The following is another excerpt from the book, The Indivisable Light, written in 1999, by David Pedry.
The following is another excerpt from the book, The Indivisable Light, written in 1999, by David Pedry.
The Illuminati control and artificially manipulate many of these market meltdowns. This is why there is currently a news article circulating regarding George Soros the billionaire investor that references how he has just made billions due to his insider positioning regarding this current market collapse.
Just as they (Illuminati) made billions pre 911, and pre 2008 market collapses, here again we see examples of how these evil satanic men and women continue to manipulate the masses, while they make billions and trillions off of the poor, working classes of the world!
Just as they (Illuminati) made billions pre 911, and pre 2008 market collapses, here again we see examples of how these evil satanic men and women continue to manipulate the masses, while they make billions and trillions off of the poor, working classes of the world!
The United States of America in 1930 lacked only one thing: an adequate supply of money to carry on trade and commerce.
In the early 1930’s, Bankers, the only source of new money and credit, deliberately refused loans to industries, stores and farms. Payments on existing loans were required however, and money rapidly disappeared from circulation. Goods were available to be purchased, jobs waiting to be done, but the lack of money brought the nation to a standstill. By this simple ploy America was put in a "depression" and the greedy Bankers took possession of hundreds of thousands of farms, homes, and business properties. The people were told, "times are hard," and "money is short." Not understanding the system, they were cruelly robbed of their earnings, their savings, and their property.
The Enemy’s basic political plan of takeover, Phillip, was always to first rob the people of their wealth by taking control of their money. Big money was loaned to the embattled government which was attempting to defend itself against the revolutionary guerrilla armies by those banksters sponsoring the Communist takeover. When payments could not be made by the government because of its besieged status this would allow the banksters to take control of their real assets: the land, capital ventures, the means of production. And they milked human labor through wage and market manipulation. With stolen capital, the fruit of the people's production, they would buy the wholesale markets that could purchase the goods and services produced. At that point they also controlled retail prices. The wealth and destiny of the people was then under their total control.
The other silent Socialist form of takeover is when unpayable debts accrued by the people’s national government causes it to declare bankruptcy. The right to rule the people is forfeited by that government to its debtors in the financial sector; when the terms of foreclosure are agreed upon, a new socialist or collectivist government takes over. The liberty of the people is secretly considered in this scheme the collateral of those original loans to their government.
"You mean their slavery is the collateral, Father?"
Same thing. Yes, this is the same system that existed in antiquity, Phillip. If you can’t pay, you and yours and all you have is sold into Slavery. Destitution results. The key to this system is merciless greed.
Once the Banksters gained the power to loan the U.S. Treasury every dollar it printed at interest, all our industry became the source of their wealth, but the source of our indebtedness. They created the money representing our wealth out of paper, but used that wealth as their assets and the taxpayer as loan guarantor taking all risk. Then, they loaned us what was ours to begin with, on the condition that we repay with interest. But since the money printed is principal, more money must be continually borrowed to pay the interest. In the end, we are robbed ten times what we are worth, then sold into slavery to our debtor, who wants our eternal soul and our body in the bargain. Now they, the satanists who operate the machine called communism or socialism or just plain tyranny by terror, can make this slave a deal – your soul and your eternal life, in exchange for your subsistence, your earthly life. What is the slave likely to say?
" Father, he has no other choice but martyrdom or submission, eternal life or eternal death. Perhaps only the heroic soul can be saved."
Didn’t Jesus say, if you wish to be saved, take up your cross and follow Me?
"Certainly, Jesus was heroic, Father, and He said 'he who tries to save his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for my sake will save it.' "
This great wealth of ours that they stole, Phillip, was used to finance the Communist-Socialist takeover of the world. Americans were to be kept healthy, happy, ingenious workhorses, while their moral blood was siphoned off by various nationalized, publicized immoralities.
When the enemy set up Hitler, Stalin, and Japan to produce WWII, Phillip, they drove Europe into war by invasion and then drove the U.S. into war by a pre-planned attack on Pearl Harbor, with the cooperation of FDR, our President. But the real cause of world war was not subterfuge, but the same economic bankruptcy and foreclosure
scheme I just described for taking over nations. In 1929 the U.S. banksters caused a great depression, which, as FDR reminded us, 'we would not escape without going to war'. For doing that the banksters would begin again to loan us money, jump-starting the economy.
