Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Watchmen's Nuclear Message For You!

Frost Bank building in Austin, one of many representations of Molech the Owl diety in our powerful financial institutions.

The Secret Society Watchmen Are Watching You!!!
April 25, 2010
Just last night my brother and I watched a most interesting movie. The movie is titled, "The Watchmen," and is one of the most symbolic and most informative Masonic/Illuminati movie I have ever seen. Although there is a lot of violence and gore, the main message of the movie leaves you the feeling you have just attended a secret Illuminati meeting.
A friend of mine asked me a few days ago if I had ever watched it and I replied that I had not. He mentioned that he did not really understand it and that he was somewhat confused by it. So I contacted Netflix and viola!
I must say that the movie from the beginning credits to the last scene is replete with important Masonic/Illuminati meaning and symbolism. The message is one that all of the films they fund has, but this one is more specific and they actually talk to one another as if they were holding the secret society meeting right in front of you.
The reason I write this this morning is due to a very important and of quite serious nature the main message of the movie has.
I will now attempt to break it down through my own understanding of Masonic/Illuminati symbolism and agenda.
The movie from the very beginning mocks everything Christian. In the opening credits you see a mocking of the Last Supper.
In the opening scenes you also see the different Illuminati groups being represented by the different costumes. The most obvious is the man in the owl costume who is representative of the Bohemians. In the first part of the movie you see several owl symbols in the background, one of which is white on a wall, which is the very same one that is found drawn very small at the base of the number one on the one dollar bill.See here

You even see the reference to Moloch, the pagan god of the Bible, who is the deity that the Bohemians worship throughout the entire movie. The biblical reference can be found in Leviticus 20-22.
Apart from the Bohemians, you see the other society groups represented as well. The man called Warshack, who is basically the secret society of the Skull and Bones from Yale. He is the one who represents the more moral, conservative, war mongering branch of the Illuminati.
You also have the smartest man in the world, who represents the Masons. If you notice throughout the entire movie, he is surrounded by pyramid, obelisk (the Washington Monument is this), and other Masonic symbols. Pridefully he considers himself so intellectually superior to everyone else, that everyone has to do his bidding. You see this represented in one scene where all the heads of industry are meeting with him asking for his help.
You also have Jupiter, the woman superhero, is one of the pagan deities of the Masons. She is also represented and known as Isis, you can reference the following site for more info on this masonic goddess. ( )
You then have the Big Blue Dr. Manhattan. He is representative of 3 basic things, a trinity of evil if you will: The Illuminati as a whole, man made god, and basically Lucifer in the form of man.
If you notice as well, he has the all seeing eye symbol on his forehead as well. Through great intellect he too reached the highest levels a mere man could aspire to, just as Lucifer also was one of the brightest of beings in Heaven who believed that he too should obtain the highest position in the universe.
The entire movie has this underlying message that the societies of the Illuminati have always been the protectors of mankind. That without them, mankind would devour themselves.
In one scene you have Jupiter asking, "Who would want to kill us?" This line in the movie refers to how people today, through the Internet, are basically for the first time in centuries finding out about them and their plans for humanity. She asks this question as a way to ask the public, "why would anybody want to undo our New World Order Plans??" " Who wants to unravel these great plans we have for society??"
It is also interesting to see that in the movie you have this squabbling between the different societies. Where one thinks it is better to do things one way and the other another. It is almost as if one is a fly on the wall in one of their secret meetings.
But the most dangerous message you have in the movie is the part where they all agree that it is better to kill millions of people in order to save billions. This scene comes towards the end, and it comes when the character Dr. Manhattan creates a nuclear type holocaust in downtown Manhattan. Here is the key to understanding how they think.
The smartest man in the world (masons) creates this artificial enemy strike on the U.S., and blames it on a third entity, Dr. Manhattan( an out of the bottle nuclear blue genie), so that not only the U.S. and Russia could have a common enemy, but the world in general. This would divert attention from both countries wanting to annihilate each other and instead focus on this third party.
The third party here is non other than Muslim extremist and Iran in the real world. The nuclear detonation, according to the "Illuminati Watchmen" is necessary in order to prevent all out nuclear war. In the movie they say something along the lines of "millions lost, is better than billions." Where the evil means, according to them, are validated in order to save more.
The only thing wrong with this position is that Biblical prophecy totally contradicts this new world order plan.
Is it any wonder why all the efforts are being made by the U.S. and the rest of the Illuminati nations to get Russia and China aboard for sanctions against Iran?
Is it any wonder why there has all of a sudden been all these so called Muslim extremist attacks in Russia??
Is it any wonder why all the sudden talk on mainstream news media outlets about Muslim extremists getting and detonating a bomb in a city??
All of these real world scenarios play out perfectly according to not only the Watchmen movie, but any blockbuster movie. They all are funded through Illuminati Banker Cartel movie studios, and all promote through careful propaganda this same message.
The Illuminati nations need that third party to blame and what better target than Muslims and Iran who will be their next target.
Throughout the movie one sees the constant message on newspapers in the movie of war. There are a lot of symbols and messages in the background of many scenes, too many to go through them all. But there is one, right at the end that is on a bill board that reads, "In your heart, you know it's right," basically appealing to the viewers about why what's coming is necessary according to them.
You also see that in the movie, the movie several reference as to how they are already prepared, for their livelihood after this nuclear blast. Dr. Manhatten is planning on an outer space sanctuary (remember on Friday NASA launched that top secret rocket) and the smartest man had his sanctuary built in Antarctica.
So I would suggest watching this, or any other blockbuster movie from within the past 10 years. Chances are, you will begin to see their true sinister intentions for you and me.

Alex Jones, Dark Secrets of Bohemian Grove Video:


  1. you are a retard. the movie is based on a graphic novel which is a completely original piece of work about what superheros might by like if they existed in an alternative future based around the time of the cold war.
    It's a story about science's power and wether humans should be trusted to hold that power.
    You are a very paronoid human being who needs to get out more.

  2. You story is right on man. Knowing what I do, I'd much rather be a little paranoid than living in denial or asleep as some seem to be. The movie is loaded with pagan/NWO messages. People being programmed and don't even know it.
