I found the following information and felt it was important enough to share. The information certainly merits some concern and if you have noticed the warning signs in Illuminati movies over the past several years, it certainly coincides with what the information alludes to.
A lot of the most recent movies put out by Hollywood in the past few years have delt with solar storm, like in the movie 'Knowing' and other major disasters such as the movie 2012, and a host of others that deal with these types of events.
The following link I found to be a bit informative and the elite do know that something is coming, but looking at your cable TV news networks, you will never know it.
Also, keep in mind that in the movie 'Knowing,' there is a date given of October 19, when everything will be destroyed by this solar flare. In the movie, Nic Cage finds out that EE, stands for everyone else, but through online research, have come across that this could also be a sign by the PTB, that it could also stand for eleven, eleven.
If you Google this, you will come across a lot of very interesting information regarding this.
In the following video from NASA, that is found in the link I provide, one of the key dates is OCTOBER 17, 2011, when this comet is expected to come closest to the earth.
Also, if you recal Nostradamus' Quatrain, in century2 quatrain 62, it references how this anti Christian figure he called Mabus, would die shortly after the comet would pass.
We shall see, if these warnings the Illuminati have given us pan out according to their timelines.
An employee of NASA has leaked a mass email sent on or about June 9.2011 urging disaster preparedness for all NASA employees. This may just be standard fare but it comes on the heels of some very shocking revelations. NASA and the ESA (European Space Agency) have been warning the world for two years about the approaching catastrophes that may unfold during late 2011 through 2012.
It has been called a “once in a lifetime super solar storm event. NASA and the ESA have warned of dangerous solar activity that could cause disruptions if not destruction to the Northern Hemisphere’s technological infrastructure. In this scenario many modern electrical devices would fry and power grids may stop functioning.
Russia astrophysicist, Alexey Demetriev claims the coming disaster will be much worse. On July 14, 2010 Scientists discovered that our system is passing through an interstellar energy cloud. This incredibly energized, electrified cloud of gas is causing massive unrest on the sun’s surface. With the Earth’s weakening and moving magnetic shield, the world may become very vulnerable to the huge solar flares and intense radiation they will generate.
Add to all this the Comet (or dwarf star) Elenin , which is due to make it’s closest passes to Earth during this same time period in late 2011, and its no wonder NASA sent s warning e-mail to its employees.
It has been called a “once in a lifetime super solar storm event. NASA and the ESA have warned of dangerous solar activity that could cause disruptions if not destruction to the Northern Hemisphere’s technological infrastructure. In this scenario many modern electrical devices would fry and power grids may stop functioning.
Russia astrophysicist, Alexey Demetriev claims the coming disaster will be much worse. On July 14, 2010 Scientists discovered that our system is passing through an interstellar energy cloud. This incredibly energized, electrified cloud of gas is causing massive unrest on the sun’s surface. With the Earth’s weakening and moving magnetic shield, the world may become very vulnerable to the huge solar flares and intense radiation they will generate.
Add to all this the Comet (or dwarf star) Elenin , which is due to make it’s closest passes to Earth during this same time period in late 2011, and its no wonder NASA sent s warning e-mail to its employees.
Hello Elijah thanks for the update on this life saving information
ReplyDeleteWe still have some time but not much. Elenin will be in an alignment on 26 September but will be getting close in August -- so time to stock up on survival foods, water and whatever else you can because when this happens it will be too late.
Get away from fault lines and have a place to go preferably at a high altitude, but at least 300 feet above sea level - higher would be better
Good day Perry. I agree that it will be very important to have these vital resources before its too late. thank you for your comment. May you and your family be blessed and protected by our Good Lord.