Saturday, January 16, 2010

One Eye Dajal vs Islam.

In my 3rd book, Faith through Reason, I too make reference to how Secret Societies throughout the past 300+ years has also tried to undermine the Catholic Church and its message.
The One Eyed Dajal, or anti-Christ figure according to Muslim tradition is a very interesting figure. After viewing the following You Tube video and reading the following excerpt, you will come to realize that this Dajal is not a person per se, but rather a system. A centuries old system that has had as a stumbling block both the Catholic Church in the past, and now the nations of Islam, for you see, any nation that has religion as its core, and God as its focus, will always be a stumbling block for this type of anti Christian philosophy. Let us recall what God said about th founder of Islam, through who the Muslims claim their convenant was formed in Islam:

Genesis17:20, " As for Ishmael (founder of Islam), I heard you. I will bless him and make him fruitful, and I will multiply his race. He shall be the father of twelve princes and I will make of him a great nation."

It is almost as if the good Lord has realized that his first child (Judaism) and his offspring (Christianity), their ways have gone astray, and is now using the offspring of Ismael (Muslims) to be the rod that corrects his two other relatives.
This is why what is going on now with Iran, Pakistan, Turkey and these the rest of the Muslim nations will not only not subside, but will increase until we enter that global conflagration that will be as a crucible, where His children will be once again purified, but it will be as if going through fire (the nuclear wars).

Also, as you read this, keep in mind that over the past 6 months, there have been several scientist that claim these new flu viruses that have started to spread are not naturally occurring viruses, but have rather been manufactured in labs some where ( the U.S. military has actually be working with swine flu viruses since the end of the cold war.)
Also keep in mind that through this Masonic new world order, the countries of the West are the ones that will battle against those of the east, or rather those that are not under Masonic rule, Muslim nations, Russia, China.
Also keep in mind that throughout history, these secret society groups have always used conflict, tension, and further fed the flames in order to create their vision of their New World Order as they see fit.