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China---The Real Reason The West Is Attacking Libya, Eygpt, Syria, Bahrain, Pakistan, and Soon Iran!!!

The most recent announcement regarding Bin Laden, just like the so called 'humanitarian crisis' in Libya, will be used as a pre programmed pretext to enter fully into war with Pakistan and very soon Iran.
The NWO's plans for a one world secular, gov't under Luciferian forces, is now almost complete according to them. The only bastian in the world left that needs to be rid of their religious beliefs in God are the Islamic nations, the sons of Ishmael.
But if you remember from Genesis, how God also blessed Hagar's progeny and how they too would be be a nation of 12 princeses. God will now use the peoples and lands from the descendants of Ishmael that will act as a stumbling block for the current satanic, NWO forces.

'Rome arms Libyans on US order'
Mon May 9, 2011 5:54PM
Interview with former Assistant Secretary to US Treasury Paul Craig Roberts

Following Libya's National Transitional Council's announcement that Italy has agreed to supply revolutionary forces with weapons, former Assistant Secretary to US Treasury Dr. Paul Craig Roberts told Press TV that Rome's decision was made on behalf of Washington. (video on this site)

The following is the transcript of the interview:

Press TV:What do you think of Italy's role in the ongoing war in Libya?

Roberts:Well Italy is an American puppet state and will do whatever Washington tells them to do , I don't think Italy has a role as an independent country and so I don't really pay any attention to what Italy says.

Press TV:The National Transitional Council spokesman has said they are going to receive arms from Italy shortly, but the head of the council has said they have not received anything yet. What is your take on any agreement between them?

Roberts:No its not, what the UN security council issued is a no-fly zone that means to stop Libyan air force planes from flying in the air it doesn't mean that NATO countries can come to the military aid of the rebels.

You see in my opinion, and I may be mistaking but my opinion is that there is no legitimate rebellion in Libya it's a CIA operation and the US government is trying to get China out of Libya because China has extensive energy investments in Libya and also in two other North African countries and the US is very disturbed by the recent reports from the International Monetary Fund that China will surpass the US as the number one economic power within 5 years.

So Washington is trying to evict China from the Mediterranean and that is why the Libyan so called rebellion is unique, it did not take place in the capital city and it is also an armed rebellion which is not previously characterized in the Arab protest.

It originates in the east where china's oil investments are located and so what this is an effort to evict China from Libya.

Press TV:If the situation that's going on in Libya as you say is the US with ulterior motives to the humanitarian intervention that it initially claimed to happen what will constitute an end game for what's going on in Libya right now?

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts:Well the end of the game would be probably to petition the country and eject China from the east which would be under the new CIA operation.

It's possible that Washington would go further and send troops and overthrow Gaddafi but it would meet Washington's objectives simply to separate the oil regions in order to get rid of China out of the Mediterranean.

For the same reason Washington is focused on Syria because in Syria the Russians have a very large naval base in which they intend to keep aircraft carriers and Washington does not want the Russians with the navy in the Mediterranean.

And so what has happened is while Washington was caught off guard by the Arab protests in Tunisia, Egypt and Bahrain they quickly learned that they could use Arab protests as a cloche behind which to hide while China and Russia are evicted from the Mediterranean

And in my opinion that's what all this is about its certainly not about humanitarian concerns, I mean how can the Americans or Washington be concerned about humanitarian issues when they are continually murdering people in Pakistan and in Afghanistan and wherever else.

So it has nothing to do with humanitarian concerns it has to do with evicting to other world powers from the Mediterranean region.

================================================================================= UPDATE---

President of Pakistan PM Warns of 'Full Force' Response to Future U.S. Raids
Published May 09, 2011

Pakistan's prime minister warned the United States Monday that his country could respond to any future U.S. raids on its soil with "full force," in the latest escalation of rhetoric in the wake of Usama bin Laden's death.

Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani, like other officials in Islamabad, said the killing of bin Laden in northern Pakistan was a positive step. But, reflecting concerns that the unilateral strike violated his country's sovereignty, Gilani sent a clear message to the United States. He warned any "overt or covert" attack would be met with a "matching response" in the future.

