God almight permits this in His great providence due to His people always commiting the same errors. Forgetting Him and His Laws, in exchange for the power and hidden knowledge that the serpent provides.
Today is no different as we stand at the doorway of a nuclear world war. Just as in the past, the devil will be winner of many souls, after humanity destroys themselves with the very knowledge that he provided.
This is why when Jesus entered into time and space a little over 2,000 years ago and allowed Himself to die in this manner, He did so as the ultimate sacrifice under sin. So that the devil would no longer hold this over humans, and continue to require these sacrifices to himself. Jesus took this power away from satan, and since then, all those that are converted and seek to do the will of God are promised eternal life. For if there is temporal life, then there must be eternal life as well. We only know the former, but this does not negate the latter, it only confirms it, for you cannot know one without reference to the other.
This is why ever since then, the serpent has always sought to do away with the True Christian message. The only one that leads to eternal life. For just as you have one angel that can stand on its own, 90 degrees, all other angels fall on their own acuteness or obtuseness. either too narrow and rigid such as are some Christian branches which forbid so many things, and more modern Christian sects that allow for every and anything and still promise eternal life. Four 90 degrees angels makes a perfect cross, and it is the religion that has always sought to not only demonstrate the cross, but teaches others to love the weight of it as one carries it. Just as Jesus instructed St. Peter over 2,000 years ago to feed His sheep, this very Church continues to do so, eventhough the Illuminati and its agents have infiltrated its highest ranks in order to corrupt it from within. Jesus told St. Peter, as He gave Him the keys to these Truths the satan would never prevail over His Church. While this is true, the truth is that after this world war, the keys will be taken from Rome, and be handed over to its eastern brother, the eastern Catholic rite, or the orthodox rite of the Church in Russia. This will become the new center of the Church after this most horrific war.
Kukulcan, the ancient Mayan serpent god diety and later Quetzecuatle, the Aztec god which was later represented as a feathered serpent. Both required daily blood, human sacrifices. This is why when the Spanish Catholic missionary friars, when they arrived in the Americas were shocked by this practice began to immediately work to convert the natives.
Hindu goddess Naga Kanya.
The Illuminati honors the Old demonic gods of ancient Egypt through their symbolism that is seen throughout the Western world. Everything from the currency, to monuments and statues, to buildings throughout. The ancient serpent (satan) for thousands of years, and through different powerful civilizations has always been well pleased with those that do his bidding.
The king Tutankamen mask shows the serpents coming forth from the forehead. This is where knowledge through the eye of the mind was attributed to come from, so the Eyptian man-gods (what satan made of them) honored their serpent god for having given them knowledge. Just as Eve, from the Biblical account of Genesis too attributes her new found knowledge to the serpent who tricked her into eating from the tree of knowledge. In the original Hebrew text, the account describes Eve's 'Eye' has having been opened, not the plural word eyes. This is because this is where knowledge was thought to emanate from...the eye of mind.
Occultic Symbolism Throughout History of The Serpent, aka, satan.
by Daniel T. Lewis
by Daniel T. Lewis
The word occult comes from the Latin word occultus (clandestine, hidden, secret), referring to "knowledge of the hidden". Thus by definition occult symbolism is that which we see in everyday life, but are unaware of its meaning. Occultism is the study of occult or hidden wisdom. Christian Theism holds that God has reveled himself in three distinct ways, through his creation, through his written word (the Bible, and through his Son Jesus Christ. From the traditional Christian Theistic worldview the occult involves anything supernatural or paranormal which is not achieved by or through God, and is therefore the work of an opposing and malevolent entity, Satan. Because of the malevolent nature of the occult it is important for all of us, especially Christians, to be aware of the meaning of Occultic symbolism.
