Saturday, May 14, 2011

Illuminati Cards---Good Predictor Of Future Events And Past False Flags---Part I

The following info is per Wikipedia---

Genesis of game

In September 1981, Steve Jackson and his regular freelance cover artist Dave Martin discussed their shared admiration of the Illuminatus! Trilogy, and the latter suggested a game. Steve Jackson decided against adapting the novel because of the expense of game rights, and the difficulty of adapting a novel with such convoluted plots. He decided "a game about the secret-conspiracy idea behind Illuminatus!" was doable. After doing research on the Illuminati and conspiracy theories, and "extensive and enthusiastic play testing" it went on the market in July 1982 in the Pocket Box format (a plastic box the size of a mass-market paperback) which was at the time the usual for SJG. Over the next few years, three expansions for the Pocket Box Illuminati game were published—the first two were substantially incorporated into the deluxe edition, while the third was an earlier version of what would become Illuminati: Brainwash.

Robert Shea provided a four-paragraph introduction to the rulebook for the Illuminati Expansion Set 1 (1983), in which he wrote, "Maybe the Illuminati are behind this game. They must be—they are, by definition, behind everything." Despite this initial involvement, Wilson later criticized some of these products for exploiting the Illuminatus! name without paying royalties (taking advantage of what he viewed as a legal loophole).[3] Later commentators have attributed both the game and the Illuminatus! Trilogy as using real conspiracies as "targets of ridicule."[4]

[edit] Description
A game of Illuminati in progress.The game is played with a deck of special cards, money chips (representing millions of dollars in low-nominal unmarked banknotes) and two six-sided dice. There are three types of cards:

2. groups
3.special cards

The players take role of Illuminati societies that struggle to take over the world. The Pocket Box edition depicted six Illuminati groups: The Bavarian Illuminati, The Discordian Society, The UFOs, The Servants of Cthulhu, The Bermuda Triangle, and The Gnomes of Zürich. The deluxe edition added the Society of Assassins and The Network, and the Illuminati Y2K expansion added the Church of The SubGenius and Shangri-La.

The world is represented by group cards such as Secret Masters of Fandom, the CIA, The International Communist Conspiracy, Evil Geniuses for a Better Tomorrow, California, and many more – there are over 300 official cards available. Every group and Illuminati has some Power, Resistance and Income values; most of the world groups have an Alignment. The game is written with the usual SJG humor. The game uses a multitude of conspiracy theory in-jokes, with cards such as the Boy Sprouts (where sinister youth leaders influence the world leaders of tomorrow), the Orbital Mind Control Lasers, the Mafia, two headed Anti-Nuclear Activists, or Trekkies.

Special cards represent unexpected phenomena and features, for example increasing Income or Resistance of a group.

The game is played in turns. The primary Illuminati (player) activity is taking control of groups. During an attack to take control, the attacker must overcome the Resistance of attacked groups with combined Power of his groups (affected by Alignment of attacker and attacked), money spent, and influence of special cards. The attacked group can be defended by spending money and special cards by other players (especially by the controlling Illuminati if the group is already controlled). After a successful attack to take control, the card is placed (along the special markers) next to Illuminati, or another already controlled group forming a power structure.

Each group has its own money, best marked by placing each group's money counters on that group. Money is moved slowly, only one step at a time between groups once per turn. Money in the Illuminated group is accessible for defense of or attacks on all groups in the entire world. Money in the groups can only be used in attacks by or against that group, but gives double defense bonus when spent.

Other types of attacks are attacks to neutralize (a neutralized group is removed from attacked Illuminati power structure and returns to the table - to the world) and attack to destroy (destroyed groups are removed from the game).

Besides attacking groups and themselves the players can trade, form alliances, and many other activities. In one variant of the game, players are allowed to cheat, steal money from the table and do anything it takes to win.

The aim of the game is fulfilled when Illuminati build a power structure consisting of given number of cards (depending on number of players), or when Illuminati fulfill its special goal, such as controlling at least one card of each alignment (the Bermuda Triangle), controlling a combined power of 35 (the Bavarian Illuminati) or hoarding 150 megabucks of money (the Gnomes of Zürich).

