The following are a few of Nostradamus' Quatrains for what is currently happening and what is about to unravel. Basically, most of Century One and Century Two all deal with modern and future events and occurrences. I have only selected a few, but over the next few days I will send out more from these two centuries so that you can see how we are currently fulfilling many predictions/prophecies.
What follows the Quatrains is an article that refers to a warning that Turkish Prime Minister gave today to Israel. Let us be aware that Iran and Turkey will be two middle east allies during the coming war. Russia and China will also be allied with Iran, but each of these countries will fight in different regions of the world.
After this article follows another article referring to Israel and Greece's growing military ties.
Russia will battle against most of Western Europe, and China against the U.S. and Canada.
Nostradamus' Quatrains:
Under one man peace will be proclaimed everywhere,but not long after will be looting and rebellion.Because of a refusal, town, land, and sea will be broached.About a third of a million dead or captured. Century1Q92
[Obama received his Nobel Peace prize a few weeks ago. The refusal could possibly mean the refusal of Iran and its current nuclear aims. Just this morning, the P5+1, Security Council members and Germany met in New York to try resolve this issue, but China in a clear signal to this group sent one of its lower ranking officials, one that is not capable of making any binding agreements.]
Throughout Asia there will be great proscription,also in Mysia, Lycia and Pamphilia.Blood will flow because of the absolution of a young dark man, filled with evil doing. Century3Q60
[This coming war will affect not only Asia, but Europe, N. America, and S. America as well.]
Hunchback will be elected by the council,A more hideous monster not seen on earth,The willing blow will put out his eye,The traitor to the King received as faithful. C3Q41
[This particular quatrain speaks of something that sounds very similar to the One All Seeing Eye of the Secret Societies or council as the quatrain refers to it. Also refers to this individual that was elected by the council/society, as being a traitor, but being seen as good, or faithful.]
In the year that one eye will reign in France,The court will be in very unpleasant trouble:The great one of Blois will kill his friend,The realm placed in harm and double doubt.C3Q55
[Here again we see reference to the One Eye group or individual that is elected by the one eye groups, ie, the secret societies that run not only the U.S., but France, England, and most of Western Europe.]
The great band & sect of crusaders,Will be arrayed in Mesopotamia:Light company of the nearby river,That such law will hold for an enemy.C3Q
[The great band of Christian soldiers in Mesopotamia, or modern day Middle Eastern countries.]
The chief of Persia will occupy great Olchades,The trireme fleet against Mahometan people:From Parthia, & Media, & the Cyclades pillaged,Long rest at the great Ionian port. C3Q64
[Persia is modern day Iran, Olchades is modern day Spain. The trireme fleet refers to the Western or NATO fleets in the Mediterranean Sea that will be fighting against the Muslims or followers of Mohammad. Parthia and Media are in modern day Iran, and Cyclades is modern day Greece. This quatrain refers to the battles during the coming World war, and how Iran and Turkey combined will actually occupy all the way to Spain.]
Because of French discord and negligence,an opening shall be given to the Mohammedans:The land & sea of Siena will be soaked in blood,and the port of Marseilles covered with ships & sails.C1Q18
[Mohammedans, was how during the time of Nostradamus, they referred to the Muslims. This quatrain also refers to WWIII]
Turkey warns Israel against violating its airspace
Wed, 09 Dec 2009 23:33:57 GMT
Russia will battle against most of Western Europe, and China against the U.S. and Canada.
Nostradamus' Quatrains:
Under one man peace will be proclaimed everywhere,but not long after will be looting and rebellion.Because of a refusal, town, land, and sea will be broached.About a third of a million dead or captured. Century1Q92
[Obama received his Nobel Peace prize a few weeks ago. The refusal could possibly mean the refusal of Iran and its current nuclear aims. Just this morning, the P5+1, Security Council members and Germany met in New York to try resolve this issue, but China in a clear signal to this group sent one of its lower ranking officials, one that is not capable of making any binding agreements.]
Throughout Asia there will be great proscription,also in Mysia, Lycia and Pamphilia.Blood will flow because of the absolution of a young dark man, filled with evil doing. Century3Q60
[This coming war will affect not only Asia, but Europe, N. America, and S. America as well.]
Hunchback will be elected by the council,A more hideous monster not seen on earth,The willing blow will put out his eye,The traitor to the King received as faithful. C3Q41
[This particular quatrain speaks of something that sounds very similar to the One All Seeing Eye of the Secret Societies or council as the quatrain refers to it. Also refers to this individual that was elected by the council/society, as being a traitor, but being seen as good, or faithful.]