The Serpent, Snake, and Dragon:
The Biblical account about the fall of mankind recorded in Genesis 3 introduces a creature called "the serpent". The Hebrew word rendered "serpent" in Gen. 3:1 is nachash (Strong’s Number 5175), and means a serpent or a snake (see The Complete Word Study Dictionary by Warren Baker and Eugene Carpenter pg 1798). With different vowel points the word would be (Strong’s number 5172) the Hebrew verb which means to practice divination or sorcery. Yet another set of vowel pints yields the Hebrew word for brass or copper (Strong’s Number 5174). During the ninth and tenth centuries AD, the Masoretes, Jewish scholars in Tiberias, Galilee, perfected a system of points or nikkud for vowel notation and added it to the received consonantal text. The vowel points were added to ensure proper interpretation and reading of Hebrew Scripture, and are known as the Masoretic or Tiberian vowel points. This point system was added without altering the spacing of the text. Thus historically and grammatically nachash means serpent or snake.
The Bible makes clear the identity of who or what used the body of this 'beast of the field', not only to speak to Eve, but also to persuade her to disobey almighty God? Jesus once told the Pharisees, "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning . . . he is a liar, and the father of it " (John 8:44). The best event to fit this description is the fall, which occurred right after mankind was created. The serpent lied to Eve when he said, "Ye shall not surely die", and as this is the first lie recorded in Scripture, the title 'father of it' [it = lies or lying] would seem to be a very apt description of the person doing the lying on this occasion.
Since the serpent's efforts resulted in the penalty of death falling not only on Adam and Eve, but on the whole human race. Jesus' term of 'murderer' therefore certainly applies to whoever tempted Eve. The work of the serpent is thus the enactment of everything that Jesus ascribed to 'the devil' in John 8:44. Furthermore, there is no other event in recorded history that better fulfils this description of the devil than does the account of the temptation by the serpent in Genesis 3. A further tie-up between the serpent of Genesis 3 and Satan, or the devil, is given in Revelation 12:9 and 20:2: "And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world.” The Hebrew word from which we get Satan "adversary" — primarily to God, secondarily to men; the term "devil" signifies "slanderer" of God to men, and of men to God'.
In the Genesis account the real serpent or snake was the agent in Satan's hand. This is evident from the description of the reptile in Genesis 3:1 and the curse pronounced upon it in Genesis 3:14, ". . . upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life." John 13:26–27 recalls that before Judas left the Upper Room to go and betray Jesus that Satan entered into him. In the same manner demons can indwell either human bodies or animal bodies — for example, Mark 5:1–13 tells of the time Jesus cast out a legion of devils from a man, and they then entered a herd of pigs which ran down a steep place into the sea. We may safely conclude that Satan appropriated and used the body of a specific serpent on this occasion to carry out his subtle purpose of tempting Eve to sin.
It is also clear that the use of euphemisms about the serpent, such as calling him 'the personification of evil', or calling the whole incident "myth" or "theological poetry", will not do. The Bible presents this episode as a historical encounter between Eve and Satan, as real as that between Christ and Satan in the wilderness.
Serpent Symbols
It is clear that the Bible identifies Satan with the serpent or snake. Matriarch of the New Age Movement H.P. Blavatsky explained her view of the serpent in Genesis 3 in her infamous book The Secret Doctrine: 'Once that the key to Genesis is in our hands, the scientific and symbolical Kabalah (Illuminati occult religion, Luciferianism) unveils the secret. The Great Serpent of the Garden of Eden and the Lord God are identical,' ….
"Thus Satan, once he ceases to be viewed in the superstitious, dogmatic, un-philosophical spirit of the Churches, grows into the grandiose image of one who makes of a terrestrial, a divine Man, … "
Blavatsky continues Satan’s lie that mankind should be as gods (this is how the Illuminati view themselves; as gods) Among the Egyptians, the serpent represented of divine wisdom. As a magical symbol among Satanists the serpent also stands for a symbol of wisdom. All the pagans in every era have used the serpent to worship and to consider as symbolic of wisdom. The Egyptians used a Sun supported by two asps as the emblem of Horhat the good genius; the serpent with the winged globe was placed over the doors and windows of the Temples as a guardian god. The entrances of the Egyptian Temples are decorated with the circle and the serpent. The Phrygians know Osiris as Sabazius and honor him as a solar deity who was represented by horns and whose emblem was a Serpent The god Dionysos, as well as Isis, were often depicted as snakes, sometimes they were intertwined. Isis was also independently depicted as a snake. In India and Tyre Python the Serpent Deity was shown coiled around the trunk of a tree. The Phoenicians represented the god Nomu (Kneph or Amun-Kneph) by a serpent. Serpents are depicted in the the Temple of Naki-Rustan in Persia, on the triumphal arch at Pechin, in China, over the gates of the great Temple of Chaundi Teeva, in Java; upon the walls of Athens. In India the serpent was sometimes associated with Shiva. Shiva wears a snake coiled around his upper arms and neck symbolizing the power he has over the most deadly of creatures. Snakes are also used to symbolize the Hindu dogma of reincarnation. Their natural process of molting or shedding their skin is symbolic of the human soul's transmigration of bodies from one life to another. The Druids had a high veneration for the Serpent. Their great god, Hu, was typified by that reptile; and he is represented by the Bards as the wonderful chief dragon, the sovereign of heaven. (notice how throughout history satan, as the serpent, has been represented as such and worshipped by peoples throughout the world!)