Although the game can support two to ten players, a group of four or five is considered ideal. Some Illuminati might seem unbalanced, such as the extremely high-income Gnomes and the low-level Discordians, but sometimes their true value is not visible at first or valuable only in certain circumstances. Planning the power structure is important, since groups close to the Illuminated core have a defense bonus. Also, groups can "block" each others control arrows, through which groups control other groups. The flow of money is also important, as a large lump of it will boost defensive/offensive of the owning group when spent. Tactics such as playing opponents off each other, backstabbing and concealing your true motives are encouraged in this game.

The game has attained cult status in some circles, been referenced in some geek media (like User Friendly comic strip). It is also mentioned in Dan Brown's novel Angels & Demons, which concerns an apparent attack by the revived Illuminati; the game is referred to as an online computer game, but references to Steve Jackson make clear that the reference is to this game.


The Illuminati game won the Origins Award for Best Science Fiction Boardgame of 1982.
GURPS Illuminati won the Origins Award for Best Roleplaying Supplement of 1992.
Illuminati: New World Order won the Origins Award for Best Card Game of 1994.
Illuminati PBM won the Origins Award for Best Play-by-Mail Game of 1985, 1990–1994, tied in 1995 with Middle-earth PBM, and was then added to their Hall of Fame in 1997

Now comes my commentary...

As you view the following cards from this Illuminati card game, keep in mind when this game first came into being. Originally in the mid 80s, and the cards came out in the mid 90s.
Also, I just wanted to let you all who read and follow this blog, that from Thursday through Friday, I was locked out of my account from Blogger. I just want to let you all know that if this ever occurs, and I can never regain my access on here, I will continue on a different blog, but always as Elijah. Just for your future references.
Now on to the topic at hand.
This is a series I will cover over the next few days. I will begin with these cards, but cover others in the following days. The following cards are cards that are included in this game, and paint a very sinister picture. The picture they paint is one of decades of false flag operations of years gone by and ones that are still to occur perhaps.

For instance, The first card I have posted on here, is one that is titled, 'World War 3.' This card is obviously one that has not occurred in its totality as of yet, but the current series of events world wide is currently promoting the events that will take the world as we know it to this world war 3! Also, if you read the message on the card, it refers to a first strike on another state or nation, in order to disable the enemy.

This second card, is very eerily similar to the Fukushita nuclear plant in Japan. We all saw the video images as the nuclear plant exploded on live TV, and the radiation from these plants is still travelling world wide, even though the news or any further/current coverage of it has completely been taken of the air. I wonder why???

This 3rd Illuminati card is one that reveals the elite's true intention on the masses they see as inferior pests, somewhat like Hitler's views. The card shows a city that has been, from what the card shows, a victim of what appears to be a gas attack. Also, if you recall some of the mural images from the Illuminati Denver Airport, the one image where the Leopard has been sacrificed, also has a city in the background with with appears to be poisonous/toxic gases.

This card, not only demonstrates the possible connections to the Sumatran Tsunami of 04, but even most recently from the Japanese quake. It's amazing how all of these cards eerily follow a pattern of modern day catastrophes.

About a week ago, I was watching the movie, 'Knowing,' with Nic Cage, and in this movie if you notice on the TV news that his character was watching, you see the news about a gulf oil fire that had just exploded in the middle of the Gulf.

This movie came out in 09, and the Gulf fire was last year. But still more eerie, this card is from the mid 90's!!! Classic Illuminati preconditioning of the masses!

This card so plainly shows the false flag that was the Swine Flu outbreak of 09, and any future potential threats that might arise from Avian Flu, or some other flu virus.

For all of those out there who are aware, or a bit familiarized with the HAARP program, this card plainly casts a light of truth on one of their toys. A toy they use to inflict harm on any country they so wish to do. By aiming this weapon at the fault zone, the Illuminati have the capability to create earthquakes at will.

This card is a particular one of relevance. It shows how these global and combined disasters, that will occur worldwide, will have the intended effect of ushering in a NWO period. A period in which Satan's minions will have free reign over much of the world for a short brief time span.

