Thursday, March 15, 2012




It appears that the Illuminati Western attack is set and ready to go against both Iran and Syria. I was thinking May, due to the fact that May is such an important month to the Illuminat Kabalists, but perhaps it may happen sooner.

The following articles and links provide the latest signs of just how, and what the preparations are. Just today U.K's Cameron and Obama both pledged to tap both of their strategic reserves. This would make full sense if one were to expect a coming attack in the already inflamed middle east region. The initial crude oil prices will explode due to Iran and Saudi Arabia's crude being affected in one way or another by the attack on Iran, and Iran's counter attacks.

Also, just yesterday it was announced in middle eastern news sources that the Israeli cabinet has for the first time signaled a majority vote of approval for an attack.

The Illuminati have been wanting this attack for a long time now, because according to their satanic/luciferian beliefs, not only will this third world war rid the world of nearly 90% of the world's population, but it will also help usher in their so much sought after 'Golden Age.'

The age when Christianity, Judaism, and Islam have all been defeated, and luciferianism will be in glorious triumph according to them. (The Denver airport murals also attest to this objective of theirs.)

I am still trying to figure out how the fact that the majority of the people still cannot and do not want to swallow the horse pill that is their GOP candidate, Mitt Romney, will affect their plans for the attack on Iran. Whether this long drawn out GOP primary will motivate them to attack earlier or later, I'm still not sure. They figured that Romney would be the candidate by now, but the fact that he isn't has thrown a monkey wrench into their plans.

Either way, one must only read what Manly P. Hall, and Albert Pike's books said over a century ago. Their goals then, as they are now, are to undermine Christianity (specifically the Catholic Church) and have Israel and Islam mutually destroy one another. I have referenced both of these mens books on here many times. People on line have written about Albert Pike's prophecies. But this man did not prophesy, he simply wrote about how to bring about and establish the New World Luciferian Order. These were his plans, and his book, 'Morals and Dogmas of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry,' outlines many of these satanic plans.

Now on to the news...
According to the Statfor Naval update map, there are already two carrier battle groups located in the waters just outside Iran, with the USS Carl Vinson and the USS Abraham Lincoln already stationed in the region, along with the USS Makin Island (LHD-8), a Wasp-class amphibious assault ship.

A third US battleship, the USS Enterprise, is also on its way to the region, meaning that almost the entirety of the United States’ active naval fleet of warships will be stationed just outside Iran within the next 4-6 days.

The US has made it clear that should Iran try to block the Strait of Hormuz, the region’s key oil choke point, a “red line” will have been crossed.

The Stratfor naval update map below illustrates how Iran is being surrounded by military muscle

U.K./U.S. To Release Oil From strategic stock.
(Reuters) - Britain has decided to cooperate with the United States on a release of strategic oil stocks that is expected within months, two British sources said, in a bid to prevent fuel prices choking economic growth in a U.S. election year.
Israeli Cabinet Majority Supports Iran Attack

The prime minister yesterday delivered one of the most combative and explicit speeches in the history of the Iran affair. Several cabinet ministers said in private conversations that it sounded like a “speech preparing for war.”

Political sources judge that the prime minister has a majority in the cabinet which favors a military strike against Iran, even without American approval. Yesterday, Netanyahu said he wouldn’t hesitate to attack Iran even without the approval of Pres. Obama…A senior official said Bibi believed it would be best not to wait for the November presidential elections because he didn’t trust the president to deal with the problem after the election.


Stress tests? Bank investors should relax
David Weidner's Writing on the Wall
Commentary: What the Fed won’t tell you — but you already know
March 13, 2012David Weidner, MarketWatch
NEW YORK (MarketWatch) — Bank investors tend to get the heebie jeebies every time regulators announce a new round of stress tests. So, as the Federal Reserve prepares to release results from its latest review this week, Wall Street pharmacists are stocking up on the Valium.

And who can blame them? On Monday the Fed released the methodology for the tests. They include a worst-case scenario of 13% unemployment and a 50% market crash and another mortgage meltdown. Big defaults. You know, roughly what happened in 2008. If you think it’s possible, and the Fed does by simply including the scenario, investors just might medicate. Read our complete coverage of the Fed‘s stress tests.
(This is just an excerpt from this article. But another sign that the bottom is getting to be pulled out by the Illuminati overlords is the stock market. Just look at how high it has climbed and all based on what??? This is an age old ploy they love to pull on the masses; build up the market and a false confidence in investors, and then pull out the rug from underneath them. The public gets the shaft and they in turn get all the money. This is what they did in the 1930's, and throughout history this has been their game. Not just with the stock market either, but with real estate too. Lower the borrowing costs, tempt the timid mice out into the open, and when they have walked out, set the trap on them. The people lost their land, and homes, and they take over all of the foreclosed properties. After they have taken over millions of homes and farms and other lands, then they can begin the cycle again. Same old game, but always new and unsuspecting people.) Also keep in mind the millions of put options that were bought prior to 911, betting of the market to lose and lose big in certain industries. This stress test is signaling that they are getting ready to pull the plug on the stock and real estate markets once more.
(Illuminati western media is already setting up to cover this coming war of their doing. Hoping to get high ratings and high dollars, while thousands, and eventually millions will die from this war that will quickly turn into a world war.)
Foreign media flocking to Israel in preparation for Iran war

Below is a rather alarming article that appeared this morning in the Israeli online publication of Globes, translated into English (to the best of my ability).

Globes learned recently that various agencies, including Reuters, have hired rooftops in Tel-Aviv to prepare for an attack on the city.

Among the agencies considering the deployment are networks FOX, NBC and CBS, as well as European and Asian networks.

One senior source from Globes said “It would be illogical not to prepare for it, when we hear your defense minister constantly express this. This assessment is similar to that which was here before the days of the Gulf War in the early ’90s.”

Hanani Rapoport, CEO of JCS, told Globes “We’ve been getting questions in recent days in light of the increased flow of reports regarding a possible conflict in the Middle East in the coming months. We do get calls from our clients who want to know how we are preparing for the possibility of war in terms of transmission and means of production, and in terms of emergency in our media centers in Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv. I hope that these plans remain on paper. “

The original article can be found here if you click on the hyperlink, though I suggest using translating software to read it in English for yourself.

In light of US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta’s remarks recently indicating that an Israeli attack on Iran may come as soon as eight weeks from now, media movements in Israel may be worth keeping an eye on.

The presence of the CVN Stennis, Lincoln and Vinson carrier battle groups in the Gulf along with French and British warships is understandably enough to convince the foreign press that a big news week isn’t too far off.

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