telling thing. The thing it says is that he's not the 'Most Electable,'

thereby completely discarding that phony phrase.


The article from the link above just goes to further prove my assertion that the Illuminati's two puppets, Obama and Romney, are the two candidates that the Illuminati wish to employ in the upcoming elections. The Obama people keep supporting Romney by constantly mentioning him as if he were already the candidate, in order to plant the seed in people's minds that he will be. Even last Tuesday, during Super Tuesday's primary night, a reporter as Obama if he had any words for Romney, and Obama said, 'I wish him luck tonight.'

Back in December, I posted a post on here titled 'Ralph and Sam.' This post was about how both Ralph and Sam, from the Looney Tunes cartoon, both work for the same employer, but when on the clock have to beat each other up.

The fact that the Obama people are stating that if the election were held today, Romney would win, is just further proof of how the Romney people are not only getting support from the Illuminati media, but the Illuminat are so nervous about the weakness of their GOP candidate, that they are now employing their Democratic puppet, Obama, to support Romney. Because if Obama is made to look as if he's scared of Romney, then this will have the indirect effect of making people Think Romney is the guy to vote for.


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