Sunday, May 1, 2011

Bin Laden Dead, Gaddafi's Son Killed---Perfect Set Up For Next Phase Of The Illuminati Heglian Plan.

Next Phase Of NWO Plans?
Pretext For False Flags Now Given.

Tonight's announcement regarding Bin Laden and his death, and last night's announcement regarding Gaddafi's son and grand children's death (yet no one has seen any of their bodies), all lead me to the conclusion that it is now time for the Illuminati's next phase of their NWO plans.
With these most recent announcements being announced so publicly and so close together, lead me to believe that the Illuminati overlords are now in a position to enact the next phase of their Hegelian dialectic objectives.
For now they have the liberty to announce that any attack, or major event in Europe or N. America, will be as a direct result of either Gaddafi's revenge or Bin Laden's followers, and the masses will be once again herded into a state of fear and insecurity.
This will lead to a major counter attack by the NATO allies on either Iran, Syria, or North Korea, or any where else they point the finger of blame.
This will be when Russia steps in and declares war on NATO.
The coming false flag will be carefully instigated, and all main stream media fingers will point to either Gaddafi, or Bin Laden and his followers.

Also keep the following in mind: right at the same time this occurred, more and more people were doubting his (Obama's) citizenship, right at the time more and more people were doubting his strength, and noticing his weaknesses, right at the time his campaign for re election is about to begin, the story is released. The Illuminati truly are a crafty and insidious bunch!
Be prepared and pray at all times, for these men and women that are led by satan, will mislead many.

The following news items, especially the one in reference to Israeli jets preparing to attack Iran, lets you know that a false flag is in the works, and soon the Illuminati forces will be attacking Iran!!! It is also interesting to note how the media this morning was repeating the mantra of, " He was hiding in plain site!" When referring to Bin Laden.

Truth of the matter is, this is one of the Illuminati's greatest ploy's, and is a concept they enjoy waving in front of their unassuming victims/minions.
If you look at all of the Illuminati's signs, symbols and monuments that are found throughout the world, they in fact are the ones who best personify this concept of 'hiding in plain site.'
Everything from the Statue of Liberty, to the Washinton Monument, to the Bohemian Owl shaped building in Austin Tx, to the little bitty owl on your own Dollar Bill. All of these things are signs and symbols that clearly represent this concept of hiding in plain site.
So when I heard it repeated over and over on the main stream media outlets this morning, I knew exactly where they had gotten their talking points from.
("nuclear hell" threat, if Bin Laden caught or killed.)
(Bin Laden killed years ago.)
(Israeli Jets prepare to attack Iran!)


  1. Hello Elijah
    I know something very bad is coming to America (nuclear) and they are going to blame the terrorists and its not going to be the terrorists, but the illuminati - it's beyond diabolical the evil that has taken power of the world - Thanks for your blog. You make things that are happening clear...I know its a spiritual gift ---- I also feel strong probability of major event on 5 May
    May God continue to bless your work

  2. Good evening Perry. As always, thank you for your input. We should all be in constant prayer, for we are living in very evil times. I give thanks to the Holy Spirit for guiding and enlightening me and those around me.
    God bless you and your family Perry.