In the year that one eye will reign in France,The court will be in very unpleasant trouble:The great one of Blois will kill his friend,The realm placed in harm and double doubt.C3Q55
[Here again we see reference to the One Eye group or individual that is elected by the one eye groups, ie, the secret societies that run not only the U.S., but France, England, and most of Western Europe.]
The great band & sect of crusaders,Will be arrayed in Mesopotamia:Light company of the nearby river,That such law will hold for an enemy.C3Q
[The great band of Christian soldiers in Mesopotamia, or modern day Middle Eastern countries.]
The chief of Persia will occupy great Olchades,The trireme fleet against Mahometan people:From Parthia, & Media, & the Cyclades pillaged,Long rest at the great Ionian port. C3Q64
[Persia is modern day Iran, Olchades is modern day Spain. The trireme fleet refers to the Western or NATO fleets in the Mediterranean Sea that will be fighting against the Muslims or followers of Mohammad. Parthia and Media are in modern day Iran, and Cyclades is modern day Greece. This quatrain refers to the battles during the coming World war, and how Iran and Turkey combined will actually occupy all the way to Spain.]
Because of French discord and negligence,an opening shall be given to the Mohammedans:The land & sea of Siena will be soaked in blood,and the port of Marseilles covered with ships & sails.C1Q18
[Mohammedans, was how during the time of Nostradamus, they referred to the Muslims. This quatrain also refers to WWIII]
Turkey warns Israel against violating its airspace
Wed, 09 Dec 2009 23:33:57 GMT
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned Israel of strong reaction should the regime violate his country's airspace in an attempt to spy on Iran. In an interview with Egyptian journalist Fahmi Huwaidi, Erdogan said Turkey's response to any Israeli violation would cause an "earthquake" in Israel, the Turkish media reported. His remarks were made after some reports claimed that Israel had violated Turkish airspace in order to spy on Iran. Endogen, however, rejected the reports. "Furthermore, the Israeli's cannot use the relationship they have with us as a card to wage aggression on a third party and expect us to stand neutral or with folded hands," the premier concluded.
The following article, from today's Debka file website shows an interesting and strengthening alliance between Greece and Israel. If you recall, and review the prophetic quatrains of Nostradamus I sent out a few weeks ago, you will see how Greece will be one of the countries, along with Israel, that will be in conflict with Iran and Turkey in this coming world war.
It is very interesting to see how all of these alliances are taking place just as has been prophesied. It is almost like seeing a car crash in slow motion and knowing what the end result is going to be.
Greek admiral's visit signifies deepening military ties with Israel
DEBKAfile Special Report
December 25, 2009, 10:28 PM (GMT+02:00)
Greek Navy chief Vice Adm. G. Karamalikis
The strategic and military ties between Greece and Israel are deepening in reverse proportion to Turkey's estrangement from Israel and its growing closeness to Iran and Syria, DEBKAfile's military sources report. Significantly, when the commander of the Greek Navy, Vice Admiral G. Karamalikis secretly visited Israel earlier this month, he won the sort of red carpet which the Israel Defense Forces high command rarely gives foreign military visitors.
Israeli Navy chief Vice Adm. Eli Marum took him around Navy HQ in Haifa port plus unusual tours of the top-secret INS Dolphin Type 800 submarine and the Saar V class INS Eilat 501 corvette.
The Dolphin is ranked as Israel's premier long-distance deterrent weapon and believed by Western military experts to carry nuclear-capable cruise missiles.
The Eilat was part of the Israeli submarine's escort when it passed through the Suez Canal last June, starting out from the Mediterranean and heading to the Red Sea and back. Vice Adm. Marum accompanied the visitor and briefed him on the navy's operational capabilities.
This demonstration focused on the vessels Israel has thrust to the fore in the last two years for Iran's benefit, to display the extent of its long-distance military reach as far as Iran's shorelines, the Persian Gulf and the Arabian Sea.
The military partnership between Israel and Greece is not new. In June 2008, their two air forces and navies conducted a joint war game, during which 100 Israeli fighter-bombers flew out from their bases as far as Greek skies and back, spanning a distance roughly equal to that between Israel and Iran. The exercise was meant to show Tehran the Israeli Air Force's ability to cover the distance to Iran's nuclear facilities and back. According to Western military sources, the maneuver included practice sorties by Israeli warplanes against Russian-made S-300 anti-missile missile batteries deployed by the Greek Army.