I have spoken about the Hegelian Dialectic many many times on this blog. This is my 630th posting, since January 2010, and within this period I have referenced this dialectic many times. It is the main tool that the Illuminati overlords use, and use very effectively I might add.
Today, as you might have already seen, another tragedy that occurred once more, is once again being used by the Illuminati in this way. It is being implemented and constantly fed through their media channels to the masses, as a way to promote their thesis--antithesis--synthesis model.
I was just watching the CNN broadcast of the news coverage from Connecticut, and heard Wolf Blitzer and some of the other reporters refer to the children as 'Innocent Victims.' (which they are) But the point here is just how the Illuminati media use children, at will, as a tool to promote one thing or another. In light of this tradegy, the media puppets refer to children as 'innocent victims,' but when it comes to the abortion issue, the word children is removed and 'fetus' is used to dehuminize the child, and the much heralded term of 'Choice,' is subjectively chosen in order to promote that agenda.
You see, when the Illuminati, through their Hegelian Dialectic method, are trying to disarm one argument they dehumanize their intended target, and when trying to arm another argument they bring out the endearing terms that illicit emotion and passion. They trod out the political, media, or hollywood puppets to shed tears as if on cue in front of the cameras, yet on another given argument the standard bearers are heralded as 'Pro Choice' pioneers, and the abortion victim is not an innocent, but just a fetus that needs to be gotten rid of like a mole, a skin tag, or a wart.
The Illuminati know that in order to illicit enough political power to introduce massive gun control legislation, the antithesis part of the dialectic has to very significant. With every week comes new and shocking diabolical acts of violence on a massive scale. In shopping malls, in movie theatres, in schools, on NFL facilities and every where in between. Yet, the one thing that the media so clearly IGNORE when addressing these horrific crimes is the lack of concsience in these perpetrators.
I have also written about this at length (one of my most recent postings was titled WHY) and it seems that that media clearly ignore this one little fact and instead choose to attribute this lack of moral concsience to some mental disorder. Yet, it is always interesting to me to see just how the Illuminati media on the one hand attempt to stamp out a moral conscience through all their diabolical pop cultural conditioning through movies, music, and popular literature, yet on the other immediately appeal to it through the media, to get an intended knee jerk reaction from the swayable public. The Illuminati seem to have painted themselves into a corner, and as time goes on, the corner, the space has, becomes increasingly smaller and smaller. You cannot keep destroying a nation's or the world's morality through luciferian conditioning of subjective relativism, yet on the other hand use daily acts of violence through the media in an effort to appeal to that which you have spent decades destroying and corrupting. You cannot teach that mathematical objective laws and standards aren't important to learn to one group of students, yet appeal to the very students you have spent years teaching this idea to, when arguing over incorrect arithmitic in order to get these students to understand your point.
The Illuminati have spent decades disarming a nation, and to some extent the world spiritually and philosophically, and are now trying to disarm them in other ways. To the casual observer this seems like just another senseless act of violence. But if you look deeper, you see much more. Also, note the day's digits add up to 13. I referenced this date as a possible Illuminati false flag on Dec. 4th.
A morally corrupt and bankrupt nation appeals to the one thing that the Illuminati have made sure they eliminated...a conscience. Yet, because they cannot fully appeal to this one thing, the appeal then morphs into something else. An appeal to disarm the populace. An appeal to ensure more people are on some type of mental medication. An appeal to every other thing, except the one thing that would actually make a difference. A conscience formed to an objective norm.
A concsience formed to an objective norm is one that has been formed and molded by religious creeds, doctrines and Holy Spirituality. For these are the blueprints that all the saints have used and Jesus Himself refered to their importance when he told His disciples to do what the Pharisees taught, but not what they did. For the Pharisees taught the Law. The moral law and creeds.
Matthew 23 Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples: 2 “The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat. 3 So you must be careful to do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach. 4 They tie up heavy, cumbersome loads and put them on other people’s shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them.
About 99% that the main stream media promotes, in one way or another is crafted and weaved together to promote the Hegelian Dialectic method of the Illiminati. Regardless of the topic or issue, if it is promoted through the media, you can almost rest assured that it has an aim for them. Always think of what the main problem or thesis is that is being framed. Then think of what the antithesis to that main thesis is and what the angles that both sides use against one another (like the current Fiscal Cliff debate.) Then, you will more or less be able to infer or conclude what the yet to be announced all encompassing and all-grand Compromise is they have in store. For this is their true objective to all of their dialectics...the synthesis. The Compromise. For this compromise then has already been predetermined by them, they are just wanting to bring you to it, and they use their main tools at their disposal to get you to that point. And while bringing you to it, they want to make you believe you arrived at this point on your own, all the while leading you there.
