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I found the following information very relevant to the formula the Illuminati have always used to offer sacrificial offerings to their god the devil. The other day, I actually had a dream in which I heard a voice, but saw no one, yet the voice began to explain to me why the Illuminati, or satan's followers, use the number 11 as a number they have often used in order to carry out false flags and other sacrificial offerings to their god.
In the dream, I was told that the reason they do this because if a person dies, in one of their false flags, and the person dies with no repentence, no relationship with God, no forgiveness of sins, that soul is then trapped by the devil, if the number that was used in order to carry this sacrifice was the number 11. So this is another reason why the Illuminati, through the mass media and popular culture, are constantly promoting a Godless culture. One of violence, promiscuous sex, homosexual unions, drug use, etc. etc., so that it makes it easier for them to offer up worthy offerings to their god. Souls with no Faith, no religion, no God in their lives.
Now, we come to the following: I was going through some videos this evening on You tube, and found one that I thought made some very good points, (even if the person lacked spelling skills), the content of the material was well thought out.
So I then went to a website, that I added below, that showed the number of years, days, minutes and hours from 9/11/2001. What I found was very relevant, especially when you take into consideration why the Illuminati choose the number eleven for their events, and also the fact that even numbers that are multiples of eleven seem to be very much used as well.
Also, keep in mind as you read and view the following information, that A LOT of this information has been promoted through the Illuminati's very own shows, movies, and even Commercials! They always annouce what they are going to do, but the masses do not understand their occult religious symbolism.
 Review the following information:

Date difference from Sep 11, 2001 to Oct 3, 2012
The total number of days between Tuesday, September 11th, 2001 and Wednesday, October 3rd, 2012 is 4,040 days=44
This is equal to exactly 11 years and 22 days.
[As I mentioned above, look at the numbers: 44, 11 and 22! remember that the Illuminati sacrificed JFK on 11/22 of 1963! Also note this:: In the You tube video below, in the Chevy Truck Commercial, the vehicle has the XUZ 781 registration. I found the following website and it does in fact show how it is a number that goes back to 1963!!! View this site here... ]

This does not include the end date, so it's accurate if you're measuring your age in days, or the total days between the start and end date. But if you want the duration of an event that includes both the starting date and the ending date, then it would actually be 4,041 days.
The total time span from 2001-09-11 to 2012-10-03 is 96,960 hours.
This is equivalent to 5,817,600 minutes.
You can also convert 4,040 days to 349,056,000 seconds.,+2001/to/Oct+3,+2012

Towards the end of the Illuminati movie, Nicolas Cage discovers that the last two numbers stand for ELEVEN ELEVEN, EE. As you can see in the above picture, the last two backwards E's stand for this.;postID=3553017808618677723

In this movie poster, you can see the flames devouring the city. Towards the end of the movie, Nic Cage's character realizes that everyone is doomed due to the complete destruction by fire from the sun. The Illuminati are very crafty and very sneaky. I suggest you see this movie and study/analyze it yourself to see all of the false flag events it is found within it.

In the above Youtube video the poster of this video makes some very valid points. Although his spelling is a bit off on several words, do look at the content of what he is trying to convey.
We must continue to pray at all times, and if possible the Holy Rosary, for the conversion of sinners and the forgiveness of sins. The evil illuminati, followers of the devil have many schemes, but remember what Jesus' words were: 'Do not fear those who can harm the body, but rather those that can harm and trap the soul in hell." This is exactly what the Illuminati do through the use of their sacrificial false flags using this number 11.


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