Both Transformers movies are movies that are filled with much mason/illuminati symbolism. Everything from numbers to words to symbols show and point to deeper and more disturbing message.
Towards the end of the first movie, you see "Sam" the main protagonist of the movie running with this black "all spark" cube. If you notice his sweatshirt, the front of it has a Mason G on the right shirt pocket, in the shape of the masonic compass, and the back of the sweatshirt as 33, meaning the highest degree a Mason can reach.
Also, as he runs, he (symbolising Masons/Illuminati) he is the one protecting this black cube, which in and of itself stands for a symbol of the dark occult powers, and he is the one trying to protect it from the Decepticons (who throughout the movie are portrayed as an Asian country, more specifically China).
If you notice throughout the movie, the countries that are constantly being portrayed as the countries that are the enemy are Iran, North Korea, Russia and China. Also, when you see the so called robotic decepticon writing that has to be deciphered into English, the writing looks Chinese, and the Decepticon robots sound as they are speaking chinese at some points of the movie.
The "all spark" cube in both the first and second movie represent the dark, occult practices of the evil one,and in the movie it is viewed as that which is good.
Society through all forms of entertainment is being conditioned to accept that which is evil for good, as well as being prepped for a war with particular countries.
The following you tube video demonstrates some of what I have just pointed out. But it mainly shows footage from the 2nd Transformers movie, but both have plenty of symbolism and message.