Today there is suppose to be immigration protests in 70 cities across the U.S. It is interesting to note that the current immigration debate is really just another moral issue that when viewed thought the spectrum of history, is one that continuously cycles itself over and over.
Just as abortion, homosexuality, the disintegration of the family, and immigration are all main and current moral issues, so too have they been for thousands of years.
But these issues have always become issues of debate towards the end of past civilizations and society's cycles of power. The following is just one example of how God always judges civilizations that do not follow His moral laws.
In Ezekiel22:1 we read, "Son of man, will you judge them?Will you judge the city of blood? Charge her with all her detestable practices. Say; This is the Lord Yahweh's word: City of bloodshed, your hour has come. You who made idols to defile yourself, you are nearing your last days, the end of your years has come. That is why I am making you an object of horror for the nations and a laughing stock for every country. Those both near and far will mock you, for your name is defiled and you are full of tumult. The leaders of Israel (America today), each according to his strength, have one intent-to shed blood. In you, Israel (America) father and mother are treated with contempt. In you the alien( immigrant) is oppressed, the fatherless wronged and the widow wronged."
v13: "See, I will clap my hands at your dishonest profit (Wall Street) and the blood you have shed (every Illuminati backed war in the past 50 years). Will your courage hold out, will your hands be steady when I shall come against you? I, Yahweh have spoken and I will act accordingly. I will scatter you among the nations, I will disperse you in other countries to rid you of your uncleanness. Then you will be dishonored in the eyes of the nations and you will know that I am Yahweh."
From the days of the prophet Ezekiel, to today, the same immoral attitudes and acts are the very same ones that allow for a nation or a civilization to become so blinded by them that the cycle is repeated over and over and over.
An issue like abortion or child sacrifice as it is quoted from Leviticus18:21, "Do not give any of your children to be sacrificed to Molech and do not profane the name of your God; I am Yahweh," (the very same immoral act of sacrificing or killing an innocent) holds the same severe consequences in the eyes of God, regardless of whether it happened 3,000 years ago, or is happening today in 2010.
The irony regarding the immigration issue is that most of these anti-immigrant supporters also consider themselves pro life and good Christians, but feel entitled to pick and choose from the Bible as they see fit. They forget that even Jesus lived for most of His life as an immigrant in another country. As did many of the Apostles and saints throughout their lives of evangelization.
For it is clearly written in Scripture that the alien, the immigrant, those who are foreign or strangers to our land are to be accepted and seen as brothers and sisters, for if one turns his/her back on them, then God has made it clear that He will make any nation that turns their back on the alien/immigrant a nation to be scattered throughout, and then they will become the exiled alien living in a foreign land.
He has done this every time a nation or land has turned their back on the poor, the voice less, the innocent, the alien, etc.
There is a lot of evil in our world today regardless of whether the evil is committed by a native born citizen or an alien. But the media seems to focus in on the evil committed by the alien and not the evil committed by the citizen.
But yet why does the media not research on the amount of non natives that are fighting in our armed forces? Or the sons and daughters of these non native citizens that are fighting in our current wars abroad and killing for the Illuminati's causes. Let us see how the Army goes to recruit the sons and daughters of illegal aliens in the poorest sections of a town or city. Their blood might not be good enough to mingle with native born citizen's, but it will do just fine to live and die in the middle east.
Every nation or civilization during the decline stage of it's cycle turns on the immigrant and their immigrant population, because usually by this stage the nation is not only morally bankrupt, but economically and militarily bankrupt as well.
We do not even have to travel to the days of the prophet Ezekiel to see this, but only to the 1930s and Germany to view this. Who was it the Nazi's turned against? Who was it Hitler blamed for a host of economic problems? It was the Jews, but more importantly it was any and all immigrant populations in those countries that Hitler later conquered. Did Hitler win the war? Or was his country left sacked and desolate?
The ignorance of today's anti immigrant protesters is equivalent to their ignorance of God and His precepts. This ignorance leads to fear and to violence against the targeted groups of non natives.
Exodus1:8, "Then a new king who had not know Joseph came to power and said to his people, 'The Israelites (any alien group) are more numerous and stronger than we are. Let us deal with them warily lest they increase still more and in case of war, side with our enemy."
v22" Pharaoh then gave this order to all people: Every infant boy born to the Hebrews must be thrown into the Nile, but every girl may live."
Whether 4,000 years ago, or 60 years ago, political leadership is always wary of the number of their immigrant populations living among them. If this population begins to grow, then just as Pharaoh gave the order to kill newborn infants, and Hitler gave the order to kill whole groups, today we are seeing the beginnings of what the world has seen many times before.
But even within these moments of great evil, God's providence is greater and He has always demonstrated that no matter the evil that man or the devil has in mind, He always extracted a greater good even through great evil. This has always been the case and will always be.
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