In Mexico stone cravings show the intersecting of two great serpents, which produce a circle with their bodies, and each a human head in its mouth. In the Occult a snake swallowing a human being symbolizes the process of initiation. A true initiate is one who has been given, or who has earned, such wisdom as permits him to look on such a brilliant influx of spiritual light and thus can be consumed by or become one with the serpent, the universal symbol of wisdom.
The Caduceus of Mercury (Roman) and the Karykeion of Hermes (Greek) is a short rod entwined by two snakes and topped by a pair of wings used by many medical organizations. The meaning, purpose, and esoteric meaning of the caduceus can often be interpreted from the sum of its parts. The staff (particularly the herald's staff) was a symbol of authority carried in the hands of messengers. The winged quality of the wand of Hermes is in keeping with the alchemical or astrological importance of Mercury (whether taken to mean the planet, god, and element), quite often denoting fluidity, transformation, information, and new beginnings[citation needed] (as the elemental quarter of air is often likened to).[who?] The snake is often depicted in non Judeo-Christian traditions as a source or deliverer of wisdom.[citation needed] In Gnosticism the serpent represents Sophia or the manifestation of principles of the feminine divine (or Shekinah in the Judaism or Kabbalah).[citation needed] Note that the snakes are bound to each other in a double helix - a shape of stability, creation, and life; coincidentally this follows the arrangement that the King Cobras snake takes: fighting upright and face to face, trying to force the other to submit for sexual rights. In this it can be seen that the caduceus represents the authority to quickly deliver vital information or wisdom to aid, assist and enlighten. It is no surprise then that the caduceus is used by a variety of professions who have a connection with Hermes or Mercury in his traditional roles as the god of commerce, eloquence, invention, travel and thievery. In the Hermetic tradition, the caduceus is a symbol of spiritual awakening, and has been likened to the Kundalini serpents of Hindu mysticism. Kundalini Sakti, coiled and dormant 'feminine' energy, is the vast potential of psychic energy contained within us all. It is normally symbolized as a serpent coiled into three and a half circles, with its tail in its mouth, and spiralling around the central axis (sacrum or sacred bone) at the base of the spine. The awakening of this serpent and the manifestation of its powers is a primary aim of the practice of Kundalini Yoga.
Manly P. Hall in (High ranking Illuminati of the late 1800's, early 1900's)The Secret Teachings of All Ages (pg lxxxviii.) explains, "The serpent is the symbol and prototype of the Universal Savior, who redeems the worlds by giving creation the knowledge of itself and the realization of good and evil." This echoes the dualistic teachings of Theosophy, for Theosophy arose from Freemasonry. In Morals and Dogma (pg 734), Albert Pike (another high ranking Freemason/Illuminati member of the late 1800's) further explains, "It is the body of the Holy Spirit, the Universal Agent, the Serpent devouring its own tail." With these meanings, the Ouroboros was used as a symbol of theosophy.