"Pakistan reserves the right to retaliate with full force. No one should underestimate the resolve and capability of our nation and armed forces to defend our sacred homeland," Gilani said.

Pakistani officials are taking a firm stance on the raid, as the United States analyzes the trove of evidence collected from the bin Laden compound. That evidence -- described as the largest intelligence find ever from a senior terror leader -- could lead the United States to other terrorists on Pakistani soil, once again forcing President Obama to decide whether to go around the Pakistanis to capture or kill a high-value terror target.

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney has said the president reserves the right to enter Pakistani territory to act against terror suspects if Pakistan will not, and reiterated that message when asked about Gilani's speech. He said Monday that while the U.S. takes Pakistanis' concerns seriously, the U.S. does "not apologize" for the raid.

"It's simply beyond doubt in his mind that he had the right and the imperative to do this," Carney said Monday.

With analysts combing through the bin Laden files for clues on the whereabouts of Al Qaeda's Ayman al-Zawahiri or Taliban chief Mullah Omar, some are calling on Obama to strike again while Al Qaeda and its allies are staggering.

"We have no right to keep our troops on the defense dying, when we know where some of the highest-ranking people in the Taliban are," Bing West, former assistant defense secretary, told Fox News on Monday.

Former CIA Director Michael Hayden said that if the U.S. gets bin Laden's deputy -- presumed to be al-Zawahiri -- in its sights, "the same calculus" that was used on bin Laden should apply.

But the thought already has Pakistani leaders fuming.

Husain Haqqani, Pakistan's ambassador to the U.S., told ABC's "This Week" that the Pakistani government wants to continue "joint operations," but is concerned about the nature of the raid last weekend.

"Nobody said that we didn't want Usama bin Laden taken out. What we are offended by is the violation of our sovereignty," he said. "Now, we've heard the American explanation. But at the same time, try and put yourself in the position of a Pakistani leader who has to go to votes from the same people who will turn around and say, 'You know what? You can't protect this country from American helicopters coming in.'"

U.S. officials have made clear that they did not loop in the Pakistanis on the raid out of concern that somebody would tip off bin Laden.

Asked about the Pakistanis' concerns, Carney said repeatedly Monday that the U.S. continues to view its relationship with the country as "important."

Obama, in an interview with CBS' "60 Minutes," confirmed that he did not inform Pakistani officials of the raid in advance, though he praised Pakistan's cooperation considering "we've been able to kill more terrorists on Pakistani soil than just about any place else."

However, Obama also questioned whether anybody inside the Pakistani government might have known about bin Laden's location all along.

"We were surprised that he could maintain a compound like that for that long without there being a tip-off," Obama said. "We think that there had to be some sort of support network for bin Laden inside of Pakistan. But we don't know who or what that support network was. We don't know whether there might have been some people inside of government, people outside of government, and that's something that we have to investigate and, more importantly, the Pakistani government has to investigate."

==================================================================== UPDATE 5/10/11 China/Russia taking notice of NATO's Shortcomings.

NATO whittles down Qaddafi's strength but displays European weakness
DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis May 10, 2011, 10:20 AM (GMT+02:00)

Tripoli was shaken early Tuesday, May 10, by five huge blasts which flattened another set of mostly empty government buildings in Muammar Qaddafi's capital, but aroused little interest, even among Western journalists.It is common knowledge that the ruler, his family and top lieutenants abandoned the city after May 1 when NATO missiles struck a Qaddafi family residence, missing him but killing his son and grandchildren.

It is now suspected in Washington and NATO headquarters in Brussels that advanced electronic counter-measures imported recently to one of the foreign embassies in Tripoli tipped him off to the incoming missile attack and gave him just enough time to get away.
debkafile's intelligence sources report that since those devices were activated two weeks ago, NATO finds itself increasingly targeting empty government buildings and abandoned military installations.