Also, notice the additional picture of the Wako clock tower in Tokyo. The picture in the card show this exact clock, but as of yet, it is still standing.

I left this one for last, as it clearly demonstrates their most famous false flag. Also, notice if you will the 6,6 on the bottom of the card, and also read the messages on the bottom of the cards.

It is interesting to note how prophetic these cards all seem to be. Either the Illumined forces are really good at prophecy and predictions, or perhaps they are really good at orchestrating their objectives. What do you think??


  1. Hello Elijah
    All those who are exposing truth are in danger - lately several people have been blocked from their blogs and channels. The only way to get around this is to pay for hosting:


    Get a free blog

    Buy a domain name from GoDaddy for $10 a year and then go to Hostgator for hosting $10 a month ---you need to install wordpress etc but there are video tutorials.
    With your own domain name and paid hosting no one can ever cancel you

  2. As always, thank you Perry for your insight and advice. I realize that the Truth in this world that we live in has always had many enemies. Hence the reason the life, the way and the Truth was killed over 2,000 years ago, and any one who has ever stood up for it, has in some way been treated in this very violent manner. I find it comical how yesterday I was reading how Hillary Clinton was talking about coming up with a gov't agency, for the sole purpose of countering all of these online conspiracies and other 'lies' (as she called them). The one thing she has does not realize is the axiomatic principle is the problem itself. The Gov't is the starting point, hence the reason that most people will not drink from their 'Kool Aid.' And those that continue to drink from it, keep going back for more.

  3. In truth it seems as though the masses have been blinded and only a few know the truth. We are entering dark times and I fear for the people of the earth..... and especially those who believe in the Son of God Jesus Christ...I wish that God's children would not have to suffer the terrible darkness that is coming....I know too that the faithful will have glorious and eternal blessings and that we are loved beyond our comprehension...

  4. Congress To Vote On Declaration Of World War 3

  5. Several prophecies are now fulfilled. The woman of Revelation 12 is now here… God is very precise: A woman delivers the true word John1:1, Rev 12:5, Rev 12:13 who restores Acts 3:21 all things to the world before Christ’s return. This woman exposes the lies of Satan who has deceived the whole world Rev 12:9. This woman creates a new thing in the earth by fulfilling God's promise to Eve Gen 3:15, Jer 31:22, Isa 14:16. She is meek like unto Moses Num 12:3, she was raised up Acts 3:22 from the Laodicean church that becomes lukewarm because they refused to hear her Rev 3:14-17. She is also bold like Elijah Matt 17:11, her witness alone turns the hearts of the fathers to the children Mal 4:5-6 to prepare a people for the Lords return before the great and dreadful day of the Lord Matt 17:3, Luke 9:30. Moses and Elijah are together with the word Matt 17:3 they all three are in this one woman. Those who will not hear Acts 3:23 the true word of God now delivered to the world free of charge, as a witness, at the heel of time from the wilderness Rev 12:6 will not be allowed inside the walls of God’s coming kingdom from heaven Rev 21. This true word turns the hearts of the fathers to the children of God by giving the truth that not one child of God will be put in a hell fire no matter what their sins. It never entered the heart or mind of God to ever do such a thing Jer 7:31, Jer 19:5. God created evil Isa 45:7 to teach his children the knowledge of good and evil Rom 8:7, Gen 3:22 so that at their resurrection they become a god Matt 22:29-30, Ps 82:6. Prove all things. Be a workman that needeth not to be ashamed. You cannot rightly judge this unless you read all that has been written by this woman first Pro 18:13 check out the bruising of Satan.

  6. I really don't know how steve jackson knows happening in the future he is an illuminati member or predictor because in the bible there is no predictor. Only God knows but he is a member of illuminati then he has a magic to predict and it happens someday by creating a card

  7. Hey Friends! As far as I'm concern, these illuminati card game is not a prophecy. It's a PREPLANNED agenda by the Illuminati or anti-christ movement.The Holy Bible or the book of revelation is a prophecy.
