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Prophetic Flooding Of Miss. River---It's Flowing Backwards!!!

The Illuminati symbol in Memphis, symbolic of how the floods of society are approaching them from all sides: natural, political, economic, etc.

Deeper Symbolism In Today's
Natural Disasters!

The following article, is not only prophectic in a natural disaster sense, but it is also telling that a major shift in the current balance of power in the universe is about to shift.
As with past articles, in which I have highlighted patterns of present and historical events, the following article points to this as well.
Everyone with clear common sense, logic can plainly see that the current order of things in the current world is not in correct, or balanced proportion. The fact that the following article makes reference to the current flood situation in this region as a 500 year event, should lead you note that the last time this occurred was during a shift in the balance of power in the Americas. The Spanish Conquest in the south, and the English conquest in the north.
In a past posting regarding the Aztec, Mayan, Hopi, and Incan omens that accompanied the Spanish conquest, many strange natural world omens were appearing and being interpreted as such.
Today these omens are all around today's societies, but due to the fact that people today consider themselves much too sophisticated and modern to believe in such non sense, they go unseen and un heeded.
The natives of the past saw and attempted to heed them, but unfortunately many of their societies had falled into moral, social, economic and political decay as well.
The fact that the Mississippi River is so flooded, that it's flowing backwards, should be a sign to everyone that is wise to see it, that this is a sign of just how everything that should flow naturally is flowing backwards.
This is not just isolated to the natural world, but should also be seen as a sign of just how backwards everything in society and culture is.
I have made the comment in the past that it is sin that is the reason for all of these signs throughout the earth. The level of unrepented sin has reached to such heights that we no longer live in the norm, but instead in the extremes. The mass media calls this 'The New Norm.'
But there is nothing new, about this new norm. For more often that not, this new norm is nothing more than just 'Old Sinful Ways,' that also seem to appear towards the ends of civilizations, and the people in those times, as today, also regard those old vices, as something new. Old vices are only new to peoples that have never known the Good News of The Gospel.
Today the natural flow of winds, water, fire, and earth are all in rebellion with their normal ends. The elements are in revolt, just as the peoples that value life,truth, goodness and beauty are in revolt against the forces that value death, lies, evil, and sinful vices.
There is a coming shift in the balance of power. The native americans saw it 500 years ago, but today the ignorant masses that cheer for the death of others, do not.
For theirs will be the hands that will be shackled by the incoming foreign powers. First they were shackled by their sinful ways through their own free will. Next they will be shackeled by their new masters against their will.
This time approaches.

"Epic Flooding" of Mississippi River
All Eyes on the Mississippi River
Updated: Thursday, 28 Apr 2011, 6:39 PM CDT
Published : Thursday, 28 Apr 2011, 4:29 PM CDT


MEMPHIS, Tenn. - The Mississippi River continues to rise, so much so that its tributaries are starting to flow backwards. At Tom Lee Park, preps for Memphis in May continue knowing that the worst is still yet to come.

It's a site not often seen; the Wolf River and Nonconnah Creek are flowing backwards. The swelling river cannot take on much more water.

Gene Rench with the National Weather Service said all eyes are on the Mississippi. The tributaries flowing backwards are a big problem for the adjacent communities.

"Right now the Mississippi river is in the process of going through what we call an epic flood, meaning it's more than historic, it's more than a 100 year flood, it's more like a 500 year flood," he said. "We could flood many homes, businesses, close down factories, people could drown."

The river is more than two feet past flood stage; it rose two feet in the 24 hours following the storms. It's expected to crest at 45 feet around May 10th, right when Barbecue Festival teams are setting up their tents.

Memphis in May's Diane Hampton said they can deal with the forecasted 45 foot river. "At that point Tom Lee Park is not underwater; it's very close, but it's not flooded."

Hampton said they are preparing for the worst and looking at alternate locations for the Championship Cooking Contest, but remain confident it will stay downtown.

As for Music Fest, the only change is the city is pulling up the direct electricity and everything will run on generators.

"The river is not going to stop anything this weekend, other than the flood of people that's going to be down here," Hampton said.

Admittedly, she said the river has a mind of its own.

The Army Corps of Engineers is trying to out smart it by shutting down the Tennessee River and closing all other tributaries and dams that feed into the Mississippi.

According to Rench, "we're hoping and praying that the plans and actions that the Corp has taken, this strategy is going to work."

As the Mississippi River rises to near-record levels, Tunica's nine casinos will shut down indefinitely, displacing about 10,000 workers and costing millions in lost dollars. The closure orders were issued Wednesday to ensure the safety of visitors and workers.

All visitors must be off the property by 2 p.m. on the designated day. This anticipated closing schedule is based on current forecasts and is subject to change based on weather conditions.


  1. Today 5 May 2011 they will be blasting the levee for the third and final time to complete the operation - this will take place at approximately 1pm US time.


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