The following articles and pieces of information clearly show how what is currently happening in Syria and the rest of the Middle East, is creating the perfect pretext for what the Illuminati plan will be the false flag spark that will kick off this world war that they have been planning for since Albert Pike's planned scheme for three world wars to usher in the new world luciferian order.
The 2012 numbers, that when rearranged form the world 'Zion' is exactly what satan and all his followers are looking to create from the ashes that will remain following a third world war which the Illuminati hope will be the perfect conditions for people that will be so disillusioned with Chistianity, that they will embrace the luciferian illuminati religion. Also notice the one-eyed Olympic mascots, which is the classic symbolic representation of their all-seeing eye of Lucifer their god. [for it was satan who opened Eve's eye of the mind, when she partook of the forbidden fruit. The Illuminati have always seen lucifer as their god, for he is the one who opened up humanity's eye of the mind, hence the all seeing eye which is represented in so many of their symbols.]
Everything leading up to that point in human history will have been their efforts in destroying the old world order, as established and sustained by the Catholic Christian faith, and creating the new world order as the new Zion, or the Zion as the Illuminati luciferians refer to it. Off course, their new world order has to be ushered in and birthed through a fiery world war and the replacement of everything that the Christian world view, as upheld by the Catholic faith for 2,000 years in the west stood for. All of the virtues, values and principles the Faith stood for, have to be turned on their head, for that is what satan always does. He cannot create or build anything that is self sustaining by its own virtue, he can only destroy. For it takes work to build and create anything that is worth keeping, it takes nothing to take apart and destroy what has already been built.
This is the difference between faith and doubt. One takes work to create and uphold, the other takes no work and is easily destroyed.
One can see throughout western societies today just how the Illuminati's New World Order objectives are nearly complete. Everything from the destruction of the family, the destruction of Faith in God, the destruction of everything that common sense and basic instincts says is good and wholesome, and in its place has been replaced by that which is the opposite. Regardless of what sector of society one contemplates, the Illuminati have covered all bases to ensure their overthrow of what they deem the old world order, The Catholic world order, has been subverted, undermined, and destroyed.
The following weeks should create the perfect pretexts for these Illuminati luceferian agents to further their plans towards their new world order, by creating the perfect false flags that will ensure and all out attack on their middle east targets.
The stage is set, and for the past almost 7 years, either through this blog or my books, I have been warning about just these prophetic events that the followers of satan are conspiring to do.
Three US Aircraft Carriers Now In The Middle East With Fourth En Route
Zero Hedge
July 19, 2012
A week ago we reported news that Middle East veteran aircraft carrier CVN-74 Stennis was ending its brief sabbatical prematurely, and far earlier than previously expected, and heading right back into the field, er sea, of action. As Kitsapsun reported, “Bremerton-based aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis is returning to the Middle East much sooner than expected. The Navy hasn’t officially announced the new deployment plan for the Stennis, said spokesman Lt. Cmdr. Zach Harrell.” The ship came home to Naval Base Kitsap on March 2 after seven months of launching planes into Iraq and Afghanistan. Generally, it wouldn’t go back to the Fifth Fleet area of responsibility for four to five years, after a deployment to the Western Pacific and a maintenance period. But with Iran making threats, crew members learned Saturday they’ll be leaving again in late August for eight months.” We concluded that shortly, Stennis will be the third carrier accompanying Lincoln and Enterprise. As it turns out, a third carrier was already en route, and as of today, CVN 69 Eisenhower is either at the opening of the Straits of Hormuz, or just past it. That makes 3 aircraft carriers in the middle east, 2 in the Gulf and the Arabian Sea and one just off the coast of Syria. And technically, the LHD 7 Iwo Jima Big Deck Amphibious ship, which is also just off the coast of Iran region, makes three and a half.Which means that a 5th one (rounded up) – Stennis – is coming in 1-2 months.
Anti-Israel attacks to mount in sync with Syrian war, looming strike on Iran
DEBKAfile Special Report
July 19, 2012, 9:54 AM (GMT+02:00)
The tactics Iran, Syria and Hizballah have set out for escalating their terrorist attacks on Israel differentiate between “local” and high-value “strategic” targets. They have now decided to up the assaults on the latter to keep pace with the worsening war situation in Syria and the approach of an attack on Iran’s nuclear program. This is reported by debkafile’s intelligence and counter-terror sources.
Iranian terror planners classify the blowing up of the Bulgarian bus Wednesday, July 18 as “local” notwithstanding its “success” in killing at least seven Israelis and wounding more than thirty.
Destroying an Israeli passenger plane in Limassol, Cyprus, or assassinating an Israeli ambassador, in which they have failed so far, would have been “strategic” as would key Israeli security figures, politicians, business executives and Israel’s Mediterranean oil and gas fields.
Just by coincidence, two major episodes occurred on the same day only hours apart – a large hole was struck in Bashar Assad’s inner circle with the deaths in Damascus of half the management of his killing machine against the Syrian opposition and, soon after, the Israeli tour bus was blown up by means still under investigation.
This chance synchronicity heralds a new period of horrific Middle East violence which will reach not only Israel, but the United States and the West as well.
This realization was uppermost in the conversation between US President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Thursday morning, July 19. Neither doubted that Tehran and Damascus were hatching retribution for the assassination of top Syrian ministers.
They had information missing from media reports on the two events, including the news that straight after the deadly attack on Assad’s henchmen, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei called an Iranian leadership conference which lasted most of Wednesday and was punctuated with frequent phone calls by Iranian officials to the Syrian President.
The content of those phone calls reaching reached Obama and Netanyahu showed clearly which way the wind was blowing in Damascus and Tehran: Neither intended pulling their punches.
The US and Israeli leaders agreed to work together in the investigation of the bus explosion in Bulgaria.
Our sources stress that this is just diplomaticspeak for holding off on action. Despite Netanyahu’s pledge of a “strong response” to the attack, it was decided that a proactive response to the attack by striking an Iranian or Hizballah target would exacerbate a situation which US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta described as “spinning out of control.”
Israelis have learned in the three years of Netanyahu's tenure as prime minister that expressions like “strong,” “forceful,” “determined” “we cannot tolerate” etc. mean just the opposite. Israel’s enemies also understand him to mean that he will sit tight and do nothing.
However, an escalation of attacks on Israeli “strategic targets” predicted by intelligence experts in the coming days may make this do-nothing policy untenable. After all, talking to Obama won’t deflect Iran, Syria and Hizballah from their resolve to vent their urge for revenge on Israel.
Hizballah leader Hassan Nasrallah has often managed to stay a step or two ahead of US and Israeli thinking – especially in his propaganda campaigns - ever since he surprised Israel by launching the Second Lebanon War in the summer of 2006.
A few hours after the attacks in Bulgaria and Damascus, Nasrallah had found his tongue and was crowing:
"We know what your [Israel’s] first strike will be and we promise you a big surprise."
His words were a warning to Israel and a message to Washington that anyone trying to reach the bunker in which he has been hiding since 2006 was in for a big surprise.
Israel was painfully reminded of the Iranian C-802 shore-to-ship missile fired from the Lebanese coast which surprised and crippled the unready INS Hanit missile ship exactly six years ago.
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