Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Over the past several weeks, I have come to the realization of the deep and profound significance that this seemingly simple, modest and humble little word truly has for humanity. It all began on my trip down to South America on my visit to Ecuador a few weeks ago. As I flew over the Gulf of Mexico, and I gazed outside of my airplane window onto an orange sunset over the Gulf of Mexico, I became aware of the deep and philosophical impact such a simple word really has.
In the seat behind me, sat a mother with her young child. I suppose the little girl must have been around 6 or 7 perhaps. But throughout the entire trip, the one word she kept repeating over and over and over to her mother about everything she could think of was Why.
Why this, and why that, and as I sat there listening to her constant questions to her mother, I quickly began to see just how such a little child, using such a little word, was really a sign from the Almighty to me to realize and understand that the Lord always uses the humblest tools and methods to defeat the complex and confusing intricacies of the evil enemy. This was just one of those times when He was trying to show me another perfect example of this.
Why is not only a word that young children who are on the verge of learning about the world at large constantly use to acquire more knowledge and information, but it is a word that has been used by all of the great thinkers, saints and philosophers throughout time. I would venture to say that even in prehistoric times, cave men and women, would have used the word to not only learn about how their surrounding worked, but more importantly why?
Why were they here? Why are we here? Why do we have the abilities to use reason and logic and the rest of creation does not? Why can we decide whether to do what's right or wrong, and the rest of creation can only follow their instinct? Why is there good and evil in the world, and furthermore, why can we note and clearly differentiate between the two?
Why have men and women, knowing the difference between the two, throughout history, usually choose to do what is contrary to the obvious good? Why were men and women who lived in imitation of our Lord throughout history named saints? Why to so many questions.
Clearly this little girl did not know that her line of questioning, would lead me on a path that would further solidify my arguments against today's so called modern, secular man and woman.
Over the past few weeks I have spent writing additional chapters to my 'Lord's Lampposts' manuscript, and one of those last chapters deals greatly with the philosophic arguments that have been passed down from generation to generation from the times of the Enlightenment.
But I have rebranded this period in time as the age not of enlightenment, but of moral darkening. An age when the Christian, specifically speaking the Catholic Faith, was targeted by the secular philosophers, in order to begin to change the way men and women thought. An age, where through the false light that Lucifer, the fallen angel, would begin to mislead fallen humanity once more, just as he had done in the past.
For it was this false light, that stems from lucifer himself, that helped create all of the false philosophies that had their origins in the 1700's mainly, but today have come to full fruition. The philosophies of determinism, materialism, fatalism, predeterminism, communism, capitalism, and secularism. All of the ISMs that today have impacted the west, and its culture in a way that is constantly making people throughout always ask WHY?
Why is there so much violence in today's society? Why does there seem to be so much evil everywhere you look? Why is the family unit, which is the original cell of society, all but destroyed in the Western culture? Why are traditional families seen as outdated and bad for society, but so called progressive, alternative lifestyle units seen as good? Why are people in the west, and those influenced by western culture, so selfish, greedy, lustful, ignorant, and see what's wicked as good, and what is good as wicked?
People throughout society, especially in the West, always ask this simple question in the aftermaths of such horrific and tragic events. Events that seem today seem to have become almost the norm. Mass shootings, cannibalistic attacks, beheadings throughout the world, and a host of other evil and demonic type activity. The politicians, then trying to stem the knee jerk reactions and calls for immediate action as a response to whatever horrific event just occurred, begin to call for more legislative laws to prevent more of the same type of evil that is spreading like a cancer throughout.
What these poor, and ignorant souls don't realize is just how so much of today's so called industrialized and wealthy nations of the world have actually not only promoted, but accepted at all levels the great and evil plan that was put forth by their Illuminati masters. These people do not realize that when a society, or a world, or an individual is not at peace with God, his creator, he cannot be at peace with society at large. They do not realize that a whole that has lost touch with God, is a world that quickly falls into decay on all levels: financial, moral, social and physical health suffers as well. So in order to appease the calls from the ignorant masses, the politicians attempt to remedy the secondary effects of the cancer, yet fail to remedy the primary origins of the sickness which lies in the empty, darkness of the human heart, which only God can remedy.

