Over the past week, I found myself in the South American country of Ecuador. It was here that I found a beautiful land, climate and people. They treated me well, and I found myself not wanting to leave the small city in the Andes that had embraced me so warmly and lovingly. A city and a country steeped in tradition, that one still sees in the native and indigenous peoples that live in this region of the world. A country and city with strong family and religious traditions whose roots are firmly founded in the Catholic faith.
It is here, and south of here, where the Lord has shown me that many of the world's peoples will survive during and after the nuclear world war three.
As I discovered new lands and peoples on my South American trip, I tried my best to stay tuned in to the world news as it relates to the middle east.
I saw that just this past Wednesday, the Russian governmnet authorized and sent 11 or so warships to Syria, along with the other ship that is sending attack helicopters from the above news link.
As I approach my 600th posting regarding prophecy in the making themes, I cannot help but see that people from poorer nations see exactly what is on the verge of happening, but people in well developed modernized countries are kept distracted, just as the Roman citizens were right before their sacking by the tribes that united to sack Rome back in the late 400's.
Through technology, entertainment, and just plain ignorance the masses in so called modernized societies are completely kept in the dark about the world war that is being implemented by their Illuminati rulers.
The proud's gaze are always brought low, by the Almighty, as Biblical accounts can attest to this throught the Old and New testaments, and the humble and lowly are raised up. The incredulous are made faithful by lack of food, water and through desperate need in times of great suffering, and the faithful are kept safe and guided to where they and their families will be safe if the listen to the word of the Lord. The wicked continue their wicked ways, just as the men and women of Sodom and Gomorrah, right up until the Lord wiped them out through a great fire from the sky, while the righteous are confirmed in their prophetic warnings.
Whether it was 4,000 thousand years ago, or today, the Lord chastises the wicked, through the wicked own hands. That is the ironic paradox that the Lord has always practiced.
As countries continue to amass arms, men and other resources in the middle east in preparation for this horrific world war, know that if you have read most of the postings on this blog, you have all been warned regarding these propehtic events.
The great chastisment of evil that posseses so many men and women today, is on the verge of beginning. The Lord is merciful, but He is also just.
I would like to thank all those wonderful people that made my stay in Ecuador such a wonderful stay. I look forward to going back down there, hopefully sooner than later!
Would the city Andes, be the only city saved during the nuclear war?