While the U.S. media continues the on air debate about gun control, the world continues its march towards World War 3. Yesterday, on the same day the horrific school shooting occured, earlier in the day it had been annouced that the U.S. had agreed to send troops and Patriot missile systems into Turkey. Russia continues to warn the West.
The secret, one-on-one nuclear negotiations President Barack Obama launched with Iran have run into a blank wall. A senior Iranian team member, Mostafa Dolatyar, said Friday, Dec. 14 in New Delhi that the diplomatic process for solving the nuclear issue with Iran was in effect going nowhere, because the demand that Tehran halt its 20-percent enrichment of uranium “doesn’t make sense.”
He went on to say: “They [the world powers] have made certain connections with purely technical issues and something purely political. In so far as this is the mentality and this is the approach from 5 + 1 (the Six World Powers) - or whatever else you call it - definitely there is no end for this game.”
debkafile: The phrase “or whatever else you call it” may be taken as Iran’s first veiled reference to the direct talks with Washington that were launched Dec. 1 in the Swiss town of Lausanne.
Mostafa Dolatyar is not just a faceless official. He is head of the Iranian foreign ministry’s think tank, the Institute for Political and International Studies, as well as a senior member of the Iranian team facing US negotiators in Lausanne. His remarks were undoubtedly authorized by the office of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei who, through him, posted a message to Washington: If the enrichment suspension demand stands, the game’s over.
After more than 15 years of on-and-off, largely aimless, nuclear diplomacy with world powers and evasive tactics with the UN nuclear agency, Tehran is for the first time showing signs of impatience and not just is usual disdain. This is because two things have changed:
1. For all those years, Tehran availed itself of every diplomatic opening for protracted bargaining about its nuclear program for the sake of buying time, free of pressure, to push that program forward. Now, the Iranians are telling the US and Europe that they have arrived at their destination. For them, time is no longer of essence, as it may be for the West.
2. The second development was revealed on Dec. 5 by The Wall Street Journal in a short leader captioned “From Bushehr to the Bomb.” This revelation was not picked up by any other Western - or even Israeli - publication despite its sensational nature.
Drawing on US intelligence sources, the paper suggested that the withdrawal of 136 fuel rods from Iran’s nuclear reactor at Bushehr in mid-October – on the pretext of wandering metal bolts – and the rods’ return in the last week of November “could have been a test run for the Iranians should they decide to reprocess those rods into weapons-grade plutonium.”
American, Russian and Israeli nuclear experts have always maintained that the technology for extracting plutonium from fuel rods was too expensive and complicated to be practical - and certainly beyond Iran’s capacity.
The Wall Street Journal begs to differ: “…experts tell us that the rapid extraction of weapons-usable plutonium from spent fuel rods is a straightforward process that can be preformed in a fairly small (and easily secreted) space.”
This means that Tehran can easily manufacture plutonium bombs without building a large plutonium reactor like the one under construction at Arak.
The paper goes on to reveal that, by this method, Iran could extract 220 pounds (just under 100 kilos) of plutonium, enough to produce as many as “24 Nagasaki-type bombs” – a reference to the World War II bombing of the Japanese city on Aug. 9, 1945.
One of those bombs – nicknamed “Fat Man” (after Winston Churchill) – is equal to 20 kilotons.
debkafile’s military and intelligence sources note that if this disclosure represents the true state of Iran’s nuclear program, the game really is over. The diplomacy-cum-sanctions policy pursued by the West to force Iran to abandon enrichment and shut down its underground facility in Fordo has become irrelevant. So, too, have the red lines Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu drew so graphically before the UN Assembly on September 27.
What Mostafa Dolatyar was saying in effect is that Iran has outplayed its adversaries up to the game’s finishing line.
While the U.S. media continues the on air debate about gun control, the world continues its march towards World War 3. Yesterday, on the same day the horrific school shooting occured, earlier in the day it had been annouced that the U.S. had agreed to send troops and Patriot missile systems into Turkey. Russia continues to warn the West.
US-Iranian nuclear talks fail. Iran has plutonium for 24 Nagasaki-type bombs
DEBKAfile Special Report December 15, 2012, 12:03 PM (GMT+02:00)He went on to say: “They [the world powers] have made certain connections with purely technical issues and something purely political. In so far as this is the mentality and this is the approach from 5 + 1 (the Six World Powers) - or whatever else you call it - definitely there is no end for this game.”
debkafile: The phrase “or whatever else you call it” may be taken as Iran’s first veiled reference to the direct talks with Washington that were launched Dec. 1 in the Swiss town of Lausanne.
Mostafa Dolatyar is not just a faceless official. He is head of the Iranian foreign ministry’s think tank, the Institute for Political and International Studies, as well as a senior member of the Iranian team facing US negotiators in Lausanne. His remarks were undoubtedly authorized by the office of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei who, through him, posted a message to Washington: If the enrichment suspension demand stands, the game’s over.
