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As I write this, the Dow Jones has closed at about 265, gold has closed at about 1660.00, and the main stream media 'cheerleaders' for the administration are in complete shock.

They do not comprehend the simple formula that is based on simple arithmetic that states that if you spend more that what you make, you will be in trouble.

The current congress, along with the entire powers that are in control, decided that more money should and will be spent and printed, regardless of whether or not the basis, foundation and revenue is there to support such actions.

The media cheerleaders, especially the one's on CNN, seemed to be in shock as they had assumed that with the stroke of their messiah's pen on the newly passed Debt legislation, all problems had been fixed and that the markets would explode into a jubilant expression of this festive and momentous occasion.

But as the day progressed, it soon became clear to anyone with common sense knowledge of mathematics, that all that Congress and the administration had in essence accomplished was merely a complex rearrangement of the deck chairs on a 'sinking Titanic.'

For regardless of what actions are taken, one cannot do away with the trillions upon trillions of Dollars that are owed, and that doesn't even include the trillions upon trillions of Dollars that the government has as future debt obligations; which total according to the CBO somewhere around 211 Trillion Dollars!!!

So while the current leadership in Washington goes prancing around the deck of a sinking ship, congratulating themselves and 'high fiving' one another, and attempting to take credit as to who won and who lost in this argument, the sinking ship continues its downward demise beneath the waves of a massive ocean of debt.

The idiotic talking heads on the cable news networks, continue to argue about the newly arranged formation of the deck chairs, but have no idea that they too are on board the S.S. Doomed Ship.

Major wars are on the horizon. Major financial capitulations in Europe, North America and elsewhere are occurring now. Food and water are becoming scarce in many growing parts of the world. Strange signs are being perceived throughout the world. Ignorance and Foolishness are what seem to guide the majority of the masses today.
But the problem this country, and indeed the whole world currently has is not so much a debt in financial matters, but a debt in spiritual matters. The current amount of sin in the world, and the amount of immoral thought and behaviour is what should truly be of concern to people and nations. For it has always been that a moral demise, always always, precedes the ultimate demise of a nation and peoples. Not just today, but always has this been the case.

Over the next few weeks, these will all materialize as the Titanic continues to sink beneath the waves.


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