As people in the U.S. vote tonight, the one thing that is definetely clear is the fact that more and more people are getting wise as to how the Illuminati hold and maintain power. Not only now, but have done so for many many decades. By controlling both sides of the same coin, and pitting the people against the middle, the illusion works well.
The truth is that regardless of who wins, but candidates are different faces, but ON THE SAME COIN! There is no difference between both candidates, or for that matter both parties. The illuminati formula to ensure success is always the same one. This is why from the very beginning, even when there were 6-7 GOP candidates in the primary races, I kept writing and telling people that the Illuminati guy was Romney. After eliminating all other candidates through smear campaigns, and other known or unknown threats, every candidate bowed out.
The powers that be always clear the path for their puppet. Regardless of the party. And when a good viable third party candidate arises, the media blacks them out, and no one hears from them.
This, in a so called democratic republic, where freedom of the press, should really read, 'Freedom from the press.'
The media is the key and primary tool the Illuminati employ to further condition the mindless masses. The so called Independents, that do not seem to now anything, are treated as if they hold the keys of all knowing and all powerful knowledge, are really a clever technique as to how to appeal to the most unthinking sectors of society.
Adolf Hitler, in his book, Mien Kempf says the following about political propangda and its aims:
"All propangda must be popular and its intellectual level must be adjusted to the most limited intelligence among those it is addressed to. Consequently, the greater the mass it is intended to reach, the lower its purely intellectual level will have to be. But if, as in propaganda for sticking out a war, the aim is to influence a whole people, we must avoid excessive intellectual demands on our public, and too much caution cannot be exerted in this direction. The more modest its intellectual ballast, the more exclusively it takes into consideration the emotions of the masses, the more effective it will be. This is the BEST proof of the soundness or unsoundness of a propaganda campaign, and not the success in pleasing a few scholars or young aesthetes.'' page 180, Mien Kempf.
As you read the previous, make note as to some very key themes Hitler (who was part of the Illuminati NWO himself, until he turned on them, and they in turn, turned on him) addresses, and are still even today put into action by the Illuminati.
He states that, 'All propaganda MUST BE POPULAR, AND ITS INTELLECTUAL LEVEL MUST BE ADJUSTED TO THE MOST LIMITED INTELLIGENCE AMONG THOSE IT IS ADDRESSED TO. This is key because just as then, so too today do the Illuminati employ this tactic. This is why both campaigns kept mentioning Big Bird.
Everyone, at the most basic level understands Big Bird. Everyone understands that bogey men like Bin Laden, or other scary bad guys carrying nail clippers and a 32 oz drink on a plane are potential terrorists. This is how the arguments are to be framed and aimed to where the least intelligent, or the so called, 'Undecided Voters,' can grasp the most unintelligent, least intellectual arguments.
Notice too how Hitler refers to the 'EMOTIONS OF THE MASSES.'
This is another key point that the Illuminati have always employed on the unthinking masses. They are the masters at knowing how to appeal an unthinking persons emotions. This is where people like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill Mahr, and a host of other radio, TV personalities make millions: By appealing and rubbing against the bark on the tree of emotions and passions.
People are riled up against one party or the other, only through sound bites and the least amount of intellectual argument. It is all an abuse of emotion, minus the intellect and logic.
Hitler's book is full of these examples, and the reason I bring this up is because just as Hiter had been taught these techniques for appealing to the masses of unthinking ignorance, so too today are the masses attacked through mass media propaganda in the exact same way.
Nothing has changed, except for the calender year and technology, but the masses of ignorance are still attacked the same way, through the same propaganda.
It is always the same coin, just two different faces on each side.
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