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Over the past several days a very interesting and hopeful thing has begun to happen around the world. People from seemingly high, or influential positions in life, whether from the political or entertainment world, have begun to do something MOST interesting. They have begun to publically denounce that which created them...The Illuminati NWO system.
The first story I have posted is that of Angus T. Jones and his recent renouncement of the Illuminati Hollywood show he's one, 'Two and a Half Men.' He renounced it by calling it 'Filth' and telling people around the world on a YouTube video to not watch it anymore. But only days later, the Illuminati, as they always do with their puppets they have created, got to him, or his family, and he recanted that which he had just said only days earlier on the YouTube video.
Our Lord said in Matthew 6:24:: 

"No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money."

The Illuminati system is showing more and more cracks around the world. A satanic system can never build anything, because evil never creates anything, it only destroys the good, or parasitically lives off of it until its host is dead. The world is currently in this state of affairs. Due to the fact that most of the world's powerful nations have adopted this system openly in the past 60 years, mainly due to hidden economic or military threats from the Illuminati's main proponents of this parasitic system.

The second article describes how the Ugandan president recently not only publicly repented of his own personal sins, but also for the occult Illuminati practices of witchcraft and idolatry. Could you imagine a current political leader from a powerful Illuminati nation today doing this??? A public repentence for one's own sins and the sins of his/her nation??? This would be un heard of in an Illuminati nation.
So many Illuminati nations today pride themselves on having a public image or veneer that appears to look/seem Christian, but under the veneer it is EVERYTHING BUT CHRISTIAN! The secular, satanic, atheistic forces that have been pounding Western nations for decades now are fully in control of most of societies, and the people in those societies have no need for God that judges between good and evil. Instead the mindless, TV brainwashed masses do just as their master tell them to do through their TV shows, music videos, or Hollywood movies indicate. Not to mention through so much popular literature like the Harry Potter books, and other current popular Illuminati authored books.
But there are cracks beginning to appear in the Illuminati veneer, and these are only the beginning, so it will be a worldwide phenomenon, but I fear that this is when the Illuminati will have imployed their plan B against the masses...World War 3. An awakened mass of people can only pray and repent in the face of such a plan B by the current satanic leaders.

LOS ANGELES ( — “Two and a Half Men” star Angus T. Jones is under fire for criticizing the show — even going so far as to call it “filth” — in an online video in which he professes his religious beliefs.
“Jake from ‘Two and a Half Men’ means nothing. He is a nonexistent character,” the 19-year-old actor says of his character on the hit CBS program. “If you watch ‘Two and a Half Men,’ please stop watching ‘Two and a Half Men.’ I’m on ‘Two and a Half Men’ and I don’t want to be on it.”
Jones appears in the video seated next to televangelist Christopher Hudson, whose sermons appear in YouTube videos called “The Forerunner Chronicles.”
“Please stop filling your head with filth, please. People say it’s just entertainment…” Jones said.
His religious comments are consistent with an interview he gave on his 19th birthday last month, when he sat down with Connie Jeffery at the Adventist Media Center in Simi Valley to talk about his newfound beliefs.
“I basically had the experience of the baptism of the Holy Spirit…I felt like I was being hugged inside and out and…it was the best feeling ever,” Jones said.
Jones told Jeffery that he got into drugs when his parents divorced and was never very religious. Last year, when he was unsure if he would return to the show, he questioned his course and found God.

Ugandan president repents of personal, national sins

'We confess idolatry, witchcraft, political hypocrisy, dishonesty, intrigue'

