The signs are all here, but few with God's wisdom and His grace see them.
White Buffalo Born In North Texas
Posted on June 3, 2011 at 9:52 PM
Updated today at 10:27 PM
GREENVILLE, Texas - As legend goes, chances are one in 10 million that a white buffalo will ever enter this world.
So, what are the chances it would happen in North Texas on an Indian-owned ranch that has a symbolic white buffalo sculpture at the entrance gate? Well, it happened. The white buffalo was born two weeks ago during the intense power of a driving thunderstorm.
The white buffalo was born on Arby Little Soldier’s ranch in Hunt County. Little Soldier is part Mandan Indian, part Lakota; he says he is also a great grandson of Sitting Bull.
“I’m proud that he is here in Greenville,” he said.
While all the other buffaloes on Little Soldier’s ranch belong to him, he said the white one belongs to all people and nations. He believes, and custom dictates, that the animal’s existence is a powerful message, but its meaning is not yet known.
The white calf’s unknown prophecy will be interpreted by native elders, who are expected to convene at the ranch later this month. At that time, as is custom, they'll also give the white calf a proper and fitting name.
"I look out there as I’m mowing or fixing a fence and I look at him and he’s just playing like a young child and I say, ‘My four-legged brother, some day you’ll be speaking to us and you’re words are strong,” Little Soldier said.
But for now, he is small and Little Soldier says the older buffalo are quick to circle the white calf when a stranger comes near.
"They’re protecting him,” he said.
It's something they don't do for the calf's half-brother, "Curly," born just two days earlier.
Like the older buffalo, Little Soldier does not take lightly his responsibility to care for the white buffalo until it reaches maturity at age two.
“He was sent here for a reason,” Little Soldier said. "I guess, spiritually, I was ready."
Among the Lakota, the Crow, the Chippewa and other Native American tribes, the White Buffalo is one of the most sacred symbols. It represents purity, sacrifice and a sign that prophecy is being fulfilled. The Messiah honored by the Lakota Sioux is the White Buffalo Calf Woman who brought the Sacred Pipe and established the foundation of their ritual and social life. When she left, she turned into a white buffalo, and promised some day to return. In 1994 a white buffalo calf was born in Wisconsin; in 1996 another was born in South Dakota. For the native peoples these births have been a sign to "mend the hoop" of the nations, to establish brotherhood within the family of man, and return to a spiritual way of life. (SI) Sept. 96, p.14)
Jake Swamp of the Mohawk nation tells of the Peacemaker, Deganawida, who unified the tribes of the Iroquois Confederacy. The Peacemaker foresaw the turmoil and destruction that would destroy the lives and culture of the Confederacy tribes. But he also saw a time beyond when there would come a great Prophet who would be a World Uniter. He would come in the same spirit as other prophets before Him but would renew the spirit of man in a way more worldwide and all-embracing than ever before in history....
Australia and New Zealand
Among the Australian aboriginals it is believed that each tribe has a responsibility to take care of one part of the environment. They believe that underground minerals are a vital part of the earth's energy grid and are greatly concerned about the excessive mining in modern times, particularly of uranium. In 1975 the elders met in Canberra, drawing together over 350 Aboriginal people. They gave a warning of cataclysms to come and told the people to go out and teach their knowledge to the world, to prepare it for a future time when we would go back to our beginnings — when all cultures will exist as one.
The Waitaha nation claims the most ancient lineage in New Zealand. When the nation was broken up by warriors from the Pacific the elders concealed 1,000 years of their generational history and wisdom teachings, passing the knowledge on through only a tiny number of people in each generation. In 1990 the elders saw in the heavens a configuration that was a sign for them to release their sacred knowledge. A book, The Song of Waitaha by Barry Brailsford, contains these teachings. In their language wai means water and taha means gourd, implying the idea of a water carrier, the sign of Aquarius.
South America
The Kogi are a pre-Columbian tribe who live an isolated existence in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in Colombia. They are one of the few who escaped the destruction of the Europeans and still live their lives in accordance with their ancient spiritual heritage. Alarmed by the excessive mining and deforestation of modern times, in 1990 (for the one and only time) they allowed a BBC television film crew to visit them and document their lives. Calling themselves "The Elder Brothers", they wished to issue an urgent warning to the "younger brothers." High in their mountain lands, they see that the earth is drying up, the sources of water that should give sustenance to the plains below are no longer vital. They warn us that the earth is dying and, "When the Earth dies we will all die."
Willaru Huarta grew up in the jungles of Peru, studying with the shamans. He says that his native Quechua Incan prophecies predicted the white man's coming would bring 500 years of materialism and imbalance. But now they say that era is coming to an end and the Age of Aquarius will "signal the return of Light to the planet and the dawn of a golden era. We live in a time of the fulfillment of prophecy." Now he tours the world teaching his simple message: "Humanity should cure itself and give help to the poor. Regenerate yourself with light, and then help those who have poverty of the soul. Return to the inner spirit, which we have abandoned while looking elsewhere for happiness."
The Q'ero are another Peruvian group that are releasing prophecy, traveling to the industrialized nations to hold ceremonies and share their vision of the future. (SI) Jan./Feb. 97, pp. 8-9)
"The Hopi stand on the religious and spiritual grounds that our old people have kept in their religious societies. Each one has his own special duty, and this is like any animal, bird, fruit of all kind and the flowers. Everything has its own gift to give to the world, to share and to give to others. So, each one of us and each of the religious men also has that duty, whether he is a small person or a young man. We are all looking and searching for peace, harmony and better understanding amongst ourselves, so that we can face that day which Hopi call Purification Day, some say Judgement Day, some say Last Day. The Hopi were given that religion or belief and understanding of life in order to stand there to prove to Great Spirit when we face him again that we will still be speaking Hopi language and standing on our own path. The others were given their knowledge also, and you must stand on that path. But, together we must share with each other, come together and live in peace until we get there, so that when Great Spirit stands up we will not be afraid. Because, the Great Spirit also provided that there will be a Purifier who will stand there to weed out the bad ones from among us. It will be done with power and might. We cannot change that, we cannot stop it, and cannot add anything to it to change it. That's the way it’s laid out, and these leaders know this. So, the basic thing now is for these leaders to explain this standard of life, so that we may get a better understanding of it.”
Thank you for sharing this. Thank the Great Spirit for giving us each a part to play and our essential uniqueness within the whole. Those of you who know your role, play it. Those of you who are not yet sure, pray for guidance. Live in Light and spread it!
ReplyDeleteThank you Claire W for your comment. I know the Holy Spirit is at work here on this earth, but very few notice His Work. God bless and keep you during these coming dark times.
ReplyDeleteWhat ever is meant for us, Will not go by us. MITAKUYE OYASIN - We Are All Related & We Are All Connected.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comment Apacheone. I appreciate your time and your input on this blog. God bless.