"It seems like money is a key to their power, Father. ‘Money is the root of all evil’ comes to my mind out of Scripture. But I never understood that."
Money represents the power to obtain all that man wants on earth, but neither money nor that which it can obtain buys anything in eternity. Therefore, making money the object of one's highest devotion represents the loss of eternity. In this way money can be said to be the root of all evil.
But, in itself, money is a necessary invention of man to represent his wealth, a mere useful tool of representation. It is a system of tokens used in place of the largely impractical bartering of goods and services. But the regulation of money value is a choke point of the national-scale thief. This choke point is true on a material level and a spiritual level at the same time. First they can bankrupt us materially by playing with the value of money through manipulation of the interest rates set on all that is loaned into circulation. But also, if they can loan us money, at no risk to themselves, to spend foolishly on whatever we desire, immediately, then they can cultivate in us the inordinate love of material things (covetousness) which obstructs a love of spiritual things like justice, chastity, charity, etc. The result is material and moral bankruptcy, with its materialism, sensuality, laziness, etc. Let us listen to others on this vital subject of money control, Phillip; for it was the real super-weapon of the Enemy.
By Sheldon Emry
"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the, (around the banks), will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered." Thomas Jefferson
Too few Americans realize why Christian Statesmen wrote into Article I of the U.S. Constitution:
Congress shall have the Power to Coin Money and
Regulate the Value Thereof.
They did this, as we will show, in prayerful hope it would prevent "love of money" from destroying the Republic they had founded. We shall see how subversion of Article I has brought on us the "evil" of which God’s Word had warned.
Americans, living in what is called the richest nation on earth seem always to be short of money. Wives are working in unprecedented numbers, husbands hope for overtime hours to earn more, or take part-time jobs evenings and weekends, children look for odd jobs for spending money, the family debt climbs higher, and psychologists say one of the biggest causes of family quarrels and breakups is "arguments over money." Much of this trouble can be traced to our present "debt-money" system.
An adequate supply of money is indispensable to civilized society. We could forego many other things, but without money industry would grind to a halt, farms would become only self-sustaining units, surplus food
disappear, jobs requiring the work of more than one man or one family would remain undone, shipping and large movements of goods would cease, hungry people would plunder and kill to remain alive, and all government except family or tribe would cease to function.
An overstatement, you say? Not at all. Money is the blood of civilized society, the means of all commercial trade except simple barter. It is the measure and the instrument by which one product is sold and another purchased. Remove money or even reduce the supply below that which is necessary to carry on current levels of trade, and the results are catastrophic. For an example, we need only look at America’s Depression of the early 1930’s.
World War II ended the "depression." The same Bankers who in the early 30’s had no loans for peacetime houses, food, and clothing, suddenly had unlimited billions to lend for Army barracks, K-rations and uniforms! A nation that in 1934 couldn’t produce food for sale, suddenly could produce bombs to send free to Germany and Japan! (More on this riddle later.)
With the sudden increase in money, people were hired, farms sold their produce, factories went to two shifts, mines re-opened, and "The Great Depression" was over! Some politicians were blamed for it and others took credit for ending it. The truth is the lack of money (caused by the Bankers) brought on the depression, and adequate money ended it. …
Instead of the Constitutional method of creating our money and putting it into circulation, we now have an entirely unconstitutional system. This has resulted in almost disastrous conditions, as we shall see.
Since our money was handled both legally and illegally before 1913, we shall consider only the years following 1913, since from that year on, ALL of our money has been created and issued by an illegal method that will eventually destroy the United States if it is not changed. Prior to 1913, America was a prosperous, powerful, and growing nation, at peace with its neighbors and the envy of the world. But – in December of 1913, Congress, with many members away for the Christmas holidays, passed what has since been known as the FEDERAL RESERVE ACT. … it simply authorized the establishment of a Federal Reserve Corporation, with a Board of Directors (The Federal Reserve Board) to run it, and the United States was divided into 12 Federal Reserve "Districts."