Should a president lead citizens in a national prayer of repentance?
Uganda’s Christian president believes so.
The Ugandan newssite New Vision reports President Yoweri Museveni celebrated Uganda’s 50th anniversary of independence from Britain at the National Jubilee Prayers event by publicly repenting of his personal sin and the sins of the nation.
“I stand here today to close the evil past, and especially in the last 50 years of our national leadership history and at the threshold of a new dispensation in the life of this nation. I stand here on my own behalf and on behalf of my predecessors to repent. We ask for your forgiveness,” Museveni prayed.
“We confess these sins, which have greatly hampered our national cohesion and delayed our political, social and economic transformation. We confess sins of idolatry and witchcraft which are rampant in our land. We confess sins of shedding innocent blood, sins of political hypocrisy, dishonesty, intrigue and betrayal,” Museveni said.
“Forgive us of sins of pride, tribalism and sectarianism; sins of laziness, indifference and irresponsibility; sins of corruption and bribery that have eroded our national resources; sins of sexual immorality, drunkenness and debauchery; sins of unforgiveness, bitterness, hatred and revenge; sins of injustice, oppression and exploitation; sins of rebellion, insubordination, strife and conflict,” Museveni prayed.
Next, the president dedicated Uganda to God.
“We want to dedicate this nation to you so that you will be our God and guide. We want Uganda to be known as a nation that fears God and as a nation whose foundations are firmly rooted in righteousness and justice to fulfill what the Bible says in Psalm 33:12: Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. A people you have chosen as your own,” Museveni prayed.
Uganda won its independence from Britain Oct. 8, 1962. Resistance leader Milton Obote was the country’s first prime minister.
Massachusetts pastor and activist Rev. Scott Lively believes Museveni is a model for other national leaders.
“The Museveni prayer is a model for all Christian leaders in the world. The leaders of the West have declined in proportion to their degree of rejection of God,” Lively said.
Lively also believes Uganda will rise as a major African power as America continues to decline. He uses Britain as an example.
“Britain was at its height as a world power when it honored God as the Ugandan president has just done. America’s greatness has similarly diminished as we have shifted from a Christian to a secular-humanist country. But watch now for Uganda to be blessed by God for their desire to be His,” Lively said.
Lively added that Museveni is definitely drawing a contrast between Uganda and the West.
“This incident is also important as a contrast to the picture being painted of Uganda by the godless left of a backwards, violent and savage culture intent on murdering homosexuals,” Lively said.
“On the contrary, Museveni is calmly and confidently setting the course of his nation by the guidance of the Bible, in a way that also shows great courage and resolve,” Lively said.
Homosexual activist groups have criticized the government of Uganda and Museveni for passing laws criminalizing homosexual behavior. A current bill before the Ugandan Parliament increases the jail sentences for homosexual acts and includes criminal penalties for those who encourage or promote homosexuality.
The bill had included the death penalty for those who commit multiple acts of homosexual behavior, but the provision has been removed, BBC News reports.
The government of Uganda could not be reached for comment on this story.
Lively said he didn’t agree with the death penalty provision but supports the nation’s strong stance against homosexual behavior.
While Museveni is being held as a model for Christian leaders, Dave Daubenmire, PT Salt Ministries’ president and founder and social commentator, said the problem for Western nations goes deeper than the political leaders.
The problem in the United States, he said, is the pastors.
“Sadly, I think our lack of repentance is the fault of the pulpit. Individual Christians are so awash in sin that they think politicians are merely better at sin than they are,” Daubenmire said.
“There is no fear of the Lord and we are getting essentially a two-kingdom message. We hear that the devil is the god of this world and that Jesus will even the score later,” Daubenmire said. “The problem is that most Christians are convinced that this world is in control of Satan and therefore are not interested in applying the kingdom principles for which Christ died.”
Daubenmire quoted Matthew 28:18, in which Jesus said, “All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.”
Christians, Daubenmire said, are exhorted later in the same chapter to go and make disciples of all nations.
“We are to teach them and baptize them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,” he said. “All power in heaven and in earth belongs to Jesus. Unfortunately, most Christians don’t have the foggiest idea that He rules and reigns here and now, and that the kingdom principles that He taught us bring victory over evil wherever they are applied.”
He added that Christians too often play with sin.
“Since we do not hate sin anymore, we don’t demand repentance,” Daubenmire said.
He quoted British 17th century statesman Edmund Burke, who said, “The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.”
Daubenmire said that in America, “good men have yielded power to evil men.”
“Evil rules when evil men make the rules,” he said.


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