Wednesday, September 19, 2012


The Lords Lampposts Book
The following is the introduction to a book I began back in 2009 and completed last summer. I had attempted many times to get it published through a Catholic publisher, but was unable to. Last week I decided to go ahead an publish it independently, just as I published the Prophecy In The Making Book. I decided to have both books out in published form due to the uncertainty of the Web, as events around the world seem to indicate that war seems to be around the corner in so many places.
But these published words will hopefully live on for posterity long after I have left this temporal world.
I have included the introduction to this book. This book is not like the prophecy in the making book. This book is more of an apologetic book that focuses on current secular and atheistic arguments that the current secular cultures around the world promote, and dismantles these arguments. It lays bare these very weak arguments and demonstrates just how these anti-Christian forces, through both big brother and big business, have undermined the linch pins of society.

INTRODUCTION from The Lord's Lampposts.

As I write these words, there is only about one hour left till the arrival of the year 2011. While people celebrate this evening with careless abandon and artificial lights that light up the night sky, our world inches closer towards a new age of darkness; a darkness that is not only spiritual, but also a darkness of intellect and will.

It is this darkness that I battle against and use the torches of the past as not only tools that illumine my path, but can also be used as weapons against this manifestation of darkness.

The torches that I use are enlightened voices from the past through the Holy Spirit, that many today have forgotten and abandoned, but they are crucial to the survival of not only the physical, but more importantly the spiritual well-being of our souls.

Voices such as those of St. Thomas Aquinas, G.K. Chesterton, C.S. Lewis, and a voice from today, Ravi Zacharias, are the voices that cut through the darkness such as a ray of sun light cuts through the darkness of outer space.

These voices are the voices of reason, faith, and hope for yesteryear, today and tomorrow.

Every single one of us if travelling on a journey needs not only the end objective as a destination target, but we need to know how to reach that objective.

We all need a map to show us what roads to take and which roads not to take. What direction to travel in, and whether or not there are any pitfalls or dangers throughout the destination.

For me this road map is none other than the Catholic and Apostolic Church. The church has had two thousand plus years of mapping our all the best roads. They know all of the dead ends, the roads to nowhere, the pitfalls and the traps.

They have had two thousand years of using the same moral compass that helps one be directed back onto the correct path, when one veers off.

Their map shows you all the safe rest stops, and warns of you the areas that are hazardous as well.

Not only are they the best road map, but have the greatest group of teachers that can help one become a saint if one so chooses.

This great family, that for two thousand years has had some of the greatest minds and hearts as teachers and participants of the Gospel, is the family that I choose to emulate and be a part of for not only my good, but the good of others as well; for these men of God not only knew the Gospel message, but their lives exemplified it daily. From saintly men such as St. Thomas Aquinas, to St. Francis of Assisi, to St. Augustine, to St. Theresa, the Church has had many imitators of Christ throughout its history.

It is these saintly souls that further help the rest of humanity become better acquainted with God, for they are the real road maps for the rest of us.

We are all called to lead saintly lives, but it is only through great self-sacrifice, diligence, self-discipline and humility that few ever reach this state of being, and rarely are they ever considered or called saints in their lifetime. Some have, but many have not.

It is through this book that I present to you the great teachings and quotes of these saintly men that have guided so many by their actions and their words. St. Francis of Assisi, I have heard it said, would often say, ‘Evangelize at all times, and when necessary use words.’

It is my sincere hope and desire that the wisdom and insight they deliver becomes a beacon of light that will help guide you through a current and modern world that has become lost, misguided, corrupted and very darkened.

For the past century the world’s pendulum has swung too far towards this secularized/atheistic agenda, and now the pendulum has begun to swing slowly back towards that of common sense enlightened by grace through reason.

There is starting to arise a global awakening in people’s minds and hearts, and it is one that will lead people back to join their hearts, minds and souls to God.

It is my sincere hope that through what I am doing, I am adding my two grains of sand in this movement of reconciliation to the Ultimate Truth, Goodness and Beauty.

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