This simple, but terrible, law completely removed from Congress the right to "create" money or to have any control over its "creation," and gave that function to the Federal Reserve Corporation. This was done with appropriate fanfare and propaganda that this would "remove money from
politics" (they didn’t say "and therefore from the people’s control") and prevent "Boom and Bust" from hurting our citizens. The people were not told then, and most still do not know today, that the Federal Reserve Corporation is a private corporation controlled by bankers and therefore is operated for the financial gain of the bankers over the people rather than for the good of the people. The word "Federal" was used only to deceive the people…. Since 1913 they have "created" tens of billions of dollars in money and credit, which, as their own personal property, they then lend to our government and our people at interest.
The United States of America in 1930 lacked only one thing: an adequate supply of money to carry on trade and commerce.
In the early 1930’s, Bankers, the only source of new money and credit, deliberately refused loans to industries, stores and farms. Payments on existing loans were required however, and money rapidly disappeared from circulation. Goods were available to be purchased, jobs waiting to be done, but the lack of money brought the nation to a standstill. By this simple ploy America was put in a "depression" and the greedy Bankers took possession of hundreds of thousands of farms, homes, and business properties. The people were told, "times are hard," and "money is short." Not understanding the system, they were cruelly robbed of their earnings, their savings, and their property.
The Enemy’s basic political plan of takeover, Phillip, was always to first rob the people of their wealth by taking control of their money. Big money was loaned to the embattled government which was attempting to defend itself against the revolutionary guerrilla armies by those banksters sponsoring the Communist takeover. When payments could not be made by the government because of its besieged status this would allow the banksters to take control of their real assets: the land, capital ventures, the means of production. And they milked human labor through wage and market manipulation. With stolen capital, the fruit of the people's production, they would buy the wholesale markets that could purchase the goods and services produced. At that point they also controlled retail prices. The wealth and destiny of the people was then under their total control.
The other silent Socialist form of takeover is when unpayable debts accrued by the people’s national government causes it to declare bankruptcy. The right to rule the people is forfeited by that government to its debtors in the financial sector; when the terms of foreclosure are agreed upon, a new socialist or collectivist government takes over. The liberty of the people is secretly considered in this scheme the collateral of those original loans to their government.
"You mean their slavery is the collateral, Father?"
Same thing. Yes, this is the same system that existed in antiquity, Phillip. If you can’t pay, you and yours and all you have is sold into Slavery. Destitution results. The key to this system is merciless greed.
Once the Banksters gained the power to loan the U.S. Treasury every dollar it printed at interest, all our industry became the source of their wealth, but the source of our indebtedness. They created the money representing our wealth out of paper, but used that wealth as their assets and the taxpayer as loan guarantor taking all risk. Then, they loaned us what was ours to begin with, on the condition that we repay with interest. But since the money printed is principal, more money must be continually borrowed to pay the interest. In the end, we are robbed ten times what we are worth, then sold into slavery to our debtor, who wants our eternal soul and our body in the bargain. Now they, the satanists who operate the machine called communism or socialism or just plain tyranny by terror, can make this slave a deal – your soul and your eternal life, in exchange for your subsistence, your earthly life. What is the slave likely to say?
" Father, he has no other choice but martyrdom or submission, eternal life or eternal death. Perhaps only the heroic soul can be saved."
Didn’t Jesus say, if you wish to be saved, take up your cross and follow Me?
"Certainly, Jesus was heroic, Father, and He said 'he who tries to save his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for my sake will save it.' "
This great wealth of ours that they stole, Phillip, was used to finance the Communist-Socialist takeover of the world. Americans were to be kept healthy, happy, ingenious workhorses, while their moral blood was siphoned off by various nationalized, publicized immoralities.
When the enemy set up Hitler, Stalin, and Japan to produce WWII, Phillip, they drove Europe into war by invasion and then drove the U.S. into war by a pre-planned attack on Pearl Harbor, with the cooperation of FDR, our President. But the real cause of world war was not subterfuge, but the same economic bankruptcy and foreclosure
scheme I just described for taking over nations. In 1929 the U.S. banksters caused a great depression, which, as FDR reminded us, 'we would not escape without going to war'. For doing that the banksters would begin again to loan us money, jump-starting the economy.
"It seems like money is a key to their power, Father. ‘Money is the root of all evil’ comes to my mind out of Scripture. But I never understood that."
Money represents the power to obtain all that man wants on earth, but neither money nor that which it can obtain buys anything in eternity. Therefore, making money the object of one's highest devotion represents the loss of eternity. In this way money can be said to be the root of all evil.
