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The following is an excerpt from a book titled the 'Indivisable Light.' I found it relevant in my search for information regarding how it is that the Illuminati have used pluralism and tolerance as two ways to undermine and subvert the Christian Faith, specifically the Catholic Faith.
This has been one of the devil's most crafty tricks in the past 150-200 years, as is the idea of subjective relativism.


The next morning as we sat on the front porch, wrapped in our robes, watching the sunrise in the east, I slowly began another grueling day in the history of mankind.
War creates heroes, Phillip, where there were none before. Crisis brings out the best in some men but the worst in others. In this way the 20th Century separated the sheep from the goats. The synagogue of Satan warred against the Church of Christ. A time limit was set – perhaps an extension of time allowed. I read the account of the vision of Pope Leo XIII:

"One of the most unusual indications that a time limit has been placed on Satan, and his followers, is the apparition of St. Michael the Archangel, to Pope Leo XIII, that reportedly took place on October 13, 1884 After Pope Leo XIII had finished celebrating Mass in the Vatican Chapel, attended by a few Cardinals and members of the Vatican staff, he suddenly stopped at the foot of the altar. He stood there for about 10 minutes, as if in a trance, his face ashen white. Then going immediately from the Chapel to his office, he composed the prayer to St. Michael, with instructions it be said after all Low Masses everywhere.
When asked what had happened, he explained that, as he was about to leave the foot of the altar, he suddenly heard voices – two voices, one kind and gentle, the other gutteral and harsh. They seemed to come from near the tabernacle. As he listened, he heard the following conversation:
The gutteral voice, the voice of Satan in his pride, boasting to Our Lord: "I can destroy your Church."
The gentle voice of Our Lord: "You can? Then go ahead and do so."
Satan: "To do so, I need more time and more power."
Our Lord: "How much time? How much power?"
Satan: "75 to 100 years, and a greater power over those who will give themselves over to my service."
Our Lord: "You have the time, you will have the power. Do with them what you will."
Leo XIII was then given to understand that, from that moment, Satan was given a time to accomplish his purpose; and a greater power to spread evil, through those human agents who would dedicate themselves to his cause – though some of our readers may find it hard to believe any human being would be so foolish as to do this. Yet, the great victories accomplished by the forces of evil, in recent years in corrupting souls, gives ample proof that the devil has many willing human agents
Leo XIII was further given to understand that, if the Devil had not accomplished his purpose at the end of the time limit given, he would suffer a most crushing and humiliating defeat. Furthermore, the forces of good would not be helpless in the face of the onslaught of Satan and his legions. They, too, were given a greater power for good, if only they would use it. Through their prayers and sacrifices and good Christian lives, they could offset the power of the Devil and his human agents.
It was then that he saw the great role St. Michael was to play in this conflict, and that we should call upon his powerful intercession. As he had hurled Lucifer and the fallen Angels out of Heaven, after the "first revolt against God," so, too, he would play a great part in the battle


to come, and would eventually cast Satan again into Hell.
It was as a result of this vision that Leo XIII then composed the Prayer to St. Michael. St. Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host – by the Divine Power of God – cast into Hell, Satan, and all the evil spirits, who wander now throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls."

In the 20th century an Apocalyptic Battle of the Spirits raged over mankind. As I try to represent to you the concrete manifestation of the Red Dragon, as it appeared in this century, Phillip, it will be helpful to look at a bill of particulars dividing Communism and the "Woman" of the Apocalypse, which the Dragon pursues, which is Mystical Israel, Catholic Church. Compare these 17 differences:

THE CHURCH TEACHES THAT [the first thing stated] COMMUNISM TEACHES THAT [the second thing stated in each line. Also keep in mind, communism is but another tool the Illuminati use.]

1. Spiritual realities exist, angels and the souls of men, all created out of nothing by God. 1. Matter is the only reality that exists; from its blind forces come all forms of life.
2. The soul of man possesses the spiritual powers of reason and free will. 2. Man is merely a form of matter with no spiritual soul.
3. God is a pure Spirit. 3. There is no God.
4. The soul of man is immortal; his life on earth is a time of probation for eternity. 4. Death is the end of man and there is no hope of a future life.
5. Differences between men are an inevitable result of the natural differences in their capabilities. Different classes must work together in harmony and preserve social justice. 5. The differences between classes should be emphasized; class hatred will sharpen these differences and lead eventually to the triumph of the workers in the new communist society.
6. Every individual has rights which cannot be taken away. One is the right to save his soul. 6. The right of the individual has to be sacrificed for the material good of the community/state.
7. Men’s souls are of greater value than any material good of the community. 7. The welfare of the community/state is of greater value than personal rights.
8. As man has free will, so he has freedom of choice and personal responsibility. 8. Personal liberty does not exist; man’s actions are controlled by economic/biological/enviromental forces.
9. All true authority comes from God and parents exercise the authority of God over their children. 9. All authority comes from the community and the community/state has first authority over its children.
10. Private property and private ownership of the means of production is necessary and is consistent with personal liberty. 10. The means of production should be owned collectively by the community and no individual should have rights over material goods.
11. Private property should be distributed as widely as possible. 11. There should be no private property; all forms must be eradicated.
12. Society requires that a man should be free to employ others if he is capable of paying just wages, and can provide good conditions of employment. 12. No individual may hire another man. The community/state must be the employer.