The Serpent, Snake, and Dragon:
The Biblical account about the fall of mankind recorded in Genesis 3 introduces a creature called "the serpent". The Hebrew word rendered "serpent" in Gen. 3:1 is nachash (Strong’s Number 5175), and means a serpent or a snake (see The Complete Word Study Dictionary by Warren Baker and Eugene Carpenter pg 1798). With different vowel points the word would be (Strong’s number 5172) the Hebrew verb which means to practice divination or sorcery. Yet another set of vowel pints yields the Hebrew word for brass or copper (Strong’s Number 5174). During the ninth and tenth centuries AD, the Masoretes, Jewish scholars in Tiberias, Galilee, perfected a system of points or nikkud for vowel notation and added it to the received consonantal text. The vowel points were added to ensure proper interpretation and reading of Hebrew Scripture, and are known as the Masoretic or Tiberian vowel points. This point system was added without altering the spacing of the text. Thus historically and grammatically nachash means serpent or snake.
The Bible makes clear the identity of who or what used the body of this 'beast of the field', not only to speak to Eve, but also to persuade her to disobey almighty God? Jesus once told the Pharisees, "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning . . . he is a liar, and the father of it " (John 8:44). The best event to fit this description is the fall, which occurred right after mankind was created. The serpent lied to Eve when he said, "Ye shall not surely die", and as this is the first lie recorded in Scripture, the title 'father of it' [it = lies or lying] would seem to be a very apt description of the person doing the lying on this occasion.
Since the serpent's efforts resulted in the penalty of death falling not only on Adam and Eve, but on the whole human race. Jesus' term of 'murderer' therefore certainly applies to whoever tempted Eve. The work of the serpent is thus the enactment of everything that Jesus ascribed to 'the devil' in John 8:44. Furthermore, there is no other event in recorded history that better fulfils this description of the devil than does the account of the temptation by the serpent in Genesis 3. A further tie-up between the serpent of Genesis 3 and Satan, or the devil, is given in Revelation 12:9 and 20:2: "And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world.” The Hebrew word from which we get Satan "adversary" — primarily to God, secondarily to men; the term "devil" signifies "slanderer" of God to men, and of men to God'.
In the Genesis account the real serpent or snake was the agent in Satan's hand. This is evident from the description of the reptile in Genesis 3:1 and the curse pronounced upon it in Genesis 3:14, ". . . upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life." John 13:26–27 recalls that before Judas left the Upper Room to go and betray Jesus that Satan entered into him. In the same manner demons can indwell either human bodies or animal bodies — for example, Mark 5:1–13 tells of the time Jesus cast out a legion of devils from a man, and they then entered a herd of pigs which ran down a steep place into the sea. We may safely conclude that Satan appropriated and used the body of a specific serpent on this occasion to carry out his subtle purpose of tempting Eve to sin.
It is also clear that the use of euphemisms about the serpent, such as calling him 'the personification of evil', or calling the whole incident "myth" or "theological poetry", will not do. The Bible presents this episode as a historical encounter between Eve and Satan, as real as that between Christ and Satan in the wilderness.
Serpent Symbols
It is clear that the Bible identifies Satan with the serpent or snake. Matriarch of the New Age Movement H.P. Blavatsky explained her view of the serpent in Genesis 3 in her infamous book The Secret Doctrine: 'Once that the key to Genesis is in our hands, the scientific and symbolical Kabalah (Illuminati occult religion, Luciferianism) unveils the secret. The Great Serpent of the Garden of Eden and the Lord God are identical,' ….