But, in itself, money is a necessary invention of man to represent his wealth, a mere useful tool of representation. It is a system of tokens used in place of the largely impractical bartering of goods and services. But the regulation of money value is a choke point of the national-scale thief. This choke point is true on a material level and a spiritual level at the same time. First they can bankrupt us materially by playing with the value of money through manipulation of the interest rates set on all that is loaned into circulation. But also, if they can loan us money, at no risk to themselves, to spend foolishly on whatever we desire, immediately, then they can cultivate in us the inordinate love of material things (covetousness) which obstructs a love of spiritual things like justice, chastity, charity, etc. The result is material and moral bankruptcy, with its materialism, sensuality, laziness, etc. Let us listen to others on this vital subject of money control, Phillip; for it was the real super-weapon of the Enemy.
By Sheldon Emry
"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the, (around the banks), will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered." Thomas Jefferson
Too few Americans realize why Christian Statesmen wrote into Article I of the U.S. Constitution:
Congress shall have the Power to Coin Money and
Regulate the Value Thereof.
They did this, as we will show, in prayerful hope it would prevent "love of money" from destroying the Republic they had founded. We shall see how subversion of Article I has brought on us the "evil" of which God’s Word had warned.
Americans, living in what is called the richest nation on earth seem always to be short of money. Wives are working in unprecedented numbers, husbands hope for overtime hours to earn more, or take part-time jobs evenings and weekends, children look for odd jobs for spending money, the family debt climbs higher, and psychologists say one of the biggest causes of family quarrels and breakups is "arguments over money." Much of this trouble can be traced to our present "debt-money" system.
An adequate supply of money is indispensable to civilized society. We could forego many other things, but without money industry would grind to a halt, farms would become only self-sustaining units, surplus food
disappear, jobs requiring the work of more than one man or one family would remain undone, shipping and large movements of goods would cease, hungry people would plunder and kill to remain alive, and all government except family or tribe would cease to function.
An overstatement, you say? Not at all. Money is the blood of civilized society, the means of all commercial trade except simple barter. It is the measure and the instrument by which one product is sold and another purchased. Remove money or even reduce the supply below that which is necessary to carry on current levels of trade, and the results are catastrophic. For an example, we need only look at America’s Depression of the early 1930’s.
World War II ended the "depression." The same Bankers who in the early 30’s had no loans for peacetime houses, food, and clothing, suddenly had unlimited billions to lend for Army barracks, K-rations and uniforms! A nation that in 1934 couldn’t produce food for sale, suddenly could produce bombs to send free to Germany and Japan! (More on this riddle later.)
With the sudden increase in money, people were hired, farms sold their produce, factories went to two shifts, mines re-opened, and "The Great Depression" was over! Some politicians were blamed for it and others took credit for ending it. The truth is the lack of money (caused by the Bankers) brought on the depression, and adequate money ended it. …
Instead of the Constitutional method of creating our money and putting it into circulation, we now have an entirely unconstitutional system. This has resulted in almost disastrous conditions, as we shall see.
Since our money was handled both legally and illegally before 1913, we shall consider only the years following 1913, since from that year on, ALL of our money has been created and issued by an illegal method that will eventually destroy the United States if it is not changed. Prior to 1913, America was a prosperous, powerful, and growing nation, at peace with its neighbors and the envy of the world. But – in December of 1913, Congress, with many members away for the Christmas holidays, passed what has since been known as the FEDERAL RESERVE ACT. … it simply authorized the establishment of a Federal Reserve Corporation, with a Board of Directors (The Federal Reserve Board) to run it, and the United States was divided into 12 Federal Reserve "Districts."
This simple, but terrible, law completely removed from Congress the right to "create" money or to have any control over its "creation," and gave that function to the Federal Reserve Corporation. This was done with appropriate fanfare and propaganda that this would "remove money from
politics" (they didn’t say "and therefore from the people’s control") and prevent "Boom and Bust" from hurting our citizens. The people were not told then, and most still do not know today, that the Federal Reserve Corporation is a private corporation controlled by bankers and therefore is operated for the financial gain of the bankers over the people rather than for the good of the people. The word "Federal" was used only to deceive the people…. Since 1913 they have "created" tens of billions of dollars in money and credit, which, as their own personal property, they then lend to our government and our people at interest.
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