Most of the following information I gathered from the warning signs list of a potential false flag attack in Vancouver. I found it interesting how it mentions that this particular company, Verint, always seems to do well previous any attack and during stock market crashes.
I have been following this company over the last week in it's stock market sessions and found that this company has been going up every day. Hmmm, seems like a very interesting stock pick, especially seeing how almost every other stock, in all 3 major markets all declined significantly.
Also, after a bit more research into this company, I have found that they have as recently as 2005 been under investigation by the SEC for unusual trading patterns, before certain events.
The Israeli company Verint, whose camera systems were on buses and the London underground and inconveniently (for us) malfunctioned on 7/7/05 during the London Bombings, was the same company to install cameras in Vancouver Airport, the subways in Montreal, and other key locations around Canada for the upcoming Winter Olympic Games.
Also, worthy of noting is that in the past, during a large terrorist attack where their systems are installed, as the DOW goes down, stocks at Verint have always shown to have gone up. They are said to be connected to the Madrid bombings on 3/11, as well as 9/11.
In more interesting news about Verint’s systems, I have attached the following link to show how Verint's stock price has been doing, especially today, as the Dow plunged 268 points, and the S&P 500 lost around 3.11% of its total value.
Verint's action today in trading.
All of these past terrorist events have raised security consciousness, and more often than not Verint has been the contract winner. Verint also just happens to be the involved with the primary security companies functioning' at all airports that just happened to be involved with ALL of the 911 airplane hijackings, and the recent underwear bomber.Red Alert, Possible False Flag at 2010 Olympics?
Verint has provided security tools for Vancouver International Airport since 2002, and Montreal Metro and Copenhagen transit since 2004, and they were recently contracted to provide security for ING Banking in Australia. They were at the Beijing Olympics in 2008, and there�s no reason to doubt they are directly involved in the 2010 Olympics. They are also widespread in France; in fact, they are everywhere.
Prime Minister Harper has mysteriously prorogued Parliament until after the Olympics, without giving any valid reason.Do you smell a rat? Considering Proroguing Parliament means that the legislation Harper has been pushing against us will have to be started all over again� so this is good news, but is very suspicious.
IF a false flag' mossad/cia terror attack happens, Harper might call a national emergency, and perhaps use it as a leverage to force all of his satanic draconian legislation, like bill C-60, which elevates the rights of American Police on Canadian soil in the course of an integrated cross-border operation, to the degree that "every designated officer is a peace officer in every part of Canada and has the same power to enforce an Act of Parliament as a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
"Known facts:- Verint is the same Israeli Mossad security front that provided their high tech, 'infallible' cameras to the London tunnel system that mysteriously went offline shortly before and during the London bombing on 7/7-
Vancouver is going to have 10 times the amount of security that the BeijingOlympics had, and 5 times more than the most recent G20 summit- Vancouver will effectively have martial law declared; protests are banned in all but certain "free speech zones" which are well away from the games- Stephen Harper (Canada's Prime Minister) has prorogued Parliament for seemingly no logical reason; the Canadian parliament was going to reconvene on January 25 and would be present for the Olympics; with proroguing, they will not convene until March 3; Canada will effectively have no representative government during the Olympics, and if there is an attack there will be no precedent for how to deal with it. - About 13,000 police, RCMP, troops and private security will be there along with about 100 cctv cameras; NORAD is going to be there, and a joint U.S./Canadian military operation has been "temporarily" setup in Richmond, a city neighboring Vancouver.I repeat, the Israeli Mossad owned Verint just happens to be running security at the Vancouver International Airport.
The Mossad were exposed in 2007 when it was discovered that Verint was running security in Montreal's Metro subway, and the Montreal 911 Truth Movement moved quickly to warn people that Verint has a history of running security at airports and subways where terrorist acts happen to occur. The Israeli Intel front company Verint is doing security in Calgary (YYC) and Vancouver (YVR) International airports. The company is famous for putting back-doors in its software, which phones home to Israel. The company involved with facilitating the 9/11 attacks, and the 7/7 attacks.Some people asked "I saw the video but apparently I'm missing something. How can you equate suspending parliament during the Olympics as a prelude to a "false flag" attack?
Is parliament required to attend the games or something if they were in session? And if someone were attacking the Olympics, what advantage would it be if Parliament were not in session?"MTL911Truth has made a documentary on this Israeli mossad intelligence front company Verint, and this exposure may have already averted such an attack in Montreal. These guys are very, very bad people. If you want to know the ins and outs of who and why, simply check out the video here:
Thanks for sharing such important information with us in which you have given the appreciable facilities which are provided in Vancouver. I love your blog article and please keep updating us.
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