13. Human life is sacred and the soul is spiritual. 13. Human life is not sacred and there is no such thing as spiritual soul.
14. Marriage is a contract made before God and by its very nature is above human law. It is subject to Divine Law and therefore cannot be broken by human law. It is also a sacrament blessed by God. 14. Marriage and the family are civil institutions.
15. The marriage bond cannot be dissolved except by death. 15. The community/state has authority to dissolve the marriage bond.
16. Parents are responsible for the education of their children. 16. The community/state is responsible for the education of children. Parents have no right to direct the education of their children.
17. Christ the Son of God is the supreme ideal to follow in life. 17. There is no divine being and material betterment in a classless society is the ideal.

Private revelations told us that Satan himself was able to enter upon the earth in 1940, at the beginning of World War II. Human wickedness invited his personal presence here since his banishment from the earth at Christ’s crucifixion.
The acceleration of evil kept apace with the tremendous advancement in knowledge, which naturally builds on itself, producing continual advances in technology… and pride. The level of human comfort, convenience and wealth became very high and a temptation to indulgent sensuality of mind, imagination and body, especially in those countries of Europe and America where the enemy wished men to fall asleep in their armchairs, sipping elixirs before the TV, while the poor and defenseless peoples of the world were being dispossessed by the Communists of their wealth, their freedoms and their lives.
But while all this was taking place, Phillip, effective control of our American representative government was also sliding under the waves, especially at the executive and judicial levels, where the entire staff could be appointed by agents of the secret government, which in the USA centered around the Banksters and their tax-free foundations and councils, especially the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations and the Council on Foreign Relations, which packed the government’s executive bureaucracies with its one-world government members.
"All this seems too complex to contemplate, Father."
The power structure of the Conspiracy's secret society was formed of many separate functional units, but all was governed by a single source of satanically inspired intelligence. All was managed by a rule of secrecy, under threat of death, by a relatively small congregation of possessed individuals in the higher echelons and in key positions throughout the whole organization. Secrecy took the form of a hierarchical pyramid, with agents at each level knowing only enough of the Plan of the Serpent as they needed in order to play their part in its execution. All were given a sufficiently sanitized rationale for what they were doing to disarm their already sick, but perhaps not yet dead conscience. The evil that an agent could not yet countenance was hidden from them. They were not allowed on that level. Also used were "useful idiots," as Lenin had called those exuberant fools who would lend their


efforts to that octopus of evil, the existence of which they were never aware. By way of this rule of every secret society, to hide the real motives for action from each actor, nearly every person in the world could be incorporated into the grand conspiracy of evil, in accordance with the degree of their evil inclinations, even their apathy or simple laziness.
Here is a synopsis of the problem which I penned in 1985, Phillip, as an introduction to one of my tabloid newspapers, The Christian Patriot, by which I had hoped to arm my fellow countrymen with the truth. The terrible events which followed were an indication of how few listened to the many voices in this century, especially in America, which exposed the enemy for what it was in publications of great detail, full of convincing evidence. The John Birch Society led the way with its magazine, The New American.
The slaughter by communists of hundreds of millions of people in the 20th century should have been warning enough to consciences, but for those steeped in personal unrepentance, Son, no warning sufficed. Would you read my Introduction, Son?
"Sure, Father."

"The purpose of this tabloid is to set down astounding truths concerning the life-and-death struggle with the "powers of darkness", both spiritual and human, with which the citizens of this world have been engaged. We cannot fight an enemy whose identity, nature, overall plans, activities, methods and instruments of warfare remain unknown. The excerpts and references herein are only an introduction to the Grand Conspiracy. But every American, however wise he may conceive himself to be, ought to suspend judgement and read this publication with objectivity. The Enemy’s plan, the "Plan of the Serpent" is simple: [it is interesting to note that this is the Hegelian Dialect mode of thought as well. The philosophy used by the Illuminati] "Corrupt and Destroy! Divide and Conquer!" They have systematically instigated and promoted immorality of every kind: in order to destroy the character, moral strength, courage and values of individuals, families, organizations and nations. By near total control of all medias, they have distorted all truths, fomented all manner of conflict and misunderstanding: thus rendering helpless people of good will in their task of achieving the unanimity of thought and action necessary for Law and Order, and their fruit, true Liberty. George Washington, in his Farewell Address, said: "Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports … And let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion … reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail to the exclusion of religious principle. It is substantially true that virtue or morality is a necessary spring of popular government." Knowing this great truth, the Illuminati – who both worship Satan and receive direct "spiritual" guidance from him – ordered that Christian principles be replaced by humanistic principles, so that men’s self-love could replace true religion. What must we do but take up the sword of Truth and fight the Monster Lies that enslave us to Servile Human Respect, the worst enemy of a free people; for it leads to an internal putrefication, through the abandonment of a proper sense of right and wrong, true and untrue. Before the god of Human Respect, Love, Goodness, Truth and Beauty are made subservient to any opinion. By our capitulation to their pretended creed of "Pluralism", we are made subject to their malicious will and destructive intent. This "religion of man" produces a spirit of arrogant cynicism and hypocrisy.


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