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X-Men First Class----Predictive Programming For Nuclear World War 3!!!

UPDATE---I had posted this article on beforeitsnews website under conspiracy theories category, and as of yesterday afternoon, the posting has been taken down.

It's always interesting to note how the powers that are constantly are trying to cover up truth.

X-Men First Class:
Analysis Of Illuminati Message
For World War 3 and Nuclear False Flag.
by Elijah

I don't often go to the movies, but when I do it is mainly to go and analyze the most recent Illuminati movie and their message for the masses. Yesterday I decided to go see the latest one, 'X-Men First Class.'

If you want to go see a perfect example of predictive conditioning/programming, one that Hitler himself would be proud of, then I would advise you to go see this movie, or wait until it's out on DVD.

The entire movie is one message about them, and their reasoning for why a nuclear war will be necessary. It's really very heartwarming to hear the mantra that they keep repeating throughout the dialog of the movie.

From the very beginning of the movie it shows a young mutant, who turns out to be Magneto (an X-Men villain for those who may not know the comic book characters), being tortured by a Nazi officer. The young mutant who was actually a Jew, and would later in life make it a point to kill this Nazi officer who killed his mother and carried out all sorts of testing on him, due to his mutant powers.

The movie advances several years and we see the character locate this former Nazi officer in Miami, but at the same time he runs into Charles Xavier, another mutant who has great abilities as well.

The cities that were shown in this movie, which in a way could be predictive programming by the Illuminati were Miami and Las Vegas.

Eric, the Magneto character, is talked into staying on with Charles Xavier who is trying to locate other mutants with different powers and abilities. Xavier by this point in the movie is now working for the CIA.

There are several scenes throughout the movie that very subtly let you know what they are planning and why.

In one scene Charles and Eric fly to Las Vegas, and on one of the Casinos it has the name of 'Atomic.' on it. Throughout the movie the words, 'World War 3,' 'Nuclear War,' and 'Atomic,' were used many times.

Towards the beginning of the movie you heard the phrase, 'There is a revolution coming, because they know who we are, ' or something to that effect. This has a double meaning due to the fact that the revolution they are referring to is one that is so blatant to see around the world as we speak, in many different countries.

The mutants in this movie represent the Illuminati themselves! The mutant characters in this movie were constantly saying why they were going to be targeted by the masses, due to the fact that they were now being discovered by the masses.

The mantra that kept being repeated throughout the movie by the mutant characters was also one of, 'We are the superior beings!' 'We are the ones who have this power and therefore we are the ones who should live after this nuclear war wipes everyone out!' (this message is the one that was also in the movie 'The Watchmen.')

The Illuminati see themselves as these mutant characters. Superior in intellect, superior in power, and deserving to live when the nuclear war they instigate wipes the majority of the masses off the face of the earth.

Later in the movie, you see the character being played by Kevin Bacon who is also another mutant with great power, disclose his plan for a nuclear war between the super powers, after which they would live as he put it, 'like kings and queens.'

It is amazing to note just how much information this movie gave to the public about their future nuclear false flag operation. Kevin Bacon's character throughout the movie is constantly working both sides of the conflict in order to get both sides to attack one another. This of course makes reference to their philosophy of John Hegel, known as the Hegelian Dialectic.

The two super powers he is constantly getting to get to point nuclear arms at one another and fire them are Russia and the U.S. Other Illuminati movies include China, like Inception.

Also, from the beginning of the movie, you see them talking about a missile shield, being placed in Turkey by the U.S. and how that would lead to nuclear response from Russia. Just about two weeks ago Obama was in Poland to reaffirm the U.S.'s proposal and support for a missile shield in Poland, and Russia has been giving very stern warnings about this as well.

The movie mirrors current and future realities. Towards the end of the movie, after the nuclear war had been averted between the two superpowers, the Illuminati character played by Kevin Bacon was going to make sure that this war was ignited and did so by proceeding to plan B, the nuclear false flag option.

Also, throughout the movie, you saw the repeated image of JFK, one of the Illuminati's targets that was disposed of when he wouldn't go along with their subversive plans. This perhaps could also be another tell tell sign of their plans.

In conclusion, I'm sure if I were to view this movie again, I would probably find more clues, but for now this is the gist of the film as understood by me. The predictive programming floods this movie, because this is what they are planning. They place these clues in these movies, and sell it as entertainment, but if you are wise to see, you will know of their coming sinister plans for humanity.

Take care and God bless, in Christ's name.


  1. Hello Elijah

    That was very interesting. There has been talk by people who are awake about a nuclear attack in US. I am starting to think it may be better to be living in Russia or are they going to be nuked as well? Anyway we are trying to find a way to leave UK by the end of August - hopefully in time for whatever is coming. Not sure where we will go; it's in God's hands now and we are waiting for him to show us the way...

  2. I agree 100% i googled xmen first class illuminati after i watched it because i noticed the blatant observations you did and found this article. Good movie but sad what these sick twisted monsters (im sure theyll take that insult as a copliment) will do to indirectly expose themselves!

  3. Hello Ken, yes i'm sure they would take it as a compliment.
    The messages are completely blatant and the vast majority of the audiences don't even understand them.

  4. Let me elaborate on that article my friend :)

    There is a mutant character in that movie who goes by the name "Azazel". Now Azazel is a term used three times in the Hebrew scriptures, and later in Hebrew mythology as the enigmatic name of a character.

    The term in the Bible is limited to three uses in Leviticus 16, where a goat is designated לַעֲזָאזֵֽל la-aza'zeyl; either "for absolute removal" or "for Azazel" and outcast in the desert as part of Yom Kippur.

    Later Azazel was considered by some Jewish sources to be a supernatural being mentioned in connection with the ritual of the Day of Atonement. Also, he is a goat like demon. Basically a demon.

    Another thing I want to point out is that
    there is a part where one of the bad guys say and I quote "You are either with us or against us" now that quote was used by George Bush.

    So, yes this movie is all Illuminati related.

  5. I appreciate your input, and thank you for that reference.


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