***Report: Syrian military arms chemical weapons***
Could Syrian President Bashar Assad be gearing to use chemical weapons on rebel forces? NBC News reported Wednesday that the Syrian military "has loaded the precursor chemicals for sarin, a deadly nerve gas, into aerial bombs."
Citing US intelligence officials, the report said that Assad, who has been fighting to stay in power since March 2011, is prepared to use chemical weapons against his own people
Just the other day I saw how several news articles that referred to how many Christmas trees the White House had this year; the number was 54...which through their Kaballah numerology gives us 9. Also, another Illuminati puppet concert is going to be held in New York's Madison Sqaure Garden and it is being promoted as the 12/12/12 concert for the 'Poor Sandy Victims.' The Illuminati probably feel they didn't get enough money raised through their last money collection attempt, oh, I mean their last Concert for the Sandy victims, so now they are billing it under another number series. The problem is that this always gives them away, becuase you know who it is that is really receiving this money. It's not the Sandy victims.
The first concert these Illuminati puppets held was on 11/2/2012. What do we get when we add these numbers? 11 stays the same, as the occultist Illuminati don't add the 1+1, rather they use it as 11 since they view 11 as a master number. So when we add 11+2+5, we get 18. and 18 can be seen two ways. as 6+6+6 or as 9 due to 1+8.
I was just reading in the following link that this concert had netted them some 23 million Dollars. Clearly way way below the Billions collected for Haiti and the Japan Tsunami relief efforts, so they needed to organize another event so that people could give more of their hard earned money to the Illuminati overlords these puppets serve. 23 million dollars is still a lot, but not anywhere near what other disaster relief efforts had netted them. People around the country must finally be getting smart.
Well This coming concert is billed as the 12/12/12. Interesting configuration seeing as how if once adds these 3/12's one gets 36. And 3+6=9!
Once you get the formula the Illuminati use for everything, it becomes very easy to figure out many many of their clever ploys. They always use the same numbers. 5, 9, 11, (multiples of 11) and 13. Everything from the start of wars throughout history, to the origins of the Federal Reserve, to the signing of different treaties, to the false flags in the past, they all have these fingerprints. The dates always end in one of these numbers. Even as far back as the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. He was shot 4/14/1865. If you add these digits you get 29, and 2+9=11! Even though he died the following day, most historical events have this in common.
The day Illuminati/Zionist Israel became a state: 5/15/1948=33! 33 is a master number for the Freemasons! All history is like this. They very carefully choose dates that add up to certain numbers in order to receive what they desire from their god, lucifer.
The reason I set this premise as a base is to try to predict the attack on Syria/Iran which can occur any day now. But as we have already seen, not just any dates, but ones that add up to specific numbers.
The following dates add up to Illuminati master numbers:
12/10/2012=1+2+1+0+5=9. Somehow the Illuminati seem to always use 9 for financial dates for some reason. Also, if you note how all coins coined in Illuminati nations have the .999 gold/silver imprinted on the coins themselves. Now, some coins have the .9999 on them. So it appears 9 is the number they attribute to wealth, money, and things of this nature.
So I do not believe this will be the day the perpetuate the false flag and blame another country on it, although it will probably be the day Ben Bernanke does something with the economy, or another concert for victims of some other natural disaster is announced.
The past few days, everyone from Hillary Clinton, to NATO head man, Rasmussen, to Obama, have all warned Syria regarding chemical weapons being used. The media further plants these seeds by constantly playing the same key sound bites over and over to where the idea is fertile in people's minds. Once it is ripe in people's minds, then the false flag can be perpetuated, and the pretext is created to go to war with another country. Very simple formula.
12/6/2012 would give us 5 (5 is usually reserved for something regarding militaristic combat.)
12/8/2012 would give us 16 or 1+6=7 (usually symbolic of 7 which Illuminati use as perverted or inverted number mocking God's divine number as a number symbolic of human sacrifice. Since they don't recognize Christ's sacrifice for all mankind.)
12/12/2012 would gives us 11.
12/14/2012 would gives us 13.
12/19/2012 would give us 18 or also viewed as 9 or 6+6+6
12/21/2012 would give us 11 once again
12/23/2012 would give us 13 again
12/24/2012 would give us 5. This is another that is also used by them.
World War I was started on 7/28/1914=32 and 3+2=5
World War II was started on 9/1/1939=32 also and 5 as the end number as well. This is why certain Illuminati buildings have 5 sides. Something tells me the war will start this month!!!
if you look at the Pearl Harbor false flag under Roosevelt it was 12/7/1941
if you look at the Twin Towers date, it was 9/11/2001
A date that would give us a total of 25 would be...12/17/2012. This would give us 16, or 1+6=7
Interestingly enough though, both dates have something in common, but they do not end in the usuall Illumaniti date sequences. Both end up as 25, or when added together as 7.
7 is God's number. The only thing I can surmise is that satan mocks our Lord through these Illuminati dates of sacrifice in trying to obtain sacrifices through souls for him, through the use of his puppets.
I do not know when or where the world war will begin, but as I have said before. When you know the formulas they use, and the numbers that they always tend to use for different end purposes, the fingerprints are very easy to read, and they always point to the same culprit.
Just today NATO authorized the delivery of Patriot missiles to Turkey, and several key dignataries were evacuated from Syria. These are key red flags that there is about to be fireworks in the region.
Pray at all times. If Catholic, Pray the Rosary. Go to confession and to daily mass if possible. May the Good Lord bless, keep and protect you from all evil. In the name of the FAther, the Son, and the Holy Spirit...Amen!
UPDATE...GI. Joe Illuminati episode give Dec. 21. Also note how this episode is about offering a sacrifice to the beast. All Illuminati dates that add up to 11, or multiples of 11 are dates they offer up sacrifice to their god.
Notice also how in this episode the cartoon characters are in Scottland. Land where Freemasonry was first established, and home to the oldest rite in Masonry, the Scottish rite.
Also, note how Dec 21, 2012, when you add up the digits...1+2+2+1+2+0+1+2=11!!!
The Illuminati are always giving us their formula, people are just not aware of it.
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