Hence the comment by NATO Secretary Anders Fogh Rasmussen Sunday, May 8: After repeating, "The game is over for Qaddafi" and denying the war had reached a stalemate, he added there was "no military solution for the civil war in Libya."
Our military sources sum up the balance of the two-month NATO operation backing the Libyan rebellion:

The combined coalition campaign has failed to loosen Qaddafi's grip on power, dent his army's fighting spirit and combat ability, divide Libya's main tribes against him or shake the loyalty of his high commanders and government heads.
The fundamental fact that without substantial American military intervention, NATO powers lack the air, sea and missile resources for overcoming Qaddafi has remained unchanged ever since the US handed the campaign's command role over the NATO on April 4.

Theoretically, if the current military stalemate goes on, NATO bombardment would be able to destroy the pro-Qaddafi army in the course of time - but only if no other factors are taken into account. At the present intensity of its air and sea strikes, NATO would need five years - not months - to bring that army to breaking point. And in the meantime, Qaddafi and its external backers - Russia, China, most African and some Balkan countries - are not idle – witness the arrival of advanced electronic gear for helping to tipping the balance in his favor. According to intelligence updates, the Libyan ruler continues to take in a steady supply of ammunition, missiles and advanced weapons to replenish the stocks NATO airstrikes have destroyed.

The situation in which NATO finds itself in Libya has wider military implications. If the Atlantic Alliance, and especially Britain and France which are spearheading the Libya campaign, are short of the resources they need for overcoming a Libyan army consisting essentially of four to five brigade-strength military frameworks fighting without air cover, hard questions must be asked about the alliance and its 26 members' real military worth.

Those questions apply in particular to Europe and bear on its political strength.
Syria's Bashar Assad has gathered from NATO's shortcomings in the Libyan arena that he has a free hand to set his army, tanks, artillery and live ammunition on protesters and suppress the uprising against him with an iron hand without fearing that the European UNIFIL contingents from France, Italy and Spain in Lebanon may turn their guns on him. Iran is also watching intently. And Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states are showing diminishing interest in taking up NATO's invitation to associate themselves with the alliance by military pacts.

The coalition's limitations have reduced the fighting in Libya to two battle arenas, with NATO involved directly in only one:
1. Misrata, 185 kilometers west of Tripoli, the only rebel stronghold in western Libya: Were it not for NATO's air support, pro-government forces would have recaptured the town in the third week of the April.

Although Monday, May 9, the rebels repulsed a government assault on their positions, they have not managed even with NATO help to break the pro-Qaddafi forces' siege of the town or halt the Grad missile and artillery bombardment.
Neither have the rebels been able to dislodge Qaddafi's forces from Misrata airport, where light planes and helicopters flying beneath the no-fly zone are able to land bringing fresh reinforcements, supplies and ammo for Qaddafi's forces and take off with the wounded.
2. The Nafusa Mountains which cut through the center of western Libya. The Berber tribes which populate the mountain towns of Gharyan, Yifrin, Kabaw, Nalut and Ziztan are in revolt against the Qaddafi regime.

Their cause is quite separate from the Benghazi-based rebels' goal to overthrow the Qaddafi regime. The Berbers are fighting for an independent state. If they succeed, they hope to be joined by fellow tribesmen in Algeria and Morocco in a state spanning much of North Africa.

This battlefield is small in scope with little impact on the main thrust of the war. The Berbers are a small, scantily armed fighting force and government forces avoid taking them on, except for desultory rocket and artillery fire on their towns. Those towns can only be reached through rough, unpaved, mountain trails.
Qaddafi has split his ground forces into armored columns of 60 tanks and armored vehicles each to enhance their speed of movement and make them tougher targets for NATO jets to strike.
He is taking care to keep them away from the Berber mountain trails where they would be easy prey.


  1. Thanks Elijah for the information. It clearly shows the direction of the war and what it is all about - the world does not seem to have a clue of the events that are transpiring and the consequences for Europe and USA - the Western Alliance is showing how weak they are with the might of the US military / I can see that when Russia and China know that the US army is not a threat to them they will enter the war (like after a E.L.E. natural [man made] disaster Or act of God)

  2. I meant to say in 4th last line 'without'

    the Western Alliance is showing how weak they are "without" the might of the US military


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