They attack the instruments and weapons of destruction, yet fail to see that these are just the secondary symptoms of the spiritual illness that a people and in fact a whole society carry inside. Whether it was guns, swords, or even rocks that carried out the killings, passing legislation to ban all guns, swords, or even rocks, would still do nothing to alleviate the evil that men carry inside their hearts and souls. They would still find a way to carry out their evil acts. The obvious and most evident signs of an evil and wicked society is one in which all common sense is found absent, and thousands upon thousands of laws are created for lack of common sense in order to appease the ignorant. Where 10 simple commandments cannot be obeyed on a daily basis, but instead thousands of laws are created in order to attempt to fix that which only can be fixed through prayer, virtue, grace and humility.
The Secular New World Order plan, as envisioned by people like Allister Crowley, Albert Pike, the Rothchilds, and a host of other elite Luciferian families and backers of these plans, has been making inroads into societies and therefore cultures for the past several centuries.
Little by little these seeds were planted. First by the Englightenment philosophers, and then gradually by political and religious leaders, and finally by the masses.
The problem they initially had was that even though they have always had good support and backing from the upper, wealthy and educated classes from the very beginning, they needed to move beyond these groups in order for their new world order plans to be fully realized, they needed not just the elites, but the masses.
This is why around a hundred years ago or so, there came about this idea where everyone could receive a free public education from the state. It all sounded so good. Every one could finally learn to read, write and do arithmetic. Countries could finally begin to create a new class besides the upper nobility and lower paupers. The middle class became this class that would demonstrate to the world the fruits of having received a public, secular education. A class that would begin to grow in wealth, but still not be involved fully in the upper echelons of the true ruling nobility. They would be led to believe that they could, but in truth always be filtered out from the true positions of power. A middle class that would soon, through an increase in income, become like the wealthy nobles and emulate them not only in their materialistic desires, but also in the form that they would find it so easily to divorce their spouses and attempt to fulfill any and all types of sexual depravities.
This is why if you do careful research and analysis of every single U.S. president, you will find that most, with the exception of just a handful, were all related or had a common ancestor in their blood lines. But of course, seeing how they also controlled the public education system, as well as the publishing companies that provided the texts to these public schools, this type of dirty little secrets would be kept from the masses. They figured the masses need not know and worry about such trivial matters. They would lead the masses into believing that accumulating material wealth, and following the doctrines and philosophies of strict materialism, coupled with secularism, would lead to their ultimate happiness.
If you read from some of the texts from high level Masons and other secret society patriarchs of the early 1900's, you will see how the destruction of the family unit, as the traditional cell promoted by the Catholic Church, was always their target. They always knew that when you take out the supporting structures to any building, that building would come falling down.
These two pillars of course were the mother and the father, and their Catholic Christian Faith. They would first take out the mother role, and lie to her that she needed to be liberated from the drudgery of the home. She needed to go out and serve both big brother and big business. For one she would become another taxable income, and for the other she would become another source of cheap labor.
Just as in the book of Genesis, satan knew that if he tempted and fooled Eve into falling for the lie, Adam would surely follow into the same error through Eve.
The Illuminati did the same thing. First we target the woman, and get her to change her idea and her concept of herself, and then we will target the man.
Both pillars of the family were constantly being shown the material advantages and gains there were to be had, if families were kept small. Abortion became the fix all to what later would become the hedonistic and pleasure seeking lifestyles of the western, modern woman. Choice became her mantra. Choice to end a life, in order so that I may continue my material gains, and social/sexual pleasures. From 1920, to 1970, within 50 years, the Illuminati had achieved the destruction of the first pillar.
Then, from 1970 to modern times, the cultural attack on the second pillar ensued. This attack has come mainly through the media, especially Hollywood. Let us not forget that it was a couple of 33rd degree Masons who began Hollywood in the first place.
If you have noticed, the role of father has gone from that of being a wise, leader that commanded respect in the family structure, to that of being a brainless buffoon. From movies that began in the 1970's, such as National Lampoon's Vacation series of movies with Chevy Chase, to then 1980 sitcoms such as Married With Children, to the 1990's series the Simpsons, to present day. The tearing down of the father figure today is complete.
In everything from movies, to sitcoms, to cartoons, to even commercials, the father figure has been torn down to now being seen as a complete idiotic, brainless buffoon, that only cares about his beer, women, and money.
The Illuminati realized that as soon as the traditional family structure was torn down, a new, so called modern and according to them, progressive one had to be erected in its place. Hence in the 1990's you got Seinfeld, and Friends, and Frasier, and a host of other shows that showed how society no longer needed the traditional family structure, but could not function perfectly well with one that counted on 'Friends living together.'
