Saturday, September 29, 2012


Sam Bacile aka Nakoula The so called 'Coptic Christian' who made the anti-Islam film is really nothing more than a mere Illuminati paid pawn.

The Muslim World revolts against the Illuminati film produced by this false so called 'Coptic Christian.'

'Sam Bacile, Israeli Jew,' May Actually Be Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, Coptic Christian
By Jeffrey Goldberg
Sep 12 2012, 11:22 PM ET 215

From the Associated Press, which previously reported that Sam Bacile was a real person, and an Israeli Jew:
The search for those behind the provocative, anti-Muslim film implicated in violent protests in Egypt and Libya led Wednesday to a California Coptic Christian convicted of financial crimes who acknowledged his role in managing and providing logistics for the production.

Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, 55, told The Associated Press in an interview outside Los Angeles that he was manager for the company that produced "Innocence of Muslims," which mocked Muslims and the prophet Muhammad and may have caused inflamed mobs that attacked U.S. missions in Egypt and Libya. He provided the first details about a 'shadowy production group behind the film.'Nakoula denied he directed the film and said he knew the self-described filmmaker, Sam Bacile. But the cellphone number that AP contacted Tuesday to reach the filmmaker who identified himself as Sam Bacile traced to the same address near Los Angeles where AP found Nakoula. Federal court papers said Nakoula's aliases included Nicola Bacily, Erwin Salameh and others...

Nakoula denied he had posed as Bacile. During a conversation outside his home, he offered his driver's license to show his identity but kept his thumb over his middle name, Basseley. Records checks by the AP subsequently found it and other connections to the Bacile persona.
So, if this is true, then a group of Christians, or at least one Christian, eager to slander Muslims have endangered Jews. How so? The story that "Sam Bacile" is an Israeli Jew, with "100 Jewish donors," has spread across the Middle East. It is not possible to withdraw such a story. The onus for violence is on the people who commit violence, of course. But if true, this fiction that the anti-Muhammad movie was a Jewish production is cowardly and despicable. Alas, "Sam Bacile" could not have spread the apparent fiction that Jews were behind this film without the help of the Associated Press and The Wall Street Journal, which both reported, without independently checking, "Sam Bacile"s claim to be Israeli.
How the Illuminati Media Manipulate, and pit one group vs. another to achieve their aims.
After reading the above article, from a mainstream media source here in the U.S., and countless others like it, as well as hearing dozens of stories on the radio and television, that also claim the same thing, it has become 100% apparent at who and why this film was produced and released. Not only this, but also who was behind it initially and who continues to fan the flames through the media.
In the above article, the author of the article writes that Bacile, or Nakoula as he is also known, mentions that a so called 'SHADOWY PRODUCTION GROUP WAS BEHIND THE FILM.' Hmmm, let me think for a moment...Shadowy production group...Able to provide the money for production..Able to protect the identity of this man who no one seems to know what his real name is....Able to create the perfect pretext for pitting one religious group against another. I wonder who this group could be???
Of course, we all know the answer to this and many of these questions. The fact that the Western media keeps highlighting in all media outlets that this man is supposedly 'COPTIC CHRISTIAN,' should be a major tell tale sign of just what the Illuminati media are tyring to promote. The agenda of course, through their Hegelian mode or formula they always use, is let us pit Islam against the Coptic Christians of Northern Africa, there by getting two birds with one stone.
The fact that if one were to truly find out who this man really is, and do some investigative research into whether or not he is truly a Coptic Christian, one would most assuredly find that he is NOT one.
But the media hides what they choose, and promotes the false agenda.
The moment I heard the a radio broadcast yesterday on NPR yesterday keep mentioning that this man was a Coptic Christian over and over yesterday, immediately gave me the answer as to who and why the Illuminati created the film and who the fall guy would be.
Notice also, in the above interview, it mentions that the Basile, Nakoula man immediately aknowledged that he was a Coptic Christian. Why would anyone even care if he was or wasn't? But the very fact that he keeps voluntarily providing the key information that he was given in his script to the media, clearly points out the agenda. The fact that the media continously keeps the narrative going, also points to the bigger agenda.
It is all so easy to see, but the masses don't seem to catch on.
The Illuminati tricks are always the same. Pit one group against another, and watch as they fight one another. When they have tired, then we come in and provide the ALL ENCOMPASSING SOLUTION.
The formula is always the same. Let us awake from this slumber and see who really are the ones that are pulling the strings in today's world.

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