After more than 15 years of on-and-off, largely aimless, nuclear diplomacy with world powers and evasive tactics with the UN nuclear agency, Tehran is for the first time showing signs of impatience and not just is usual disdain. This is because two things have changed:
1. For all those years, Tehran availed itself of every diplomatic opening for protracted bargaining about its nuclear program for the sake of buying time, free of pressure, to push that program forward. Now, the Iranians are telling the US and Europe that they have arrived at their destination. For them, time is no longer of essence, as it may be for the West.
2. The second development was revealed on Dec. 5 by The Wall Street Journal in a short leader captioned “From Bushehr to the Bomb.” This revelation was not picked up by any other Western - or even Israeli - publication despite its sensational nature.
Drawing on US intelligence sources, the paper suggested that the withdrawal of 136 fuel rods from Iran’s nuclear reactor at Bushehr in mid-October – on the pretext of wandering metal bolts – and the rods’ return in the last week of November “could have been a test run for the Iranians should they decide to reprocess those rods into weapons-grade plutonium.”
American, Russian and Israeli nuclear experts have always maintained that the technology for extracting plutonium from fuel rods was too expensive and complicated to be practical - and certainly beyond Iran’s capacity.
The Wall Street Journal begs to differ: “…experts tell us that the rapid extraction of weapons-usable plutonium from spent fuel rods is a straightforward process that can be preformed in a fairly small (and easily secreted) space.”
This means that Tehran can easily manufacture plutonium bombs without building a large plutonium reactor like the one under construction at Arak.
The paper goes on to reveal that, by this method, Iran could extract 220 pounds (just under 100 kilos) of plutonium, enough to produce as many as “24 Nagasaki-type bombs” – a reference to the World War II bombing of the Japanese city on Aug. 9, 1945.
One of those bombs – nicknamed “Fat Man” (after Winston Churchill) – is equal to 20 kilotons.
debkafile’s military and intelligence sources note that if this disclosure represents the true state of Iran’s nuclear program, the game really is over. The diplomacy-cum-sanctions policy pursued by the West to force Iran to abandon enrichment and shut down its underground facility in Fordo has become irrelevant. So, too, have the red lines Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu drew so graphically before the UN Assembly on September 27.
What Mostafa Dolatyar was saying in effect is that Iran has outplayed its adversaries up to the game’s finishing line.
Turkey's patriot missiles pave the way for world war: Iran cmdr.
Chairman of Iran's Armed Forces Chiefs of Staff Major General Hassan Firouzabadi (file photo)
Sat Dec 15, 2012 6:7PM GMT
Chairman of Iran's Armed Forces Chiefs of Staff Major General Hassan Firouzabadi has warned that deployment of NATO Patriot missiles along Turkey's border with Syria can pave the way for a “world war.”
“Every one of these patriot missiles is a dark spot on the world map and is aimed at starting a world war,” Firouzabadi said on Saturday.
“Patriot missiles are a defense line for the Zionists and a result of [the West’s] concerns over Iran’s missiles and Russia’s presence to defend Syria,” the Iranian commander added.
Despite strong opposition from Russia, Syria and Iran, the NATO military alliance on Tuesday, December 4, 2012, approved Turkey’s request for the deployment of Patriot surface-to-air missiles along its border with Syria.
The decision followed Ankara's formal request to NATO on November 21, to deploy the Patriot missiles on its border with Syria.
The Iranian commander advised the Europe, US and Turkey to remove the missiles from the region before their presence starts a fire which cannot be put off.
According to Turkish sources, NATO launched a new military base in the country’s western province of Izmir early in December.
Reports indicate that a NATO delegation has also visited the southeastern Turkish province of Sanliurfa to investigate possible sites for the missiles.
“Unfortunately one by one, the Western countries are approving deployment of Patriot missiles to Turkey’s border with Syria while they are planning a world war which is very dangerous for the future of humanity and Europe itself,” Firouzabadi warned.
“Patriot missiles are a defense line for the Zionists and a result of [the West’s] concerns over Iran’s missiles and Russia’s presence to defend Syria,” the Iranian commander added.
Despite strong opposition from Russia, Syria and Iran, the NATO military alliance on Tuesday, December 4, 2012, approved Turkey’s request for the deployment of Patriot surface-to-air missiles along its border with Syria.
The decision followed Ankara's formal request to NATO on November 21, to deploy the Patriot missiles on its border with Syria.
The Iranian commander advised the Europe, US and Turkey to remove the missiles from the region before their presence starts a fire which cannot be put off.
According to Turkish sources, NATO launched a new military base in the country’s western province of Izmir early in December.
Reports indicate that a NATO delegation has also visited the southeastern Turkish province of Sanliurfa to investigate possible sites for the missiles.
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