These new shows, and movies that began feeding these new notions in the collective mind of the west, also began to promote homosexuality as well as a host of other aberrant, deviant and immoral lifestyles.
Seinfeld was constantly promoting promiscuous sexual relationships, as well as other unethical lifestyle decisions all in the name of comedic license. Same with all of the other culturally popular shows.
The movies in Hollywood, all mainly produced by Illuminati production companies, also began to produce and promote more of the same anti Christian and in many cases demonic type movies, and selling them to the masses as wholesome entertainment.
Movies such as Pulp Fiction, the Matrix, and so many that I could not possibly list them all on here, all desensitized their viewers to extreme scenes of horrific violent and or sexual acts and events. People's eyes, their windows to their souls, were being slowly but surely conditioned and in some cases possibly possessed by very evil and wicked spirits and demonic energies.
Coupled with the fact that the family was now destroyed, and the secularistic philosophies of subjective relativism is now the modern way of thinking that says there are no absolutes, no God, No objective truths, and no Heaven or Hell, and reality is whatever I deem it to be, then is it any wonder WHY the things that are happening throughout the world are happening???
You cannot take every nail and screw out of house, and then question WHY it fell down and hurt the people inside. You cannot take every bolt or rivet out of a steel structure, and then ask why it collapsed.
You cannot take every lynch pin that holds the structures of society and the people in that society out, and then question why that society, or the people in that society are seemingly on a path of self destruction. You cannot teach morally relativistic philosophies through all forms of media, and education institutes, and then ask why people do such evil? You cannot desensitize and condition a people to accepting all forms of violent and violence filled forms of so called entertainment that they begin to partake of when they are very young, and then question WHY when those same people years later partake of the same events they have been seeing and in a way being trained and conditioned for, for years. You cannot accept and promote the luciferian Illuminati philosophy of demonic evil through the acceptance of these doctrines and philosophies, and then the next day ask where God was in such a tragedy.
I write this not so much for all of the evil, wicked and demonic acts and events that are currently happening throughout the world, but more so when the nuclear war begins and ends.
People then too will be asking WHY. Why did such a war happen? Why did God allow for such a War? Why was there no rapture? Why?
It is ironic how the Illuminati news media in the west, continues to ask this very question in light of all the tragedies that are occurring throughout the world, yet completely ignore how they and their leaders continue to take away the very lynch pins, nails, screws, and bolts that hold those very societies together. For it takes work to build a house, a Faith, a People, but it takes nothing to destroy. What took the Catholic Faith 2,000 years to build in the west, the Illuminati philosophies have destroyed in less than 200 years, with the last 50 years seeing the rate of accelerated destruction at its worst.
Destruction of the individual, the family, and a Faith. But just as Jesus trumped the devil and his pride on the 3rd day by resurrecting in Glorious fashion, so will the Church and the Faith do so after this brief victory by satan and his followers are having currently throughout. For the Church does what it has seen its master do. It appears to die from time to time, but only to resurrect in glory again and again. For many have been those that have written the Catholic Church's eulogy, only to see the Church write theirs instead. For Jesus Himself said, 'And never will the powers of Hell overcome it.'
That little word that the child on the airplane was constantly speaking, is the very word and the very reason why the Good Lord has allowed for not only the existence of such word, but also the existence of the path that this word ultimately leads one on. The word that all children utter to their parents in order to know the reason, motive or purpose for something, is the same as model that the Lord uses for us as His children to ask Him when life seems to have lost any one, or all three of these things. The modern secular philosophers will say that there is no ultimate reason, motive or purpose to life, for this incomplete answer seems to suffice for them in the short term. But it is obvious that this word not only speaks to us from within when something is wrong or feels incomplete, but at times it also screams to us and people struggle to find the right reasons or answers to their own or other's questions to the meaning or purpose of life in the greater scheme of things. For if the Stephen Hawkings of the world were right in their assertions that there is no greater meaning or purpose, then even their own inquires and their own exalted conclusions are made invalid by their own philosophies.

The Good Lord has given us the answers to the questions that try men's hearts and souls, since the beginning of time. The problem always arises when man's pride does away with God's Laws and Commandments and replaces them with his own that most often are advised by the serpent and his followers.

The following are a few more things I found on the Bible codes website and it shows some very interesting matrices in Scripture.




Note in the codes, how Mormon and Dan are found in the same matrices. Seeing how Dan is the one of the Tribes the Bible excludes from salvation, and how throughout the Old Testament, it shows how the war will come from Dan, or the West, NATO, in the this coming world war and of course, Romney being the son of the Tribe of Dan, by the Mormon faith, will be their perfect leader in this coming world war.
But notice also the Matrix that reads China over Dan and 2020.
I will continue to research this topic and add more in the coming days.





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