Thursday, August 4, 2011



Several weeks ago in early June, I posted on here a commentary titled Market/Military Capitulation within 2 months.
It amazes me how every single so called finance expert clown on CNN, CNBC, Bloomberg, etc., are all still telling the masses that it's a perfect time to BUY!!!
Can you believe these people??? One of the biggest clowns, Ali 'Baldhead' Velshi on CNN, just finished stating that the market's plunge today was completely irrational and that the fundamentals don't validate the collapse today. He and several others from other cable news networks went on to state and tried to sell the idea that Corporate earnings and Corporations were replete with profits/cash and that their vaults were all filled, so that what happened today was really unexplainable. But what these clowns don't tell you is that a lot of these corporate profits that they exalt are actually the result of massive layoffs, as well as creative accounting practices.
Every single one of these clowns have clearly been in denial since 2008, and even as the Titanic continues to sink beneath the waves, they continue to tell people to stay on board!
Ever since the 2008 TARP and Stimulus plans, the markets began to rally on a purely government manipulated injections rally. The loss of jobs, the higher inflation, the mounting debt issues throughout the western world, every single one of these issues was completely dismissed in the past 3 years.
For the past 3-4 years, I have been commenting and writing about just how false this so called recovery really was and is.
These same clowns that didn't see any of this coming pre September 2008, are the same ones telling us that everything is OK today.
The markets will collapse between now and November of 2011. The next phase of World War 3 will begin shortly with Russia and Iran becoming involved. China will enter into the fray probably in early to mid 2012.
Every single one of these TV clowns have been are, and will be wrong on every single one of these issues. Whether it's the financial or the geopolitical.

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