Greetings my brothers and sisters in Christ!
Well, this morning for the first time in almost 14 years, I am placing a PayPal support link and asking for help and donations.
paypal prophecyinthemaking support link
In the past I had tinkered with the idea of creating a whole another website that would help me offer info. on a subscription type of platform, but I decided against that since I believe that my analysis and discernment is something that I should offer to you all without having to do it along this basis because I feel it's necessary that all people should be given the opportunity to see and read this prophetic type of news analysis and commentary.
But at the same time, it does require a lot of hours of reading, listening and viewing information from many sources, in order to help you all!
So, for the first time in 13.5 years, I am posting a paypal link and asking for help from you all, and hoping that my work during this time has been seen as worthy/reliable/credible, of some form of assistance. Whatever the Holy Spirit moves you to help me with, would be just fine with me.
For years I have asked for prayers of support from you all, and now I'm asking for a little financial assistance.
Thank you all for any and all support!
God bless you all!
"What matters is our plan. No one cared who I was till I put on the mask."
This is the quote from the this clip in the beginning of the movie. This quote seems like a classic Illuminati quote. What matters is our plan, seems to be the one thing the Illuminati families always try to adhere to. The overall NWO plan. The mask here is symbolic of how the Illuminati elite are members of an elite and ancient bloodline that they protect at all cost. The mask they all wear is one that is symbolic. They wear political, judicial, religious, financial and other types of masks, but always keeping the true nature of their obedience and allegiances hidden from the public. It is also interesting to note how both main characters in this movie, Batman and Bain, are members of the so called 'League of Shadows.' This league is eerily similar to the society of shadowy figures that are always in the background, never to be seen or hear from, but are those figures that no public politician, or other head of corporate or certain religious institutions would dare speak of. These shadowy secret societies are the true power brokers in our world, and have so for centuries.
"You sound like you're looking forward to it." Bruce Wayne
"I'm adaptable."Catwoman.
This particular exchange between Catwoman and Bruce Wayne is also very telling. A major theme throughout the whole movie is one of a coming war, or storm. A storm that will leave the wealthy, affluent, well to do, reeling from its effects. It almost sounds like the Illuminati are not only going to sacrifice lives in this coming war/storm, but they are going to sacrifice western civilization. A video clip from below will attest to this point.
But the number 11, and references to 11 are found throughout this movie from beginning to end.
In the above image it refers to a newspaper page that references how Bruce Wayne had lost all of his money due to 'Put Options' that he had placed and lost on. It is interesting to note how the Illuminati producers of this film actually used the term 'Put Options.' This term is not one that is commonly spoken of by the financial media spin doctors, yet it is one that is commonly used by the so called 'conspiracy theorist' community. Ever since the 9/11 put options became widely read and talked about in the alternative media channels, put option trades are always a good, or leading indicator of some potential false flag. This is why I thought it was very interesting that this movie script included this terminology.
Another interesting and potential angle(thanks to a conversation with a cousin of mine) to this 'Put Option' term is the following: note how people that know before hand of false flag operations usually MAKE MONEY BY PLACING AND BUYING PUT OPTIONS ON COMPANIES OR SECTORS THAT WILL MOST AFFECTED. YET IN THIS MOVIE, BRUCE WAYNE IS PORTRAYED AS LOSING ALL HIS MONEY, BECAUSE HE BOUGHT THIS PARTICULAR OPTION TRADES. They are almost indicating that to buy 'put options' based on particular research that indicates a false flag is not a good idea, yet that is what THEY DO.
More newspaper indicating a coming Stock Market plunge. The headline brazenly is titled, 'Seeing through the Stock Market Plunge.' In other words, they, the shadowy hands of the Illuminati are overtly referring to how it is so easy to see through the rouse they create. People just need to wake up to all the signs and signals they relay to them through so many different means.
" You were excommunicated, a gang of psychopaths." Batman
This exchange between Bain and Batman seems like an argument between two different members of secret societies. Also, notice the terms they are using...the initiated. This is a term Freemasons use, as well as other secret society members. We also see the term 'League of Shadows,' again making reference to their league of shadowy practices and members. They are the shadows behind the public faces of power.
Notice here too the two terms Bane uses, THEATRICALITY AND DECEPTION ARE POWERFUL AGENTS TO THE UNITIATED. Meaning how the Illuminati use the media, especially Hollywood to inculcate and deceive the unitiated masses that spend money to be deceived by their own will.
Here, in a later scene in the movie, we see again the same number 121.
Here we have the only football player in the scene where both numbers on his jersey are visible. Of course, these numbers add up to 11.
Gotham succumbs to the undergound explosions as planned by Bain.
In the above scene, we see two more references to 11. The female character that Bane protected here refers to 11 minutes, and right after that particular scene, you see the bomb's timer wind down to 11:33. This is a classic Illuminati reference. 33 is also the highest level in Freemasonry as a grand master.
Safety in numbers. It's all in how you see what you see. Not everyone is so easily influenced by what they see. I see everything is possible. There's always 2 20's around bc theres multiple angles to look at and from. Follow the signs and it's what's you make it. It's all in the moment and how you handle it. Rebirth of enlightenment is here bc it's a new day and age. Lights off, masque on, art of the maze. 31/40= ME