"Thus Satan, once he ceases to be viewed in the superstitious, dogmatic, un-philosophical spirit of the Churches, grows into the grandiose image of one who makes of a terrestrial, a divine Man, … "
Blavatsky continues Satan’s lie that mankind should be as gods (this is how the Illuminati view themselves; as gods) Among the Egyptians, the serpent represented of divine wisdom. As a magical symbol among Satanists the serpent also stands for a symbol of wisdom. All the pagans in every era have used the serpent to worship and to consider as symbolic of wisdom. The Egyptians used a Sun supported by two asps as the emblem of Horhat the good genius; the serpent with the winged globe was placed over the doors and windows of the Temples as a guardian god. The entrances of the Egyptian Temples are decorated with the circle and the serpent. The Phrygians know Osiris as Sabazius and honor him as a solar deity who was represented by horns and whose emblem was a Serpent The god Dionysos, as well as Isis, were often depicted as snakes, sometimes they were intertwined. Isis was also independently depicted as a snake. In India and Tyre Python the Serpent Deity was shown coiled around the trunk of a tree. The Phoenicians represented the god Nomu (Kneph or Amun-Kneph) by a serpent. Serpents are depicted in the the Temple of Naki-Rustan in Persia, on the triumphal arch at Pechin, in China, over the gates of the great Temple of Chaundi Teeva, in Java; upon the walls of Athens. In India the serpent was sometimes associated with Shiva. Shiva wears a snake coiled around his upper arms and neck symbolizing the power he has over the most deadly of creatures. Snakes are also used to symbolize the Hindu dogma of reincarnation. Their natural process of molting or shedding their skin is symbolic of the human soul's transmigration of bodies from one life to another. The Druids had a high veneration for the Serpent. Their great god, Hu, was typified by that reptile; and he is represented by the Bards as the wonderful chief dragon, the sovereign of heaven. (notice how throughout history satan, as the serpent, has been represented as such and worshipped by peoples throughout the world!)
In Mexico stone cravings show the intersecting of two great serpents, which produce a circle with their bodies, and each a human head in its mouth. In the Occult a snake swallowing a human being symbolizes the process of initiation. A true initiate is one who has been given, or who has earned, such wisdom as permits him to look on such a brilliant influx of spiritual light and thus can be consumed by or become one with the serpent, the universal symbol of wisdom.
The Caduceus of Mercury (Roman) and the Karykeion of Hermes (Greek) is a short rod entwined by two snakes and topped by a pair of wings used by many medical organizations. The meaning, purpose, and esoteric meaning of the caduceus can often be interpreted from the sum of its parts. The staff (particularly the herald's staff) was a symbol of authority carried in the hands of messengers. The winged quality of the wand of Hermes is in keeping with the alchemical or astrological importance of Mercury (whether taken to mean the planet, god, and element), quite often denoting fluidity, transformation, information, and new beginnings[citation needed] (as the elemental quarter of air is often likened to).[who?] The snake is often depicted in non Judeo-Christian traditions as a source or deliverer of wisdom.[citation needed] In Gnosticism the serpent represents Sophia or the manifestation of principles of the feminine divine (or Shekinah in the Judaism or Kabbalah).[citation needed] Note that the snakes are bound to each other in a double helix - a shape of stability, creation, and life; coincidentally this follows the arrangement that the King Cobras snake takes: fighting upright and face to face, trying to force the other to submit for sexual rights. In this it can be seen that the caduceus represents the authority to quickly deliver vital information or wisdom to aid, assist and enlighten. It is no surprise then that the caduceus is used by a variety of professions who have a connection with Hermes or Mercury in his traditional roles as the god of commerce, eloquence, invention, travel and thievery. In the Hermetic tradition, the caduceus is a symbol of spiritual awakening, and has been likened to the Kundalini serpents of Hindu mysticism. Kundalini Sakti, coiled and dormant 'feminine' energy, is the vast potential of psychic energy contained within us all. It is normally symbolized as a serpent coiled into three and a half circles, with its tail in its mouth, and spiralling around the central axis (sacrum or sacred bone) at the base of the spine. The awakening of this serpent and the manifestation of its powers is a primary aim of the practice of Kundalini Yoga.
Manly P. Hall in (High ranking Illuminati of the late 1800's, early 1900's)The Secret Teachings of All Ages (pg lxxxviii.) explains, "The serpent is the symbol and prototype of the Universal Savior, who redeems the worlds by giving creation the knowledge of itself and the realization of good and evil." This echoes the dualistic teachings of Theosophy, for Theosophy arose from Freemasonry. In Morals and Dogma (pg 734), Albert Pike (another high ranking Freemason/Illuminati member of the late 1800's) further explains, "It is the body of the Holy Spirit, the Universal Agent, the Serpent devouring its own tail." With these meanings, the Ouroboros was used as a symbol of theosophy.
Throughout history those very same symbols are still being used today as we speak even though we may not see it openly however there are secret cults both Illuminati ,religious ,satanic that are still around